Submissions from 2015
Who Makes Decisions over Aboriginal Title Lands?, Gordon Christie
An Empirical Study of Tax Litigation in Chin, Wei Cui
Taxation of State Owned Enterprises: A Review of Empirical Evidence from China, Wei Cui
Taxing State-Owned Enterprises: Understanding a Basic Institution of State Capitalism, Wei Cui
War Crimes and Asylum in Canada: Reflections on the Ezokola Decision and the Barriers Courts Face in Protecting Refugees, Catherine Dauvergne
Canadian Income Tax Law, 5th ed., David G. Duff and et al.
Taxation of Business Organizations in Canada, David G. Duff and Geoffrey Loomer
Forum Selection Clauses, Applicable Law and Burdens of Proof: Douez v. Facebook Inc., Elizabeth Edinger
Compelled Expression and the Charter, Robin Elliot and David W.-L. Wu
Book Review of Our Word is Our Bond: How Legal Speech Acts, Julen Etxabe
Clayton Christensen comes to Wall Street, Cristie Ford
Instrumentalizing the Expressive: Transplanting Sentencing Circles into the Canadian Criminal Trial, Toby S. Goldbach
All Together Now: Using Principles of Group Dynamics to Train Better Jurors, Sara Gordon
Intimate Partner Criminal Harassment Through a Lens of Responsibilization, Isabel Grant
Dissolving Condominium, Private Takings, and the Nature of Property, Douglas C. Harris and Nicole Gilewicz
Justice for All: The Implications of Hart and Hay for Vetrovec Witnesses, Nikos Harris
The Case for ‘Firewall’ Protections for Irregular Migrants: Safeguarding Fundamental Rights, Bethany Hastie
Special Rules on Refugees, Bethany Hastie and François Crépeau
Critical Conversations, Andrea Hilland
The Stripping of the Trust: A Study in Legal Evolution, Adam S. Hofri-Winogradow
The 2015 Annotated Bankruptcy and Insolvency Act, Lloyd W. Houlden, Geoffrey B. Morawetz, and Janis Sarra
The Historical Origins of the Debt-Equity Distinction, Camden Hutchison
Reflections on 40 Years of Advocacy to End the Isolation of Canadian Prisoners, Michael Jackson
The Politics of Jurisdiction, Asha Kaushal
The Canadian Criminal Code Offence of Trafficking in Persons: Challenges from the Field and within the Law, Julie Kaye and Bethany Hastie
Deliberative Constitutional Amendments, Hoi Kong
Introduction: NAFTA and Sustainable Development, Hoi Kong
Subsidiarity, Republicanism, and the Division of Powers in Canada, Hoi Kong
The Unbounded Public Law Imagination of Roderick A. Macdonald, Hoi Kong
NAFTA and Sustainable Development: History, Experience, and Prospects for Reform, Hoi Kong and L. Kinvin Wroth
The Right to Security, Liora Lazarus
Limits to Corporate Reform and Alternative Legal Structures, Carol Liao
Balancing Closure and Openness: The Challenge of Leadership Reform in China's State-Owned Enterprises, Li-Wen Lin
China's National Champions: Governance Change Through Globalization?, Li-Wen Lin
Public Law in Canada, Mary Liston
Statutory Interpretation, Mary Liston
Grudge Spending: The Interplay between Markets and Culture in the Purchase of Security, Ian Loader, Benjamin J. Goold, and Angelica Thumala
Tracking Devices: On the Reception of a Novel Security Good, Ian Loader, Benjamin J. Goold, and Angélica Thumala
The Criminalization of Revenge Porn in Japan, Shigenori Matsui
The Role of the Central Government and Local Government in Times of Crisis: Japan's Experience After the Great East Japan Earthquake Disaster, Shigenori Matsui
Ending the Isolation: An Introduction to the Special Volume on Human Rights and Solitary Confinement, Debra Parkes
Women and Wrongful Convictions: Concepts and Challenges, Debra Parkes and Emma Cunliffe
Art Law in Canada: Diverse Issues Surrounding the Complexity of Human Culture, Robert K. Paterson
La propriété, l'étude scientifique et la conservation du patrimoine archéologique en droit comparé: Droits canadien et américain, Robert K. Paterson
The Basel Committee on Banking Supervision: A Post-Crisis Assessment of Governance and Accountability, Maziar Peihani
Out of the Shadows: A Comparative Assessment of the Role of Victims at the International Criminal Court and in Canada, Benjamin Perrin
Punishing the Most Heinous Crimes: Analysis and Recommendations Related to Bill C-53 (Life Means Life Act), Benjamin Perrin
Victim Participation at the International Criminal Court: Examining the First Decade of Investigative and Pre-Trial Proceedings, Benjamin Perrin
The Policing of Major Events in Canada: Lessons from Toronto's G20 and Vancouver's Olympics, W. Wesley Pue, Robert Diab, and Grace Jackson
