Submissions from 2021
Non-Consensual Condom Removal in Canadian Law Before and After R. v. Hutchinson, Isabel Grant and Lise Gotell
Embedded Property, Douglas C. Harris
Nos Disparus - W. Wesley Pue, Douglas C. Harris
Reflections on Building and then Teaching in a HyFlex Classroom at Allard Hall, Douglas C. Harris and Samuel Beswick
Access to Justice for Migrant Workers: Evaluating Legislative Effectiveness in Canada, Bethany Hastie
An Unwelcome Burden: Sexual Harassment, Consent and Legal Complaints, Bethany Hastie
Platform Work and Labour Law Challenges: A Comment on CUPW v. Foodora, Bethany Hastie
What Meaning in a Right to Strike? Medreleaf and the Future of the Agricultural Employees Protection Act, Bethany Hastie and Alex Farrant
Pluralism and Convergence: Judicial Standardization in Canadian Corporate Law, Camden Hutchison
The Growth of Vancouver as an Innovation Hub: Challenges and Opportunities, Camden Hutchison and Li-Wen Lin
The Problem of Boundaries: The Constitution and the Meaning of Citizenship, Asha Kaushal
The Deliberate Mandate Referendum, Hoi Kong
R v. Turtle: Substantive Equality Touches Down in Treaty 5 Territory, Sonia Lawrence and Debra Parkes
Women Awake: Gender and Commemoration in Contemporary Ireland, Michelle LeBaron
Deliberative Peace Referendums, Ron Levy, Ian O'Flynn, and Hoi Kong
The "Good Corporate Citizen" Beyond BCE, Li-Wen Lin
Bringing the Mixed Constitution Back In, Mary Liston
Bringing the Mixed Constitution Back In, Mary Liston
Misrepresentation and (Dis)Honest Performance in Contracts, Bruce MacDougall
Pandemic: COVID-19 and the Public Health Emergency, Shigenori Matsui
Songenshi oyobi anrakushi wo motomeru kenri (Right to Medically Assisted Dying),, Shigenori Matsui
Freedom of Thought at the Ethical Frontier of Law & Science, Marcus Moore
Freedom of Thought at the Ethical Frontier of Law & Science, Marcus Moore
The HMCS Unconscionability: Adrift in the Atlantic, Marcus Moore
Starting With Life: Murder Sentencing and Feminist Prison Abolitionist Praxis, Debra Parkes
Pension Fiduciaries and Climate Change: A Canadian Perspective, Maziar Peihani
Pension Fiduciaries and Climate Change: A Canadian Perspective, Maziar Peihani
Planning for Housing Requirements, Ngai Pindell
Exporting Virtue?: China's International Human Rights Activism in the Age of Xi Jinping, Pitman B. Potter
Pitman B. Potter - Publications Record [Bibliography], Pitman B. Potter
Examining the Legal Legitimacy of Informal Economic Activities, Supriya Routh
Duty to Protect: Corporate Directors and Climate-Related Financial Risk, Janis Sarra
Life, Health, Property, Casualty: Canadian Insurance Company Directors and Effective Climate Governance, Janis Sarra
Climate-Related Legal Risks for Financial Institutions: Executive Brief, Janis Sarra and Elisabeth (Lisa) DeMarco
The 2021 Annotated Bankruptcy and Insolvency Act, Janis Sarra, Geoffrey B. Morawetz, and Lloyd W. Houlden
Making the Case: 2SLGBTQ+ Rights and Religion in Schools, Donn Short, Bruce MacDougall, and Paul T. Clarke
Unjust Enrichment: Principle or Cause of Action?, Lionel Smith and Samuel Beswick
Climate Disruption in Canadian Constitutional Law: References re Greenhouse Gas Pollution Pricing Act, Jocelyn Stacey
How Coherent Is Coherentism? Misgivings About Treating Superior Responsibility as a Form of Complicity, James G. Stewart
AI and Tort Law, Kristen Thomasen
Fascicule 14 : Formation du mariage, Régine Tremblay
"A Code Red for Humanity": Judicial Relevance in a Time of Climate Emergency, Margot Young
Kids Facing Effects of Climate Change Are Taking Their Governments to Court, Margot Young
Submissions from 2020
An Unknown Past, an Unequal Present, and an Uncertain Future: Transnational Environmental Law through Three Research Challenges, Natasha Affolder
An Unknown Past, an Unequal Present, and an Uncertain Future: Transnational Environmental Law Through Three Research Challenges, Natasha Affolder
First Comes Marriage, Then Comes Baby, Then Comes What Exactly?, Erez Aloni
Rethinking 'Duty': The City of Toronto, a Stretch of the Humber River, and Indigenous-Municipal Relationships, Doug Anderson and Alexandra Flynn
Rethinking the "Crisis" of Indigenous Mass Imprisonment, Efrat Arbel
The New Corporation: How "Good" Corporations Are Bad for Democracy, Joel Bakan
Reflecting on Clinical Legal Education at the Indigenous Community Legal Clinic, Patricia Barkaskas and et al.
