Includes works of current faculty, emeritus faculty, in memoriam faculty and faculty on leave of the Peter A. Allard School of Law.


Submissions from 2007

Introduction, Margot Young

Successful Challenge to Indian Act Shows Value of Now-Defunded Program, Margot Young

Why Rights Now? Law and Desperation, Margot Young

Poverty: Rights, Social Citizenship, and Legal Activism, Margot Young, Susan B. Boyd, Gwen Brodsky, and Shelagh Day

Submissions from 2006


Cachet Not Cash: Another Sort of World Bank Group Borrowing, Natasha Affolder


Domesticating the Exotic Species: International Biodiversity Law in Canada, Natasha Affolder

Fostering Compliance with International Biodiversity Law: Environmental Advocacy Groups Inside and Outside the Courtroom, Natasha Affolder

Kids and the Corporation, Joel Bakan

Compliance with International Treaties: Selective Adaptation Analysis, Ljiljana Biuković

European Community in Disputes Before WTO Tribunals: Challenges of Coexistence of Regional Trade Agreements, Ljiljana Biuković

Canadian Cases in Private International Law in 2005-6 / Jurisprudence canadienne en matière de droit international privé en 2005-6, Joost Blom

Family, Law and Sexuality: Feminist Engagements, Susan B. Boyd

Family, Law and Sexuality: Feminist Engagements, Susan B. Boyd

Robbed of Their Families'? Fathers' Rights Discourses in Canadian Parenting Law Reform Processes, Susan B. Boyd

Introduction, Susan B. Boyd and Helen Rhoades

Law and Families, Susan B. Boyd and Helen Rhoades


Losing the Feminist Voice? Debates on the Legal Recognition of Same Sex Partnerships in Canada, Susan B. Boyd and Claire F.L. Young

The Responsible Citizen in the City of Lévis: Due Diligence and Officially Induced Error, Christine Boyle and Sam De Groot

Chinese Parliamentary Sovereignty: Constitutional Ground, Challenges and Transformation Prospects, Jie Cheng

'Hong Kong's Judiciary under the Dual Track Politics, Jie Cheng

Observation and Experiences of Yale's Legal Education, Jie Cheng

Procedural Wrongs and Reconstruction in Land Taking Cases, Jie Cheng


The Legal Architecture of Intergovernmental Transfers: A Comparative Examination, Sujit Choudhry and Benjamin Perrin

Aboriginality and Governance: A Multidisciplinary Perspective from Quebec, Gordon Christie


Developing Case Law: The Future of Consultation and Accommodation, Gordon Christie

Canada's External Constitution and its Democratic Deficit, Stephen Clarkson and Stepan Wood

Without Fear or Favour? Trends and Possibilities in the Canadian Approach to Expert Human Behaviour Evidence, Emma Cunliffe

Amorality and Humanitarianism in Immigration Law, Catherine Dauvergne

Curriculum Reform at UBC Law, Catherine Dauvergne

Reflections on Gendering Canada's Refugee Process, Catherine Dauvergne

Gendering Canada's Refugee Status, Catherine Dauvergne, Leonora C. Angeles, and Agnes Huang

Submission of the Canadian Feminist Alliance for International Action and the National Association of Women and the Law to the United Nations Committee on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights on the Occasion of its Review of Canada's 4th and 5th Periodi, Shelagh Day and Margot Young

Taxation, Redistribution, and Fiscal Federalism, David G. Duff


The Supreme Court of Canada and the General Anti-Avoidance Rule: Canada Trustco and Mathew, David G. Duff

Canadian Income Tax Law, 2d ed., David G. Duff and et al.

British Columbia v. Imperial Tobacco Canada Ltd.: Extraterritoriality and Fundamental Principles, Elizabeth Edinger


New British Columbia Legislation: The Court Jurisdiction and Proceedings Transfer Act; The Enforcement of Canadian Judgments and Decrees Act, Elizabeth Edinger

International Environmental Law, Jaye Ellis and Stepan Wood

Open to All? Regulating Open Street CCTV and the Case for 'Symmetrical Surveillance', Benjamin J. Goold

Crime and Security, Benjamin J. Goold and Lucia Zedner

Book Review of The 1985 Pacific Salmon Treaty: Sharing Conservation Burdens and Benefits, Douglas C. Harris

Colonial Territoriality: The Spatial Restructuring of Native Land and Fisheries on the Pacific Coast, Douglas C. Harris


Indefeasible Title in British Columbia: A Comment on the November 2005 Amendments to the Land Title Act, Douglas C. Harris

Race Based' Fishery on the Fraser?, Douglas C. Harris

Criminal Law: R. v. Turcotte: A Beacon of Light for the Defence, Nikos Harris

Criminal Law: Striking Out with Striking Down? Try a Little Statutory Interpretation, Nikos Harris

The Right to Silence: The 'Other' Charter Right, Nikos Harris

Are Women's Rights Worth the Paper They're Written On? Collaborating to Enforce the Human Rights of Criminalized Women, Gayle Horii, Debra Parkes, and Kim Pate

Are Women's Rights Worth the Paper They're Written On? Collaborating to Enforce the Human Rights of Criminalized Women, Gayle Horii, Debra Parkes, and Kim Pate

The 2007 Annotated Bankruptcy and Insolvency Act, Lloyd W. Houlden, Geoffrey B. Morawetz, and Janis Sarra

The Litmus Test of Legitimacy: Independent Adjudication and Administrative Segregation, Michael Jackson

Selective Adaptation and Human Rights to Health in China, Lesley Jacobs and Pitman B. Potter


Connecting People to Place: Great Lakes Aboriginal History in Cultural Context, Darlene Johnston


Respecting and Protecting the Sacred, Darlene Johnston

Conceptions of Liberty Deprivation, Liora Lazarus

Conflict and Culture: Research in Five Communities in Vancouver, British Columbia, Michelle LeBaron and J. Bruce Grundison

Using the Creative Arts, Michelle LeBaron and Christopher Honeyman

Conflict Across Cultures: A Unique Experience of Bridging Differences, Michelle LeBaron and Venashri Pillay

Conflict, Culture and Images of Change, Michelle LeBaron and Venashri Pillay


Corporate Social Accountability Standards in the Global Supply Chain: Resistance, Reconsideration and Resolution in China, Li-Wen Lin

Patchwork Law Reform: Your Idea is Good in Practice, But It Won't Work in Theory, Roderick A. MacDonald and Hoi Kong

Contracts, Bruce MacDougall

Refusing to Officiate at Same-Sex Civil Marriages, Bruce MacDougall

On Megan's Law, Shigenori Matsui

Personal Information Protection Act and Freedom of Expression of Mass Media, Shigenori Matsui

The Protection of 'Fundamental Human Rights' in Japan, Shigenori Matsui

The Rehnquist Court and Freedom of Expression, Shigenori Matsui

Introduction to Law, Shigenori Matsui, Takaaki Matsumiya, and Hiroo Sono

Saving the Game: Pro Hockey's Quest to Raise its Game from Crisis to New Heights, Marcus Moore


Lawyers' Professionalism, Colonialism, State Formation and National Life in Nigeria, 1900-1960: 'The Fighting Brigade of the People', Chidi Oguamanam and W. Wesley Pue


Time for Accountability: Effective Oversight of Women's Prisons, Debra Parkes and Kim Pate

New Principles for Cooperation in the Mutual Protection and Transfer of Cultural Material, Robert K. Paterson

Resolving Material Culture Disputes: Human Rights, Property Rights and Crimes Against Humanity, Robert K. Paterson

Challenges Facing the EU Network of Competition Authorities: Insights from a Comparative Criminal Law Perspective, Benjamin Perrin

Ensuring Effective Implementation of Measures to Protect Victims and Creation of a Canadian Counter-Human Trafficking Office, Benjamin Perrin


Falling Short of the Mark: An International Study on the Treatment of Victims of Human Trafficking, Benjamin Perrin

Making Sense of Complementarity: The Relationship Between the International Criminal Court and National Jurisdictions, Benjamin Perrin


Promoting Compliance of Private Security and Military Companies with International Humanitarian Law, Benjamin Perrin

Crossing Boundaries, Venashri Pillay and Michelle LeBaron

Full Circle Reflection: Learning from Ourselves, Venashri Pillay and Michelle LeBaron

Finding a Right to the City: Exploring Property and Community in Brazil and in the United States, Ngai Pindell


China and the Human Right to Health: Selective Adaptation and Treaty Compliance, Pitman B. Potter

Globalization, the WTO and Cross-Straits Relations, Pitman B. Potter

Law and Economic Development in China Mainland and Taiwan, Pitman B. Potter

Law, Economic Regulation and Political Change: Comments on Selective Adaptation in Mainland China and Taiwan, Pitman B. Potter

Law, Economic Regulation, and Political Change: Comments on Selective Adaptation in Mainland China and Taiwan, Pitman B. Potter

Legal Reform and Economic Development in China Mainland and Taiwan, Pitman B. Potter

Legal Reform and Legal Culture in Mainland China, Pitman B. Potter

Selective Adaptation and Institutional Capacity: Perspectives on Human Rights in China, Pitman B. Potter


Death Squads or 'Directions Over Lunch': A Comparative Review of the Independence of the Bar, W. Wesley Pue


Educating the Total Jurist?, W. Wesley Pue

A Step in the Wrong Direction: The Impact of the Legislative Protection of Technological Protection Measures on Fair Dealing and Freedom of Expression, Graham Reynolds

Environmental Law for Sustainability, Benjamin J. Richardson and Stepan Wood

Environmental Law for Sustainability, Benjamin J. Richardson and Stepan Wood

Do Human Rights Work for Informal Workers?, Supriya Routh

Annual Review of Insolvency Law 2005, Janis Sarra

Canada's Supreme Court Rules No Fiduciary Obligation Towards Creditors on Insolvency - Peoples Department Stores v. Wise, Janis Sarra

Cross-Border Developments and Receiver Liability, Janis Sarra

Development of a Model to Track Filings and Collect Data for Proceedings Under the CCAA, Janis Sarra

Eye on the Americas: Recognition and Use of Cross-Border Proceedings, Janis Sarra