Includes works of current faculty, emeritus faculty, in memoriam faculty and faculty on leave of the Peter A. Allard School of Law.


Submissions from 2006

Introduction, Janis Sarra

Modernizing Disclosure in Canadian Securities Law: An Assessment of Recent Developments in Canada and Selected Jurisdictions, Janis Sarra

Recent U.S. Litigation on Credit Default Swaps, Janis Sarra

The Court's Use of Inherent Jurisdiction in Canadian Insolvency Proceedings, Janis Sarra

Corporate Governance in the Canadian Resource and Energy Sectors, Janis Sarra and Vivian Kung


Rethinking Guantánamo: Unlawful Confinement as Applied in International Criminal Law, James G. Stewart

Aristotle on the Rule of Law, Stephen Wexler and Andrew Irvine

Voluntary Environmental Codes and Sustainability, Stepan Wood

What's Sex Got to Do With It? Tax and the Family in Canada, Claire Young


What's Sex Got to Do with it? Tax and the 'Family' in Canada, Claire F.L. Young


‘Blissed Out: Section 15 at Twenty’, Margot Young

Charter of Rights, Margot Young

Women in BC: Human Rights Under Attack: Submission of The Poverty And Human Rights Centre to the United Nations Committee on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights on the Occasion of the Consideration of Canada's Fourth and Fifth Reports on the Implementati, Margot Young and Shelagh Day

Submissions from 2005


Symposium on Tax Avoidance after Canada Trustco and Mathew: Summary of Proceedings, Benjamin Alarie, Sanjana Bhatia, and David G. Duff


An Income-Contingent Financing Program for Ontario, Benjamin Alarie and David G. Duff

Corporations Unbound, Joel Bakan

Equality Rights, William Black

Mediation Before the B.C. Human Rights Tribunal, William Black

The Equality Rights, William Black

Canadian Cases in Private International Law in 2004-5 / Jurisprudence canadienne en matière de droit international privé en 2004-5, Joost Blom

Damages in Contract and Tort: Would-Have-Beens and Would-Have-Dones, Joost Blom


The Chimera of the Real and Substantial Connection Test, Joost Blom and Elizabeth Edinger

Corporatism and Legal Education in Canada, Susan B. Boyd

Finding Facts Fairly in Roberts and Zuckerman's Criminal Evidence, Christine Boyle and Jesse Nyman

Human Rights Denied: Single Mothers on Social Assistance in British Columbia, Gwen Brodsky, Melina Buckley, Shelagh Day, and Margot Young

Foreword to the Special Edition: Symposium Honouring the Late Mr. Justice Kenneth Lysyk, November 5 & 6, 2004, Philip Bryden and Robin Elliot


A Colonial Reading of Recent Jurisprudence: Sparrow, Delgamuukw and Haida Nation, Gordon Christie

Humanitarianism, Identity and Nation: Migration Laws of Australia and Canada, Catherine Dauvergne

Refugee Law and the Measure of Globalisation, Catherine Dauvergne

After the Fall: Trustees, Receivers, and Employees of Insolvent Businesses under Bill C-55, Ronald Davis

From St. Mary's Paper to TCT Logistics: Receiver-Managers of Insolvent Companies in a Constitutional Battlefield, Ronald Davis

A Consideration of Possible Policy Options for the Oppression Remedy under the Canada Business Corporations Act, Ronald Davis and Janis Sarra

Civil and Political Rights in British Columbia 2005: Submission to the United Nations Human Rights Committee on the Occasion of its Review of Canada's 5th Report on Compliance with the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights, Shelagh Day, Margot Young, and Lisa Phillips

Women's Civil and Political Rights in Canada 2005: Submission of The Canadian Feminist Alliance for International Action to the United Nations Human Rights Committee on the Occasion of its Review of Canada's 5th Report on Compliance with the International, Shelagh Day, Margot Young, and Lisa Phillips


Private Property and Tax Policy in a Libertarian World: A Critical Review, David G. Duff


The Abolition of Wealth Transfer Taxes: Lessons from Canada, Australia and New Zealand, David G. Duff


Road Pricing in Theory and Practice: A Canadian Perspective, David G. Duff and Carl Irvine

British Columbia v. Imperial Tobacco Canada Ltd.: Extraterritoriality Post-Unifund, Elizabeth Edinger

British Columbia v. Imperial Tobacco Canada Ltd.: Judicial Independence and the Rule of Law, Robin Elliot

Morton and Knopff's 'The Charter Revolution and the Court Party': A Legal Critique, Robin Elliot

Taxpayers or Governments? Default as Determinant in Canadian and US Supreme Court Tax Decisions, Alexandra Flynn


Toward a Reform-Minded Model for Securities Law Enforcement, Cristie Ford

Indian Reserves, Aboriginal Fisheries and the Public Right to Fish in British Columbia, Douglas C. Harris

Vetrovec Cautions and Confirmatory Evidence: A Necessarily Complex Relationship, Nikos Harris

Bankruptcy and Insolvency Law of Canada, L. W. Houlden, G. B. Morawetz, and Janis Sarra


A Model of Scholarship, Michael Jackson

Aboriginal Traditions of Tolerance and Reparation: Introducing Canadian Colonialism, Darlene Johnston

Lo, How Sparrow Has Fallen: A Retrospective of the Supreme Court of Canada's Section 35 Jurisprudence, Darlene Johnston

Changing Codes and Changing Constitutions, Hoi Kong

Willis, 'Theology,' and the Rule of Law, Mary Liston

Contracts, Bruce MacDougall

Freedom of Expression of Mass Media, Shigenori Matsui

Jury System and Freedom of Expression, Shigenori Matsui

Merger of UFJ Group and Mitsubishi Group and the Right of Access to the Courts, Shigenori Matsui

Public Safety and the Internet, Shigenori Matsui


Leading Towards a Level Playing Field, Repaying Ecological Debt, or Making Environmental Space: Three Stories About International Environmental Cooperation, Karin Mickelson

Upholding Corporal Punishment: For Whose Benefit?, Judith Mosoff and Isabel Grant


Prisoner Voting Rights in Canada: Rejecting the Notion of Temporary Outcasts, Debra Parkes

The 'Caring and Sharing' Alternative: Recent Progress in the International Law Association to Develop Draft Cultural Material Principles, Robert K. Paterson


Child Soldiers: Legal and Military Challenges in Confronting a Global Phenomenon, Benjamin Perrin

Planning for Housing Requirements, Ngai Pindell

Governance of China's Periphery: Balancing Local Autonomy and National Unity, Pitman B. Potter


Book Review: Peter H. Russell, Recognizing Aboriginal Title: The Mabo Case and Indigenous Resistance to English-Settler, W. Wesley Pue

Investigating Alternatives to Rights: The Hungarian Constitutional Court and the Protection of a Minimum Level of Assistance, Graham Reynolds

Annual Review of Insolvency Law 2004, Janis Sarra

Class Act: Considering Race and Gender in the Corporate Boardroom, Janis Sarra

Governance and Control: The Role of Debtor-in-Possession Financing under the CCAA, Janis Sarra

Introduction, Janis Sarra

Proposed Model of a Federal Insolvency Collective Bargaining Process, Janis Sarra

Review of Dissent Rights under the Canada Business Corporations Act, A Consideration of the Efficacy of Current Provisions and Possible Policy Options, Janis Sarra

Review of the Derivative Action Provisions of the Canada Business Corporations Act, Policy Implications and Options, Janis Sarra

Securities Law in Canada: Cases and Commentary - Mary G. Condon, Anita I. Anand & Janis P. Sarra, Janis Sarra

Shades of Brown - A Comment on the Legacy of the David Brown Years at the Ontario Securities Commission, Janis Sarra

The Need for a Structured Approach to Treatment of Collective Agreements in Insolvency Workouts, Janis Sarra

The Oppression Remedy: The Peoples' Choice, Janis Sarra

Capital Gains, Anthony Sheppard

Expert Evidence in the Context of the Law of Evidence at Large, Anthony Sheppard

Institutional Cooperation for Maritime Security at Regional and Sub-Regional Levels, Ian Townsend-Gault

What Counts Cannot Be Counted, Stephen Wexler

Charter of Rights, Margot Young


Section 7 and the Politics of Social Justice, Margot Young

Submissions from 2004

Breaking New Ground: Women, Mining Projects, and Canadian Law, Natasha Affolder

Newfoundland (Treasury Board) v. Newfoundland Association of Public Employees (N.A.P.E.), Efrat Arbel

The Corporation: The Pathological Pursuit of Profit and Power, Joel Bakan


Hierarchies of Harm in Canadian Criminal Law: The Marijuana Trilogy and the Forcible 'Correction' of Children, Janine Benedet

Pornography as Sexual Harassment in Canada, Janine Benedet

Statutory Regulation of Employment, Janine Benedet

Equality in Employment, Janine Benedet, Patricia Hughes, and Kerry Rittich

Anxious Reconciliation(s): Unsettling Foundations and Spatializing History, Brenna Bhandar

A Search for Effective Measures and Procedures to Enforce Intellectual Property Rights in the European Union, Ljiljana Biuković

Canadian Cases in Private International Law in 2003-4 / Jurisprudence canadienne en matière de droit international privé en 2003-4, Joost Blom

Whither Choice of Law? A Look at Canada and Australia, Joost Blom

UBC Law Faculty News: Professor Peter Burns Retires, Joost Blom and Elizabeth Edinger


Backlash Against Feminism: Custody and Access Reform Debates of the Late 20th Century, Susan B. Boyd

Contextualizing the Best Interests of the Child: Justice L'Heureux-Dubé's Approach to Child Custody and Access Law, Susan B. Boyd

Demonizing Mothers: Fathers' Rights Discourses in Child Custody Law Reform Processes, Susan B. Boyd

Legal Regulation of Families in Changing Societies, Susan B. Boyd

Privatization, Law, and the Public/Private Divide, Susan B. Boyd

The Perils of Rights Discourse: A Response to Kitzinger and Wilkinson, Susan B. Boyd

The Responsible Divorce?, Susan B. Boyd