Submissions from 2008
Will Partnership Law Be Worth It?, Wei Cui
China, Wei Cui and et al.
Making People Illegal: What Globalization Means for Migration and Law, Catherine Dauvergne
Democratizing Pension Funds: Corporate Governance and Accountability, Ronald Davis
Inaction and Non-Compliance: British Columbia's Approach to Women's Inequality: Submission of the BC CEDAW Group to the United Nations Committee on the Elimination of Discrimination Against Women on the Occasion of the Committee's Review of Canada's 6th a, Shelagh Day, Margot Young, and Aileen Smith
Women's Inequality in Canada: Submission of the Canadian Feminist Alliance for International Action to the United Nations Committee on the Elimination of Discrimination Against Women on the Occasion of the Committee's Review of Canada's 6th and 7th Report, Shelagh Day, Margot Young, and Aileen Smith
Carbon Taxation in British Columbia, David G. Duff
Neuman and Beyond: Income Splitting, Tax Avoidance, and Statutory Interpretation in the Supreme Court of Canada, David G. Duff
Relationships, Boundaries, and Corporate Taxation: Compliance and Avoidance in an Era of Globalization, David G. Duff
Tax Fairness and the Tax Mix, David G. Duff
A Comparative Evaluation of Different Policies to Promote the Generation of Electricity from Renewable Resources, David G. Duff and Andrew J. Green
Market-Based Policies for Renewable Energy Source Electricity: A Comparative Evaluation, David G. Duff and Andrew J. Green
Back to the Future with Interjurisdictional Immunity: Canadian Western Bank v. Alberta; British Columbia v. Lafarge Canada Inc., Elizabeth Edinger
Book Review of Living Speech: Resisting the Empire of Force, Julen Etxabe
Dogs and Tails: Remedies in Administrative Law, Cristie Ford
How Should We Teach Securities Regulation in a Fast-Moving World?, Cristie Ford
New Governance, Compliance, and Principles-Based Securities Regulation, Cristie Ford
The Difference Between Lonely Old Ladies and CCTV Cameras: A Response to Ryberg, Benjamin J. Goold
The Boundaries of the Criminal Law: The Criminalization of the Non-Disclosure of HIV, Isabel Grant
A Social-Ecological History of Canada's Fisheries, Douglas C. Harris
Indian Reserves Allotted for Fishing Purposes in British Columbia, 1849-1925, Douglas C. Harris
Landing Native Fisheries: Indian Reserves and Fishing Rights in British Columbia, 1849-1925, Douglas C. Harris
The Boldt Decision in Canada: Aboriginal Treaty Rights to Fish on the Pacific, Douglas C. Harris
The 2009 Annotated Bankruptcy and Insolvency Act, Lloyd W. Houlden, Geoffrey B. Morawetz, and Janis P. Sarra
Conflict Tactics in a Mediation Setting, Linda M. Johnston and Michelle Lebaron
Foreword, Hoi Kong
The Spending Power, Constitutional Interpretation and Legal Pragmatism, Hoi Kong
Shapeshifters and Synergy: Toward a Culturally Fluent Approach to Representative Negotiation, Michelle LeBaron
Governments in Miniature: The Rule of Law in the Administrative State, Mary Liston
Immigration and Integration in Canada, Mary Liston and Joseph Carens
Contracts, Bruce MacDougall
Halsbury's Laws of Canada: Personal Property and Secured Transactions, Bruce MacDougall
Business Law in Japan, Shigenori Matsui
Introduction to American Constitutional Law, Shigenori Matsui
Mass Media Law, Shigenori Matsui
Taking Stock of TWAIL Histories, Karin Mickelson
Foreword: Special Issue: Selected Papers from the Workshop: Situating Third World Approaches to International Law (TWAIL): Inspirations, Challenges and Possibilities, Karin Mickelson, Ibironke Odumosu, and Pooja Parmar
Application of the Charter, Debra Parkes
Employment Standards that Work for Women, Debra Parkes
Freedom of Association, Debra Parkes
Listening to Their Voices: Women Prisoners and Access to Justice in Manitoba, Debra Parkes, Kathy Bent, Tracey Peter, and Tracy Booth
Administrative Tribunal of Rouen, Decision No. 702737, December 27, 2007 (Maori Head Case), Editorial Notes, Robert K. Paterson
Claiming Material Culture: Human Rights, Property Rights and Crimes Against Humanity, Robert K. Paterson
Report on Cultural Heritage Law, Robert K. Paterson
Apprehension of Indicted War Criminals: Lessons from the Former Yugoslavia, Benjamin Perrin
Discussion Paper: Sexual Exploitation of Children & Adolescents (Canada, Benjamin Perrin
Guns for Hire - With Canadian Taxpayer Dollars, Benjamin Perrin
Humanitarian Assistance and the Private Security Debate: An International Humanitarian Law Perspective, Benjamin Perrin
Our Child Sex Offender Laws Should Cross Borders, Benjamin Perrin
Searching for Law While Seeking Justice: The Difficulties of Enforcing International Humanitarian Law in International Criminal Trials, Benjamin Perrin
Loretto v. Teleprompter Manhattan CATV Corp., 458 U.S.419 (1982), Ngai Pindell
The Right to the City, Ngai Pindell
Contract Law, Pitman B. Potter
Globalization and Business Regulation in Local Context, Pitman B. Potter
Taxation of Individuals, Pitman B. Potter
Legal Education's Mission, W. Wesley Pue
Protecting Constitutionalism in Treacherous Times: Why 'Rights' Don't Matter, W. Wesley Pue
Providing Legal Aid: Some Untried Means, Supriya Routh
Annual Review of Insolvency Law 2007, Janis Sarra
Canada, Janis Sarra
Corporate Group Insolvencies: Seeing the Forest and the Trees, Janis Sarra
Employee and Pension Claims During Company Insolvency: A Comparative Study of 62 Jurisdictions, Janis Sarra
Introduction, Janis Sarra
Maidum's Challenge, Legal and Governance Issues in Dealing With Cross-Border Business Enterprise Group Insolvencies, Janis Sarra
Widening the Insolvency Lens: The Treatment of Employee Claims, Janis Sarra
Selecting the Judicial Tool to get the Job Done: An Examination of Statutory Interpretation, Discretionary Power and Inherent Jurisdiction in Insolvency Matters, Janis Sarra and Georgina R. Jackson
Credit Derivatives Market Design, Creating Fairness and Sustainability, Janis P. Sarra
Proportionate Securities Regulation: The Potential for Scaled Treatment of Junior Issuers, Janis P. Sarra
Mandatory Retirement: Termination at 65 is Ended, But Exceptions Linger on, Anthony F. Sheppard
Fixture Postponed: The Iran Stand-down, Ian Townsend-Gault
Fixture Postponed: The Iran Stand-down, Ian Townsend-Gault
"Jolly Roger" No Longer - The Menace of Modern Piracy, Ian Townsend-Gault
R2P and Burma: If Not Now, When?, Ian Townsend-Gault
War Crimes Choices, Ian Townsend-Gault
2010 Olympics: Aiming for Sustainable Development, Joseph Weiler and Arun Mohan
The Collaborative Tales: Exploring the Role of Public Engagement in Achieving Sustainable Development within the Olympic Movement, Joseph Weiler and Arun Mohan
Common Law Liability Relief, Stepan Wood
How Not to Incorporate Voluntary Standards into Smart Regulation: ISO 14001 and Ontario's Environmental Penalties Regulations, Stepan Wood and Lynn Johannson
Six Principles for Integrating Non-Governmental Environmental Standards into Smart Regulation, Stepan Wood and Lynn Johannson
Submissions from 2007
Democratising or Demonising the World Heritage Convention?, Natasha Affolder
Mining and the World Heritage Convention: Democratic Legitimacy and Treaty Compliance, Natasha Affolder
Counting Outsiders: A Critical Exploration of Outsider Course Enrollment in Canadian Legal Education, Natasha Bakht, Kim Brooks, Gillian Calder, Jennifer Koshan, Sonia Lawrence, Carissima Mathen, and Debra Parkes
Hearing the Sexual Assault Complaints of Women with Mental Disabilities: Evidentiary and Procedural Issues, Janine Benedet
Pornography and Prostitution in Canada: The Dangers Ahead, Janine Benedet
Hearing the Sexual Assault Complaints of Women with Mental Disabilities: Consent, Capacity, and Mistaken Belief, Janine Benedet and Isabel Grant
Flying Between the Lines: Drone Laws and the (Re)Production of Public Spaces, Brenna Bhandar
UBC Law Faculty News: Cross-Cultural Dispute Resolution Project, Ljiljana Biuković
Assurance Services as a Substitute for Law in Global Commerce, Margaret M. Blair, Cynthia A. Williams, and Li-Wen Lin
Collaborating on Family Law Reform, Susan B. Boyd
Contradictions and Challenges in Canadian Family Law, Susan B. Boyd
Gendering Legal Parenthood: Bio-Genetic Ties, Intentionality and Responsibility, Susan B. Boyd
UBC Law Faculty News: Celebrating the 10th Anniversary of the UBC Centre for Feminist Legal Studies, Susan B. Boyd
Editorial, Susan B. Boyd and Kim Brooks
Special Issue, Susan B. Boyd and Kim Brooks
Feminism, Fathers' Rights, and Family Catastrophes: Parliamentary Discourse on Post-Separation Parenting, 1966-2003, Susan B. Boyd and Claire Young
A Principled Approach to Relevance: The Cheshire Cat in Canada, Christine Boyle