Includes works of current faculty, emeritus faculty, in memoriam faculty and faculty on leave of the Peter A. Allard School of Law.


Submissions from 2018

Deliberative Constitutionalism, Hoi Kong and Ron Levy

Labour and Employment Law: Cases, Materials, and Commentary, Labour Law and Supriya Routh

Securing Legality, Liora Lazarus

Intelligence and the Criminal Law in England and Wales, Liora Lazarus and Jessie Blackbourn

Reweaving the Past, Michelle LeBaron and Paulette Regan

Changing Our Worlds: Arts as Transformative Practice, Michelle LeBaron and Janis Sarra

Early Lessons in Social Enterprise Law, Carol Liao

Power and the Gender Imperative in Corporate Law, Carol Liao

Revisiting Executive Pay of China's State-Owned Enterprises: Formal Design, Fresh Data, and Further Doubts, Li-Wen Lin

Administering the Canadian Rule of Law, Mary Liston

Deference as Respect: Lost in Translation?, Mary Liston

Peter A. Allard School of Law, UBC News, Mary Liston

Six Impossible Things, Mary Liston

Ranciere and Law, Monica Lopez Lerma and Julen Etxabe

Introduction: Ranciere and the Possibility of Law, Mónica López Lerma and Julen Etxabe

Mistake in Contracting, Bruce MacDougall

Fundamental Human Rights and 'Traditional Japanese Values': Constitutional Amendment and Vision of the Japanese Society, Shigenori Matsui

Law and Disaster: Earthquake, Tsunami and Nuclear Meltdown in Japan, Shigenori Matsui

The Principle of Separation of Powers in Japan, Shigenori Matsui

Canada's Chief Justice: Beverley McLachlin's Legacy of Law and Leadership, Marcus Moore


Introduction: Canada's Chief Justice: Beverley McLachlin's Legacy of Law and Leadership, Marcus Moore


Justice As Harmony: The Distinct Resonance of Chief Justice Beverley McLachlin's Juridical Genius, Marcus Moore

Justice as Harmony: The Distinct Resonance of Chief Justice Beverley McLachlin's Juridical Genius, Marcus Moore


R. v. K.R.J.: Shifting the Balance of the Oakes Test from Minimal Impairment to Proportionality of Effects, Marcus Moore


The Past, Present, and Future of Law Reform in Canada, Marcus Moore

Une juge en chef pour le Canada: Beverley McLachlin et la justice en tete, Marcus Moore

Une juge en chef pour le Canada: Beverley McLachlin et la justice en tete, Marcus Moore

Une juge en chef pour le Canada: Beverley McLachlin et la justice en tete, Marcus Moore


Une juge en chef pour le Canada: Beverley McLachlin et la justice en tête, Marcus Moore


Why Does Lord Denning's Lead Balloon Intrigue Us Still? The Prospects of Finding a Unifying Principle for Duress, Undue Influence and Unconscionability, Marcus Moore

Surveillance and Privacy in North American Public Spaces, Bryce Clayton Newell, Silvia de Conca, and Kristen Thomasen

Bank Funding, Liquidity, and Capital Adequacy: A Law and Finance Approach, Maziar Peihani

Brexit and Financial Services: Navigating through the Complexity of Exit Scenarios, Maziar Peihani

Social Media Threats: Examining the Canadian Criminal Law Response, Benjamin Perrin

Regulating Land Based Casinos: Policies, Procedures, and Economics, Ngai Pindell, Anthony Cabot, and Brian Wall

Foreword, Pitman B. Potter


Human Rights Protection: The Role of Institutional Capacity and Selective Adaptation, Pitman B. Potter

Labour Relations and Trade Policy in China: Opportunities for Coordinated Compliance, Pitman B. Potter


Access to Justice Online: Are Canadian Court Websites Accessible for Users with Visual Impairments?, Cody Rei-Anderson, Graham Reynolds, Jayde Wood, and Natasha Wood


Recognizing the Relevance of Human Rights: The Application of the Presumption of Conformity in the Context of Copyright, Graham Reynolds

Embedding Work in Nature: the Anthropocene and Legal Imagination of Work as Human Activity, Supriya Routh


Collective Struggles: A Comparative Analysis of Unionizing Temporary Foreign Farm Workers in the United States and Canada, Robert Russo

Making Insolvency Law Responsive to the Needs of Financially Distressed Micro and Small Enterprises, Janis Sarra

The Anthropocene in the Time of Trump, Financial Markets, Climate Change Risk, and Vulnerability, Janis Sarra

Un Point sur des Eaux Agitees - Resolution des Difficultes financieres des Banques au Canada, Janis Sarra

The 2018-2019 Annotated Bankruptcy and Insolvency Act, Janis Sarra, Geoffrey B. Morawetz, and Lloyd W. Houlden


A Bridge Over Troubled Waters - Resolving Bank Financial Distress in Canada, Janis P. Sarra

Addressing Excessive Risk Taking in the Financial Sector: A Corporate Governance Approach, Steven L. Schwarcz and Maziar Peihani