Breaking the Silence on Father-Daughter Sexual Abuse of Adolescent Girls: A Case Law Study, Janine Benedet and Isabel Grant
Error of Law: An Exception to the Discoverability Principle?, Samuel Beswick
Interference by Precedent, Samuel Beswick
Retroactive Adjudication, Samuel Beswick
Retroactive Adjudication, Samuel Beswick
Discoverability Principles and the Law's Mistakes, Samuel Beswick and William Fotherby
Submission to the Justice and Electoral Committee on the Search and Surveillance Bill 2009, Samuel Beswick and William Fotherby
Revolutionary Feminisms: Conversations on Collective Action and Radical Thought, Brenna Bhandar and Rafeef Ziadah
Reasonable Expectations as a Basis for Tort Liability, Joost Blom
Governing the Belongings of the Precariously Housed: A Critical Legal Geography, Nicholas Blomley, Alexandra Flynn, and Marie-Eve Sylvestre
Taxpayer Self-Inspections, Audits, and Optimal Tax Administration: Evidence from China, Wei Cui
What Is Unilateralism in International Taxation?, Wei Cui
《数字服务税:一种概念上的辩护》, Wei Cui
How Well-Targeted Are Payroll Tax Cuts as a Response to COVID-19? Evidence from China, Wei Cui, Jeffrey Hicks, and Max Norton
Cash on the Table? Imperfect Take-up of Tax Incentives and Firm Investment Behavior, Wei Cui, Jeffrey Hicks, and Jing Xing
行将实施的数字服务税 The Digital Services Tax on the Verge of Implementation, Wei Cui, Qichao Liu, and Chang Xiao
Charter Rights, State Expertise: Testing State Claims to Expert Knowledge, Emma Cunliffe
The Magic Gun: Settler Legality, Forensic Science, and the Stanley Trial, Emma Cunliffe
Peter A. Allard School of Law Faculty News, Catherine Dauvergne
Peter A. Allard School of Law Faculty News, Catherine Dauvergne
Revisiting The New Politics of Immigration, Catherine Dauvergne
General Anti-Avoidance Rules Revisited: Reflections on Tim Edgar’s 'Building a Better GAAR', David G. Duff
Income Taxation of Small Business: Toward Simplicity, Neutrality and Coherence, David G. Duff
The Interpretive Exercise under the General Anti-Avoidance Rule, David G. Duff
Fingerprint Comparison and Adversarialism: The Scientific and Historical Evidence, Gary Edmond, Emma Cunliffe, and David Hamer
Like a Prayer? Applying Conflicts with Religious Dimensions Like a Prayer? Applying Conflicts with Religious Dimensions Theory to the "Muezzin Law" Conflict Theory to the "Muezzin Law" Conflict, Yael Efron, Michelle LeBaron, Maged Senbel, and Mohammed S. Wattad
Indigenous-Municipal Legal Relationships Moving beyond the Duty to Consult and Accommodate, Alexandra Flynn
Municipal Power and Democratic Legitimacy in the Time of COVID-19, Alexandra Flynn
Scattered Governance: A Typology for Toronto’s Business Improvement Areas, Alexandra Flynn
A Colonial Castle: Defence of Property in R v Stanley, Alexandra Flynn and Estair Van Wagner
Peter A. Allard School of Law Faculty News, Cristie Ford
Rethinking Judicial Oversight in a Time of Crisis, Cristie Ford
Building the Aboriginal Conference Settlement Suite: Hope and Realism in Law as a Tool for Social Change, Toby S. Goldbach
Not Just About Privacy: Police Body-Worn Cameras and the Costs of Public Area Surveillance, Benjamin J. Goold
Does 'No, Not without a Condom' Mean 'Yes, Even Without a Condom'?: The Fallout from R v Hutchinson, Lise Gotell and Isabel Grant
The Complex Legacy of R. V. Cuerrier: HIV Nondisclosure Prosecutions and Their Impact on Sexual Assault Law, Isabel Grant
The Meaning of Life: A Study of the Use of Parole Ineligibility for Murder Sentencing, Isabel Grant, Crystal Choi, and Debra Parkes
Should COVID-19 Empower Strata Corporations to Ban Non-Residents?, Douglas C. Harris
Platform Workers and Collective Labour Action in the Modern Economy, Bethany Hastie
Workplace Sexual Harassment and the "Unwelcome" Requirement: An Analysis of BC Human Rights Tribunal Decisions from 2010 to 2016, Bethany Hastie
Workplace Sexual Harassment and the "Unwelcome" Requirement: An Analysis of BC Human Rights Tribunal Decisions from 2010 to 2016, Bethany Hastie
The Statutory Liberalization of Trust Law across 152 Jurisdictions: Leaders, Laggards and the Market in Fiduciary Services, Adam S. Hofri-Winogradow
The Patriation of Canadian Corporate Law, Camden Hutchison
Bordering the Pandemic: COVID-19, Immigration, and Emergency, Asha Kaushal, Bethany Hastie, and Devin Eeg
Comeau and Constitutional Interpretation, Hoi Kong
Special Section: Deliberative Democracy, Peace Referendums, and Constitutional Settlement, Hoi Kong
Constitutional Scholars as Constitutional Actors, Liora Lazarus