Includes works of current faculty, emeritus faculty, in memoriam faculty and faculty on leave of the Peter A. Allard School of Law.


Submissions from 2007

The Basic Concepts of the Law of Evidence, Christine Boyle

China, Michael E. Burke, Wei Cui, and Paul Jones

Authority of the Central Government and Autonomy of Special Regions, Jie Cheng

Constitutional Reflections on Judicial Referring, Jie Cheng

A Review of Turner, D., This is Not a Peace Pipe: Towards a Critical Indigenous Philosophy, Gordon Christie


Culture, Self-Determination and Colonialism: Issues Around the Revitalization of Indigenous Legal Traditions, Gordon Christie

Police-Government Relations in the Context of State-Aboriginal Relations, Gordon Christie

Feminism, Law, and Social Change: An Overview, Dorothy E. Chunn, Susan B. Boyd, and Hester Hester Lessard

Reaction and Resistance: Feminism, Law, and Social Change, Dorothy E. Chunn, Susan B. Boyd, and Hester Hester Lessard


China's New Personal Income Tax Return Filing Regime, Wei Cui


The Prospect of New Partnership Taxation in China, Wei Cui


Anywhere but Here: Race and Empire in the Mabo Decision, Emma Cunliffe

(This is not a) Story: Using Court Records to Explore Judicial Narratives in R. v. Kathleen Folbigg, Emma Cunliffe


Writing the Circle: Judicially Convened Sentencing Circles and the Textual Organization of Criminal Justice, Emma Cunliffe and Angela Cameron

Citizenship with a Vengeance, Catherine Dauvergne

Informing Integration: Assessing What We Know, Admitting What We Don't Know, Catherine Dauvergne

Security and Migration Laws in the Less Brave New World, Catherine Dauvergne

Protecting the Pension Fund, Ronald Davis

The Way Forward: Policy Implications of the Supreme Court Decision in TCT Logistics, Ronald Davis


Justice Iacobucci and the 'Golden and Straight Metwand' of Canadian Tax Law, David G. Duff

The Abolition of Wealth Transfer Taxes in Canada, David G. Duff

Tax Avoidance in Canada After Canada Trustco and Mathew, David G. Duff and Harry Erlichman

Wind Power in Canada, David G. Duff and Andrew J. Green

Conflict of Laws in Estate Administration, Elizabeth Edinger and Peter Ramsay

The Rule of Law in Canada, R.M. Elliot


Safeguarding Provincial Autonomy from the Supreme Court's New Federal Paramountcy Doctrine: A Constructive Role for the Intention to Cover the Field Test?, Robin Elliot


Privacy, Identity and Security, Benjamin J. Goold


Public Protection, Proportionality, and the Search for Balance, Benjamin J. Goold, Liora Lazarus, and Gabriel Swiney

Aboriginal Rights to Fish in British Columbia, Douglas C. Harris


Corporate Corruption and Reform Undertakings: A New Approach to an Old Problem, David Hess and Cristie Ford

Labour Dispute Resolution and Freedom of Association in Canada Today, M.A. Hickling

The 2008 Annotated Bankruptcy and Insolvency Act, Lloyd W. Houlden, Geoffrey B. Morawetz, and Janis Sarra

Welcome Address, Darlene Johnston

Mapping the Right to Security, Liora Lazarus

Introduction: Security and Human Rights: The Search for a Language of Reconciliation, Liora Lazarus and Benjamin J. Goold


Security and Human Rights, Liora Lazarus and Benjamin J. Goold

Contracts, Bruce MacDougall

Introduction to Contracts, Bruce MacDougall

Thickening Totems and Thinning Imperialism, Johnny Mack

Civil Litigation and Newsreporter's Privilege, Shigenori Matsui

Japanese Constitutional Law, Shigenori Matsui

On Citizen Suit, Shigenori Matsui

On 'Populist' Constitutionalism, Shigenori Matsui

The Voting Rights of Japanese Citizens Living Abroad, Shigenori Matsui

To Protect Children From Sexual Offenders, Shigenori Matsui

Critical Approaches, Karin Mickelson

Credit Derivatives in Canadian Insolvency Proceedings: 'The Devil Will Be in the Details', Elizabeth Murphy, Janis Sarra, and Michael Creber

Lawyers' Professionalism, Colonialism, State Formation, and National Life in Nigeria, 1900-1960: 'The Fighting Brigade of the People', Chidi Oguamanam and W. Wesley Pue


A Prisoners' Charter? Reflections on Prisoner Litigation Under the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms, Debra Parkes


Precedent Unbound? Contemporary Approaches to Precedent in Canada, Debra Parkes


Totems and Teapots: The Royal British Columbia Museum Corporation, Robert K. Paterson


An Emerging International Criminal Law Tradition: Gaps in Applicable Law and Transnational Common Laws, Benjamin Perrin

Ensuring Effective Implementation of Measures to Protect Victims and Creation of a Canadian Counter-Human Trafficking Office, Benjamin Perrin


