Includes works of current faculty, emeritus faculty, in memoriam faculty and faculty on leave of the Peter A. Allard School of Law.


Submissions from 2003

Public Policy in Private International Law and Its Evolution in Time, Joost Blom

Australian Judges at Work Internationally: Treason, Assassinations, Coups, Legitimacy of Government, Human Rights, Poverty and Development, Susan B. Boyd

Child Custody, Law, and Women's Work, Susan B. Boyd


From Same-Sex to No Sex? Trends Towards Recognition of (Same-Sex) Relationships in Canada, Susan B. Boyd and Claire F.L. Young

Moving from the Back to the Front of the Classroom, Kim Brooks and Debra Parkes

Financial Transparency and Open Auditing, Jie Cheng

Independent Auditing and Government Responsibility, Jie Cheng

Aboriginal Citizenship: Sections 35, 25 and 15 of Canada's Constitution Act, 1982, Gordon Christie


Law, Theory and Aboriginal Peoples, Gordon Christie


Multilateral Management as a Fair Solution to the Spratly Disputes, Wei Cui

Shenpi (Licensing) Reform from the Perspective of One Municipal Jurisdiction: Ideologies, Institutions, and Law, Wei Cui


Shenpi (Licensing) Reform From The Perspective of One Municipal Jurisdiction: Ideologies, Institutions, and Law, Wei Cui

Before the High Court: Applicants S396/2002 and S395/2002, A Gay Refugee Couple from Bangladesh, Catherine Dauvergne

Challenges to Sovereignty: Migration Laws for the 21st Century, Catherine Dauvergne

Evaluating Canada's New Immigration and Refugee Protection Act in its Global Context, Catherine Dauvergne

Illegal Migration and Sovereignty in Theories of Globalization, Catherine Dauvergne

Jurisprudence for an Interconnected Globe - Catherine Dauvergne, ed., Catherine Dauvergne

New Directions in Jurisprudence, Catherine Dauvergne

Tales of Two Nations: Australian Citizenship Law in Context and Semblances of Sovereignty: The Constitution, the State and American Citizenship (Book review), Catherine Dauvergne


Burdened by Proof: How the Australian Refugee Review Tribunal has Failed Lesbian and Gay Asylum Seekers, Catherine Dauvergne and Jenni Millbank An Empirical Critique of the Evidentiary Practices of the Australian Refugee Review Tribunal, Catherine Dauvergne and Jenni Millbank

Corporate Assets As a Trust: For Whom Are Corporate Officers Trustees? The Role of Incentives, Ronald Davis

Investor Control of Multi-National Corporations: A Market for Corporate Governance Based on Justice and Fairness?, Ronald Davis

Restructuring Proceedings and Pension Fund Deficits: A Question of Risk and Reward, Ronald Davis


The Enron Pension Jigsaw: Assembling Accountable Corporate Governance by Fiduciaries, Ronald B. Davis

Canada's Failure To Act: Women's Inequality Deepens: Submission of the Canadian Feminist Alliance for International Action to the United Nations Committee on the Elimination of Discrimination Against Women on the Occasion of the Committee's Review of Cana, Shelagh Day, Margot Young, Michelle Booker, and Karey Brooks

Canadian Income Tax Law, David G. Duff

Judicial Application of the General Anti-Avoidance Rule in Canada: OSFC Holdings Ltd. v. The Queen, David G. Duff

La Loi de l'Impot sur le Revenu et le Droit Prive au Canada: Complementarite, Dissociation et Bijuridisme, David G. Duff


Special Federal Tax Assistance for Charitable Donations of Publicly Traded Securities: A Tax Expenditure Analysis, David G. Duff


Tax Policy and Global Warming, David G. Duff


The Federal Income Tax Act and Private Law in Canada: Complementarity, Dissociation, and Canadian Bijuralism, David G. Duff

PRACTICE - Expropriation Act - Leave to Appeal, Elizabeth Edinger

Spar Aerospace: A Reconciliation of Morguard with the Traditional Framework for Determining Jurisdiction, Elizabeth Edinger

TRUSTS -"Quistclose" Trust - Joint Venture - One Party to Transfer Funds to Separate Account in Name of Other Party to Pay Expenses - Transferee Adjudged Bankrupt - Trustee in Bankruptcy Collects Unpaid Monies - Monies Collected Held on Trust for Supplier, Elizabeth Edinger


Public Area Surveillance and Police Work: The Impact of CCTV on Police Behaviour and Autonomy, Benjamin J. Goold


Restorative Cautioning, Theories of Reintegration, and the Influence of Japanese Notions of Shame, Benjamin J. Goold

A Woman's Life, a Woman's Health: Equalizing Medicaid Abortion Funding in Simat Corp. v. Arizona Health Care Cost Containment System, Sara Gordon

Canada's Criminal Harassment Provisions: A Review of the First Ten Years, Isabel Grant, Natasha Bone, and Kathy Grant

Historian and Courts: R. v. Marshall and the Mi'kmaq Treaties on Trial, Douglas C. Harris


Indigenous Territoriality in Canadian Courts, Douglas C. Harris

Evidence in Appellate Proceedings, Nikos Harris

Evidence in Sentencing Proceedings, Nikos Harris

System' Charter Applications: Protecting the Justice System and Your Client, Nikos Harris

