Includes works of current faculty, emeritus faculty, in memoriam faculty and faculty on leave of the Peter A. Allard School of Law.


Submissions from 1999

Should Canada sign UNIDROIT?, Robert K. Paterson

China and the WTO: Tensions between Globalized Liberalism and Local Culture, Pitman B. Potter

Contract Law, Pitman B. Potter

Taxation of Foreign Individuals/Tax Planning, Pitman B. Potter

Taxation of Individuals, Pitman B. Potter


British Masculinities, Canadian Lawyers, W. Wesley Pue

British Masculinities, Canadian Lawyers: Canadian Legal Education, 1900-1930, W. Wesley Pue

Corporate Governance Reform: Recognition of Workers' Equitable Investments in the Firm, Janis Sarra

Introduction: The Corporation as a Person in Tax Law, Anthony Sheppard


The Best and the Brightest: Canadian Law School Admissions, Dawna Tong and W. Wesley Pue

Compliance with the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea in the Asia-Pacific Region, Ian Townsend-Gault

Taxing Times for Women: Feminism Confronts Tax Policy, Claire Young

Submissions from 1998


Tadić, the Anonymous Witness and the Sources of International Procedural Law, Natasha Affolder

On Indecency: R. V. Jacob, Janine Benedet

Court Intervention in Arbitral Proceedings in Countries Adopting the UNCITRAL Model Law on International Commercial Arbitration: An Impact of Legal Culture on Reception (Case studies of Canada, Hong Kong and Russia), Ljiljana Biuković

Impact of the Adoption of the Model Law in Canada: Creating a New Environment for International Arbitration, Ljiljana Biuković

Canadian Cases in Private International Law in 1997-98 / La jurisprudence canadienne en matière de droit international privé en 1997-98, Joost Blom

Lesbian (and Gay) Custody Claims: What Difference Does Difference Make?, Susan B. Boyd

Constitutionality of Bill C-49: Analyzing Sexual Assault as If Equality Really Mattered, Christine Boyle and Marilyn MacCrimmon


Aboriginal Rights, Aboriginal Culture, and Protection, Gordon Christie

Chinese Fleeing Sterilisation: Australia's Response Against a Canadian Backdrop, Catherine Dauvergne

Legislating Public Safety: The Business of Risk, Isabel Grant

Hearing Claims of Inequality: Eldridge v. British Columbia (A.G.), Isabel Grant and Judith Mosoff

The Legal Capture of British Columbia's Fisheries: A Study of Law and Colonialism, Douglas C. Harris

Silence in the Classroom: Limits on Homosexual Expression and Visibility in Education and the Privileging of Homophobic Religious Ideology, Bruce MacDougall

Constitutional Structures and Human Rights in Southeast Asia: Cambodia, Indonesia, Thailand and Vietnam, Ted L. McDorman and Margot Young

Canadian Cases in Public International Law in 1997-98 / La jurisprudence canadienne en matière de droit international public en 1997-98, Karin Mickelson

How Universal is the Universal Declaration?, Karin Mickelson


Rhetoric and Rage: Third World Voices in International Legal Discourse, Karin Mickelson

Economic and Legal Reform in China: Whither Civil Society and Democratization?, Pitman B. Potter

The Rule of Law, APEC and Canada, W. Wesley Pue


International Law and International Relations Theory: A New Generation of Interdisciplinary Scholarship, Anne-Marie Slaughter, Andrew S. Tulumello, and Stepan Wood

Change at the Margins: Eldrige v. British Columbia (A.G.) and Vriend v. Alberta, Margot Young

Submissions from 1997

Just Words: Constitutional Rights And Social Wrongs, Joel Bakan

Globalization of Rules on International Commercial Arbitration: The Response of Central and Eastern Europe, Ljiljana Biuković

Human Rights Reform in B.C., William Black

Canadian Cases in Private International Law in 1996-97 / La jurisprudence canadienne en matière de droit international privé en 1996-97, Joost Blom

The Enforcement of Foreign Judgments: Morguard Goes Forth into the World, Joost Blom

Challenging the Public/Private Divide: An Overview, Susan B. Boyd

Challenging the Public/Private Divide: Feminism, Law, and Public Policy, Susan B. Boyd

Child Custody, Relocation, and the Post-Divorce Family Unit: Gordon v. Goertz at the Supreme Court of Canada, Susan B. Boyd

Looking Beyond Tyabji: Employed Mothers, Lifestyles, and Child Custody Law, Susan B. Boyd

Case of the Missing Records: R. v. Carosella, Christine Boyle

Beyond Justice: The Consequences of Liberalism for Immigration Law, Catherine Dauvergne

Comments on Black and Babin, Mareva Injuctions in Canada: Territorial Aspects, Elizabeth Edinger

Rethinking Section 96: From a Question of Power to a Question of Rights, