Includes works of current faculty, emeritus faculty, in memoriam faculty and faculty on leave of the Peter A. Allard School of Law.


Submissions from 2025


Old Habits Die Hard: Precedent, Psychology, and the Admissibility of Forensic Evidence, Sara Gordon


Volumetric Subdivision and the Architectures of Property, Douglas C. Harris


"17 going on 23": Sentencing Young People to Life in Canada, Debra Parkes


Artificial Intelligence & Criminal Justice: Cases and Commentary, Benjamin Perrin


Lethal Autonomous Weapons Systems & International Law: Growing Momentum Towards a New International Treaty, Benjamin Perrin


The Future of Warfare: National Positions on the Governance of Lethal Autonomous Weapons Systems, Benjamin Perrin and Masoud Zamani

Submissions from 2024


Boom or Bust: The Public Trust Doctrine in Canadian Climate Change Litigation, Hassan M. Ahmad

Judicial Activism in Transnational Business and Human Rights Litigation, Hassan M. Ahmad


Post-Conviction Disclosure in the Canadian Context, Alexandra Ballantyne and Tamara Levy, K.C.


Tort Law: Cases and Commentaries, Samuel Beswick


The Chinese Tax System: Where It Stands and How We Should Study It, Wei Cui

The Global Minimum Tax and National Interests: Strategic Incentives for Pillar Two Adoption, Wei Cui


Administrative Procedures as Tax Enforcement Tools, Wei Cui, Jeff Hicks, and Michael Wiebe


The Risks to Refugee Law of Humanitarian Responses to Flight from Ukraine, Catherine Dauvergne

Borrowed Words and Judicial Gestalt: A Dialogical Reading of Hirst, the ECtHR and Prisoner Voting Rights, Julen Etxabe


Social Control and Homeless Encampments: Shifting the Role of Shelters Through Judicial Review, Alexandra Flynn


The Governance of Public Space by Legally Unique Bodies: A Case Study of Vancouver’s Granville Island, Alexandra Flynn and Claire Stevenson-Blythe


Access to Environmental Justice in Canadian Environmental Impact Assessment, Thomas Gilmour and Jocelyn Stacey


The Role of Pornography in the “Rough Sex” Defence in Canada, Lisa Gotell, Isabel Grant, and Elizabeth Sheehy


Sandbagging in Canadian Law and Practice, Camden Hutchison


The Future of Unfair Terms Regulation in Commercial Contracts, Marcus Moore


Artificial Intelligence & Criminal Justice: A Primer, Benjamin Perrin

Fascicule 14 : Formation du mariage, Régine Tremblay


“A Hot Day in Iqaluit”? Environmental Rights in Canada’s Constitutional Cul-de-Sac, Stepan Wood

Submissions from 2023


The Transnational Exchange of Law Through Climate Change Litigation, Natasha Affolder and Godwin Dzah


Against Settlement in Transnational Business and Human Rights Litigation, Hassan M. Ahmad


Sexual Assault of Women and Adolescent Girls with Mental Disabilities, Janine Benedet and Isabel Grant

Conscience and Democracy, Brian Bird

Rights, Freedoms, and their Limits: Reimagining Section 1 of the Charter: An Introduction, Brian Bird and Derek Ross

Relationship Recognition: Feminism, Law, and Transformation, Susan Boyd and Claire Young

Corporate Taxation in China, Wei Cui

Flexible Work within Employment Relationships: A Conceptual Scheme for Fiscal Policies, Wei Cui

Governments - Not the OECD - Should Address UTPR's Legality, Wei Cui


The Canadian Digital Services Tax, Wei Cui


The Chinese Enterprise Income Tax, Wei Cui


The Mirage of Mobile Capital, Wei Cui

《国际税收协定面临的新谜题》,《税务与经济》, Wei Cui


New Crossroads and the Opportunity for a Crisis: The State of Canadian Legal Education, Catherine Dauvergne

Canadian Income Tax Law, 7th ed., David G. Duff and et al.


Rich Dad, Gay Dad: The Wealth Traps of Gay Fatherhood, Aloni Erez

A Dialogical Model of Human Rights Adjudication, Julen Etxabe

Crisis, Colonialism and Constitutional Habits: Indigenous Jurisdiction in Times of Emergency, Emma Feltes, Jocelyn Stacey, and Tŝilhqot’in National Government


The "Right to City" in the Era of Crowdsourcing, Alexandra Flynn


Un-Democratizing the City? Unwritten Constitutional Principles and Ontario's Strong Mayor Powers, Alexandra Flynn

Introduction to the Special Issue on Housing Precarity and Human Rights, Alexandra Flynn and Estair Van Wagner


Regulation as Respect, Cristie Ford


The Legal Innovation Sandbox, Cristie Ford and Quinn Ashkenazy


The Legal Innovation Sandbox, Cristie Ford and Quinn Ashkenazy


Legislated Ableism: Bill C-7 and the Rapid Expansion of Medical Assistance in Dying in Canada, Isabel Grant


Tending Gardens, Ploughing Fields, and the Unexamined Drift to Constructive Takings at Common Law, Douglas C. Harris