Bridging Cultural Conflicts: A New Approach for a Changing World, Michelle LeBaron

Trickster, Mediator's Friend, Michelle LeBaron

Windows on Diversity: Lawyers, Culture, and Mediation Practice, Michelle LeBaron and Zena D. Zumeta

Contracts, Bruce MacDougall


The Separation of Church and Date: Destabilizing Traditional Religion-Based Legal Norms on Sexuality, Bruce MacDougall

Administrative Procedure, Shigenori Matsui

Fair Trial and Mass Media, Shigenori Matsui

Freedom of Information Law, Shigenori Matsui

Mass Media Law, Shigenori Matsui

Reflections upon the Japanese Constitution, Shigenori Matsui

The Method of Teaching in Law Schools, Shigenori Matsui

The Right to Fair Trial and Freedom of Expression, Shigenori Matsui

Canadian Cases in Public International Law in 2002-3 / Jurisprudence canadienne en matière de droit international public en 2002-3, Karin Mickelson

Co-opting Common Heritage: Reflections on the Need for South-North Scholarship, Karin Mickelson

The Environment: Ecological and Ethical Dimensions, Karin Mickelson and William Rees

Baby Steps on the Way to a Grown-up Charter: Reflections on 20 Years of Social and Economic Rights Claims, Debra Parkes


Ballot Boxes Behind Bars: Toward the Repeal of Prisoner Disenfranchisement Laws, Debra Parkes

A Proposed Strategy for the Multilateral Recognition of National Cultural Property: Export Controls, Robert K. Paterson

Is That Carving Stolen: Due Diligence, Robert K. Paterson

Maori Art in New Zealand Law, Robert K. Paterson

Public-Private Partnerships and Trade Agreements: Guidance for Municipalities, Robert K. Paterson

The Sale of the Webster Maori Collection in New Zealand, Robert K. Paterson


Looking Beyond Intellectual Property in Resolving Protection of Intangible Cultural Heritage of Indigenous Peoples, Robert K. Paterson and Dennis S. Karjala

Counting on the Court: The Preservation of Fundamental Freedoms and Liberties in the Era of the Security Revolution, Richard C.C. Peck and Nikos Harris

Is There Hope For HOPE VI?: Community Economic Development and Localism, Ngai Pindell

Synchronizing Individual Corporate Self-Interest Goals and Sector Development Responsibilities: The BC Seafood Processing Industry Experience, Kathleen Porter and Joe Weiler

Belief in Control: Regulation of Religion in China, Pitman B. Potter

From Leninist Discipline to Socialist Legalism: Peng Zhen on Law and Political Authority in the PRC, Pitman B. Potter

Globalization and Economic Regulation in China: Selective Adaptation of Globalized Norms and Practices, Pitman B. Potter

Trade and Human Rights Practices in China: Prospects for Canadian Influence, Pitman B. Potter


Cultural Projects and Structural Transformation in the Legal Profession, W. Wesley Pue


The War On Terror: Constitutional Governance in a State of Permanent Warfare?, W. Wesley Pue

A Short History of the Canadian Law and Society Association, W. Wesley Pue

Editorial, W. Wesley Pue

Special Issue on Postcolonial Legal Studies, W. Wesley Pue

Corporate Governance in Global Capital Markets - Janis Sarra, ed., Janis Sarra

Creditor Rights and the Public Interest: Restructuring Insolvent Corporations, Janis Sarra

Entre Loup et Chien: Restructuring under Canadian Insolvency Law and Proposals for Legislative Reform, Janis Sarra

Introduction, Janis Sarra

Legislative Reform of the Bankruptcy and Insolvency Act and the CCAA, Janis Sarra

Oversight, Hindsight and Foresight: Canadian Corporate Governance through the Lens of Global Capital Markets, Janis Sarra

Personal Insolvency, Societal Condemnation or Fresh Start, Janis Sarra

Recent Developments in Judicial Review of Arbitration Decisions, Dancing the Two-Step in British Columbia, Janis Sarra

Shareholders as Winners and Losers under the Amended Canada Business Corporations Act, Janis Sarra


The Corporation as Symphony: Are Shareholders First Violin or Second Fiddle?, Janis P. Sarra

Judicial Notice in International Criminal Law: A Reconciliation of Potential, Peril and Precedent, Allard School of Law at the University of British Columbia G. Stewart


Towards a Single Definition of Armed Conflict in International Humanitarian Law: A Critique of Internationalized Armed Conflict, James G. Stewart

Introduction: Towards a Cultural History of Lawyers, David Sugarman and W. Wesley Pue

Lawyers and Vampires: Cultural Histories of Legal Professions, David Sugarman and W. Wesley Pue


Environmental Management Systems and Public Authority in Canada: Rethinking Environmental Governance, Stepan Wood

Green Revolution or Greenwash? Voluntary Environmental Standards, Public Law, and Private Authority in Canada, Stepan Wood

Sustainability in International Law, Stepan Wood

Tax Policy, Theoretical Explorations, and Social Realities, Claire Young

Restorative Police Cautioning in Aylesbury - from Degrading to Reintegrative Shaming Ceremonies?, Richard Young and Benjamin J. Goold

Submissions from 2002

Children in Pornography after Sharpe, Janine Benedet

Always on the Defence: The Myth of Universality and the Persistence of Privilege in Legal Education, Brenna Bhandar