Universal Investors and Socially Responsible Finance: A Critique of a Premature Theory, Benjamin J. Richardson and Maziar Peihani
Criminal Law and Procedure: Cases and Materials, Kent Roach, Benjamin L. Berger, Emma Cunliffe, and James Stribopoulos
Director and Officer Liability in Corporate Insolvency: A Comprehensive Guide to Rights and Obligations, 3d ed., Janis Sarra and Ronald Davis
Value Added Tax: A Comparative Approach, 2d ed., Alan Schenk,; Victor Thuronyi; and Wei Cui
The Environmental Emergency and the Legality of Discretion in Environmental Law, Jocelyn Stacey
Complicity in Business and Human Rights, James G. Stewart
Who Owns Santa's Workshop: A Second Contestant Enters the 'Race for the Arctic', Ian Townsend-Gault and Clive Schofield
Sans Foi, Ni Loi. Appearances of Conjugality and Lawless Love, Régine Tremblay
Surrogates in Quebec: The Good, the Bad and the Foreigner, Régine Tremblay
The Interactive Dynamics of Transnational Business Governance: A Challenge for Transnational Legal Theory, Stepan Wood, Ken Abbott, Julia Black, Burkard Eberlein, and Errol Meidingere
Charter Eviction: Litigating Out of House and Home, Margot Young
Submissions from 2014
Deprivative Recognition, Erez Aloni
Gendered Border Crossings, Efrat Arbel
Gender in Refugee Law: From the Margins to the Centre, Efrat Arbel, Catherine Dauvergne, and Jenni Millbank
Introduction: Gender in Refugee Law: From the Margins to the Centre, Efrat Arbel, Catherine Dauvergne, and Jenni Millbank
How Big Business Targets Children, Joel Bakan
Bedford: The Pimping Offence Should Have Been Upheld, Janine Benedet
Sexual Assault Cases at the Alberta Court of Appeal: The Roots of Ewanchuk and the Unfinished Revolution, Janine Benedet
Sexual Assault and the Meaning of Power and Authority for Women with Mental Disabilities, Janine Benedet and Isabel Grant
Critical Legal Studies and the Politics of Property, Brenna Bhandar
Property, Law, and Race: Modes of Abstraction, Brenna Bhandar
Some Reflections on BDS and Feminist Political Solidarity, Brenna Bhandar
Is There Policy Space for Human Rights Linkages in China's Trade and Investment Network?, Ljiljana Biuković
Private International Law Aspects of User-Generated Content, Joost Blom
Regulation of Contracts in Canadian Private International Law, Joost Blom
British Columbia's New Family Law on Guardianship, Relocation, and Family Violence: The First Year of Judicial Interpretation, Susan B. Boyd and Matt Ledger
'Obligations', Decolonization and Indigenous Rights to Governance, Gordon Christie
Cooking Up a Deal: Negotiation Recipes for Success, Jim Coben, Robert Dingwall, Dan Druckman, Noam Ebner, Howard Gadlin, Chris Honeyman, Sanda Kaufman, Michelle Lebaron, Roy Lewicki, David Matz, Carrie Menkel-Meadow, Michael Moffitt, Jen Reynolds, Andrea Kupfer Schneider, John Wade, and Nancy Welsh
Administrative Decentralization and Tax Compliance: A Transactional Cost Perspective, Wei Cui
China's Business-Tax-To-Vat Reform: An Interim Assessment, Wei Cui
Taxing Indirect Transfers: Improving an Instrument for Stemming Tax and Legal Base Erosion, Wei Cui
The Legal Maladies of 'Federalism, Chinese-Style', Wei Cui
China, Wei Cui and Alan Wu
Judging, Fast and Slow: Using Decision-Making Theory to Explore Judicial Fact Determination, Emma Cunliffe
Women and Child Homicide: Exploring the Role of Stereotypes about Gender, Race, and Poverty in Contemporary Canadian Cases, Emma Cunliffe
Gaitkeeping in Canada: Mis-steps in Assessing the Reliability of Expert Testimony, Emma Cunliffe and Gary Edmond
Law on the Edge, Emma Cunliffe,; Deirdre Howard-Wagner; and Nan Seuffert
Introduction to the Special Issue: Law on the Edge, Emma Cunliffe, Deirdre Howard-Wagner, and Nan Seuffert
Irregular Migration, State Sovereignty and the Rule of Law, Catherine Dauvergne
Beyond Numbers Versus Rights: Shifting the Parameters of Debate on Temporary Labour Migration, Catherine Dauvergne and Sarah Marsden
The Ideology of Temporary Labour Migration in the Post-Global Era, Catherine Dauvergne and Sarah Marsden
Transnational Business Governance Interactions: Conceptualization and Framework for Analysis, Burkard Eberlein, Kenneth W. Abbott, Julia Black, Errol Meidinger, and Stepan Wood
Club Resorts Ltd. V. Van Breda: Extraterritoriality Revisited, Elizabeth Edinger
The Addition of an Interest-Based Route into Section 15 of the Charter: Why It's Necessary and How It Can Be Justified, Robin Elliot and Michael Elliot
It's Not All About Pretty: Human Rights Adjudication in a Life and Death Situation, Julen Etxabe
Editors' Introduction, Julen Etxabe and Gary Watt