The Constitution of the Environmental Emergency, Jocelyn Stacey


Vulnerability, Canadian Disaster Law and The Beast, Jocelyn Stacey

Vulnerability, Canadian Disaster Law, and the Beast, Jocelyn Stacey


Beyond Airspace Safety: A Feminist Perspective on Drone Privacy Regulation, Kristen Thomasen

Memory, Philippe Tortell, Mark Turin, and Margot Young

Quebec's Filiation Regime, the Roy Report's Recommendations, and the 'Interest of the Child', Régine Tremblay

Réflexions sur le dialogue entre la médiation familiale et le droit de la famille, Régine Tremblay


Interactive Strategies for Advancing Marginalized Actors in Transnational Governance Contests: Labour and the Making of ISO 26000, Stepan Wood


Local Tax Incentives and Behavior of Foreign Enterprises: Evidence from a Large Developing Country, Jing Xing, Wei Cui, and Xi Qu

Submissions from 2017


Transnational Carbon Contracting: Why Law’s Invisibility Matters, Natasha Affolder

Context at the International Criminal Court, Hassan M. Ahmad


Aesthetics in Negotiation: Part One: Four Elements, Nadja Marie Alexander and Michelle Lebaron


Capturing Excess in the On-Demand Economy, Erez Aloni

To Ensure that Justice is Done: Essays in Memory of Marc Rosenberg, Benjamin L. Berger, Emma Cunliffe, and James Stribopoulos

The Decline of the Fish/Mammal Distinction?, Samuel Beswick

Registering Interests: Modern Methods of Valuing Labor, Land, and Life, Brenna Bhandar

Representing Palestinian Dispossession: Land, Property, and Photography in the Settler Colony, Brenna Bhandar and Alberto Toscano

Are All Charter Rights and Freedoms Really Non-Absolute?, Brian Bird

Local Engagement With International Economic Law and Human Rights, Ljiljana Biuković and Pitman B. Potter


Transparency Evolution: More than the Right to Know, Ljiljana Biuković and Pitman B. Potter

Canadian Cases in Private International Law in 2016 / Jurisprudence canadienne en matière de droit international privé en 2016, Joost Blom

Constitutionalizing Canadian Private International Law - 25 Years Since Morguard, Joost Blom


The Court Jurisdiction and Proceedings Transfer Act and the Hague Conference’s Judgments and Jurisdiction Projects, Joost Blom


Looking Back, Looking Forward: Feminist Legal Scholarship in SLS, Susan B. Boyd and Debra Parkes

Jurisprudential Basis for the New Constitutional Order of Hong Kong: Separation of Powers or Delegation of Powers, Jie Cheng

Why Late Qing Constitutional Reform Failed: An Examination from the Comparative Institutional Perspective, Jie Cheng


The Limitations of Supply Chain Disclosure Regimes, Adam S. Chilton and Galit A. Sarfaty

Canadian Constitutional Law, 5th ed., Constitutional Law Group and Robin Elliot

An Academic Viewpoint on Some Fundamental Aspects of the BEPS Project, Wei Cui


Destination-Based Cash-Flow Taxation: A Critical Appraisal, Wei Cui


Does Judicial Independence Matter? A Study of the Determinants of Administrative Litigation in an Authoritarian Regime, Wei Cui


Minimalism about Residence and Source, Wei Cui


Taxation of Non-Residents' Capital Gains, Wei Cui

Taxation of Non-Residents' Capital Gains, Wei Cui


Taxation without Information: The Institutional Foundations of Modern Tax Collection, Wei Cui


The Selection of Litigation against Government Agencies: Evidence from China, Wei Cui and Zhiyuan Wang


Freedom of Expression, Academic Freedom, and Equality: Seven Institutional Responsibilities, Emma Cunliffe


Henry v. British Columbia: Still Seeking a Just Approach to Damages for Wrongful Conviction, Emma Cunliffe

Independence, Reliability & Expert Testimony in Criminal Trials, Emma Cunliffe

The Ethics of Expert Evidence, Emma Cunliffe

Reviewing Wrongful Convictions in Canada, Emma Cunliffe and Gary Edmond

What Have We Learned? Lessons from Wrongful Convictions in Canada, Emma Cunliffe and Gary Edmond


Canada: Limitation on the Elimination of Double Taxation Under the Canada-Brazil Income Tax Treaty, David G. Duff

Policy Trumps the Constitution: Chevron v. Yaiguaje, Elizabeth Edinger


'Striking the Right Balance: Rethinking the Contest between Freedom of Religion and Equality Rights in Trinity Western University v. The Law Society of British Columbia', Robin Elliot and Michael Elliot

Taking Rationales Seriously: The Quality of the Legislative Process as a Factor in the Deference Analysis Under Section 1 of the Charter, Robin Elliot and Michael Elliot


Reimagining Toronto's Community Councils, Alexandra Flynn

The Properties of Planning: An Evolving Landscape, Alexandra Flynn and Donald Letters


Flexible Regulation Scholarship Blossoms and Diversifies: 1980-2012, Cristie Ford

Innovation and the State: Finance, Regulation, and Justice, Cristie Ford

Peter A. Allard School of Law Faculty News, Cristie Ford

Plus ca Change, Cristie Ford