Faster, Higher, Stronger: Preventing Human Trafficking at the 2010 Olympics, Benjamin Perrin

Phnom Penh: A World Capital for Human Trafficking, Benjamin Perrin

The Threat and Opportunity of Non-State Actors to Conservative Foreign Policy, Benjamin Perrin

Developing Las Vegas: Creating Inclusionary Affordable Housing Requirements in Development Agreements, Ngai Pindell

China and the International Legal System: Challenges of Participation, Pitman B. Potter

History in the Making: The Dalai Lama Dialogues in Vancouver 2004, Pitman B. Potter

Jingji Guanli Guifan De Xuanzexing Shiyong: Dangdi Yujing Xia De Touming Zhidu He Zizhiquan Yuanze (Selective Adaptation of Economic Governance Norms: Transparency and Autonomy in Local Context), Pitman B. Potter

Selective Adaptation and Institutional Capacity: Approaches to Understanding Reception of International Law under Conditions of Globalization,, Pitman B. Potter

Theoretical and Conceptual Perspectives on the Periphery in Contemporary China, Pitman B. Potter


Criminal Jumping On and Off the Curb - Discretion and the Idea of an Impartial and Independent Police Force, W. Wesley Pue


Police Powers, Trespass and Expressive Rights Under the Canadian Constitution, W. Wesley Pue


Protecting Constitutionalism in Treacherous Times: Why 'Rights' Don't Matter, W. Wesley Pue

Commentary (on Lorne Sossin's 'The Oversight of Executive Police Relations in Canada: The Constitution, the Courts, Administrative Processes and Democratic Governance'), W. Wesley Pue

Law and Society Activities in Canada, W. Wesley Pue

Trespass and Expressive Rights, W. Wesley Pue


Law's Empire, W. Wesley Pue and Rob McQueen


The Problem of Official Discretion in Anti-Terrorism Law: Comment on Khawajah, W. Wesley Pue and Robert Russo

An Investigation into Employee Wage and Pension Claims in Insolvency Proceedings across Multiple Jurisdictions: Preliminary Observations, Janis Sarra

Annual Review of Insolvency Law 2006, Janis Sarra

Are Licences or Rights Derived from Licences Personal Property Realizable in Bankruptcy?, Janis Sarra

Brazil Modernizes Its Insolvency Law, Janis Sarra

Calpine Energy Ltd., Janis Sarra

Crossing the Finish Line: the Potential Impact on Business Rescue of Adoption of new Cross-Border Insolvency Provisions, Janis Sarra

Delaware Supreme Court Finds that Directors Owe No Fiduciary Duty to Creditors on Insolvency, Janis Sarra

Disclosure as a Public Policy Instrument in Global Capital Markets (part of International Academy of Commercial and Consumer Law: Changing Law for Changing Times, 13th Biennial Meeting), Janis Sarra

From Subordination to Parity: An International Comparison of Equity Securities Law Claims in Insolvency Proceedings, Janis Sarra

Growing Old Gracefully: An Empirical Investigation into Elderly Bankrupt Canadians, Janis Sarra

Introduction, Janis Sarra

Judicial Discretion, Janis Sarra

Judicial Discretion, Janis Sarra

North American Catholic & Educational Programming Foundation Inc., Janis Sarra

Northern Lights, Canada's Version of the UNCITRAL Model Law on Cross-Border Insolvency, Janis Sarra

Rescue!: The Companies' Creditors Arrangement Act, Janis Sarra

Analysis of Factors Leading to Insolvency and Restructuring and Their Effects on Pension Plan Wind-ups and Closures, Janis Sarra and Ronald Davis


The Supreme Court of Canada Crumbles Mr. Christie's Cookie, Anthony F. Sheppard

The UN Commission of Inquiry on Lebanon: A Legal Appraisal, Allard School of Law at the University of British Columbia G. Stewart


The Military Commissions Act's Inconsistency with the Geneva Conventions: An Overview, James G. Stewart

Human Rights, Cultural Tradition and International Development: Culturally Appropriate International Responses to Female Genital Cutting, Kristen Thomasen

Balkanization Complete? Kosovo and Statehood, Ian Townsend-Gault

Not a Carve-up: Canada, Sovereignty, and the Arctic Ocean, Ian Townsend-Gault

Pundits Ten a Penny: When Can We Trust International Commentators?, Ian Townsend-Gault

How Did Aristotle Get It Wrong About Women and Slaves?, Stephen Wexler

Legal Proof and Tort Law, Stephen Wexler

Some Further Reflections on Poor People and Law, Stephen Wexler

The Irony of Obedience to Law: Socrates and a Bit of Aristotle, Stephen Wexler


Civil Liability Relief for Brownfields Developers, Stepan Wood

Challenging Heteronormativity? Reaction and Resistance to the Legal Recognition of Same Sex Partnerships, Claire F.L. Young and Susan B. Boyd