Access to Justice and Rowbotham Applications: Challenging the Myth of the Simple Trial, Nikos Harris


The Irreducible Cores of Trustee Obligations, Adam S. Hofri-Winogradow


Freedom of Expression: Values and Harms, Camden Hutchison


Principles of Interpretation as Applied to Corporate Articles: A Comment on Rogers v. Rogers Communications Inc., Camden Hutchison


To Whom Are Directors’ Duties Owed? Evidence from Canadian M&A Transactions, Camden Hutchison

From the Inside Out: The Coercive Power of Deportation and the Erosion of the Liberal Democratic State, Asha Kaushal

Section 15(1): Precedent and Principles, Hoi Kong

Thresholds, Powers, and Accountability in the Emergencies Act, Hoi Kong


Criminality and Inequity Under Canada's Legalization of Cannabis: A Study of Vancouver's Downtown Eastside, Stephanie Lake and Margot Young

The Next 10 Years': Keynote Address of the 10th Anniversary of the Federation of Asian Canadian Lawyers BC, Carol Liao

Canadian Personal Property Security Law, Bruce MacDougall

Sex, Sexuality, and the Constitution: Enshrining the Right to Sexual Autonomy in Japan, Shigenori Matsui

The Japanese Diet, Shigenori Matsui

Trashing, Shigenori Matsui


Developments in Contract Law: The 2021-2022 Term — The Enduring Allure of Freedom of Contract, Marcus Moore


Framing Effects, Rhetorical Devices, and High-Stakes Litigation: A Cautionary Tale, Marcus Moore


Minimal Impairment: An Unreasonable Measure of the Justifiable Limits of Rights, Marcus Moore


Regulating the Concussion Crisis in Sports: Canada’s Initiative to Bring Prevention into Focus, Marcus Moore


When Is It Fair to Break Promises? Illuminating Promissory Estoppel's Inequity Requirement, Marcus Moore


Introduction to Volume I [of the Canadian Law of Obligations III Conference]: The Power and Limits of Private Law, Marcus Moore and Samuel Beswick

Toward a Trauma-Informed Approach to Evidence Law: Witness Credibility and Reliability, Thor Paulson, Benjamin Perrin, Robert G. Maunder, and Robert T. Muller

The Recovery of Mistaken Payments: Revisiting the Doctrine of Relative Fault, Maziar Peihani

Indictment: The Criminal Justice System on Trial, Benjamin Perrin

Canadian Law, Indigenous Laws & Critical Perspectives, Benjamin Perrin and et al.


Of Lock-Breaking and Stock Taking: IP, Climate Change and the Right to Repair in Canada, Graham Reynolds

Chasing Assets Abroad: Ideas for More Effective Asset Tracing and Recovery in Cross-Border Insolvency, Janis Sarra

Conclusion, Janis Sarra


Resurrecting 'She Asked for It': The Rough Sex Defence in Canadian Courts, Elizabeth Sheehy, Isabel Grant, and Lise Gotell

Interjurisdictional Accountability for Interjurisdictional Problems, Jocelyn Stacey

Introduction, Jocelyn Stacey

Reflections on Connecting Canada's Climate Policy Network, Fenner Stewart and Janis Sarra

Safety in Artificial Intelligence & Robotics Governance in Canada, Kristen Thomasen

Family, Régine Tremblay

Plurifiliation et 'multiple parentage': reflexions de droit compare, Régine Tremblay

When Should Publicly Owned Land Be Considered Private in Homeless Encampment Cases? A Critique of Recent Developments, Stepan Wood

Submissions from 2022


Judicial Activism in Transnational Business and Human Rights Litigation, Hassan M. Ahmad

The Jurisdictional Vacuum: Transnational Corporate Human Rights Claims in Common Law Home States, Hassan M. Ahmad

The Missing Forum for Corporate Human Rights Violations in Africa, Hassan M. Ahmad

The Missing Forum for Corporate Human Rights Violations in Africa, Hassan M. Ahmad

House Rules: Changing Families, Evolving Norms, and the Role of the Law, Erez Aloni and Régine Tremblay

The Role of Motive in Sexual Assault Trials, Janine Benedet

Strike-Out Appeals, Unjust Enrichment, and Discoverability: Insights from Kenya, Samuel Beswick


Submission the Ministry of Justice on Human Rights Act Reform Consultation — Q16: Should the Proposal for Prospective Quashing Orders Be Extended to Proceedings under the Proposed Bill of Rights?, Samuel Beswick


What is Scholarly Legal Writing? An Introduction to Different Perspectives (On US Qualified Immunity Doctrine), Samuel Beswick

Unchartered Rights and the Free and Democratic Society, Brian Bird

Unchartered Rights and the Free and Democratic Society, Brian Bird

The Forgotten Foundations of the Canadian Constitution, Brian Bird and Derek Ross

The Forgotten Foundations of the Canadian Constitution: An Introduction, Brian Bird and Derek Ross

The First Challenge to Canada's Supply Management System under CUSMA: Tweaking the Supply Management System One Dispute at a Time, Ljiljana Biuković

Identity Politics and Constitutional Change in Hong Kong: The National Security Law and 25 Years of the Basic Law, Jie Cheng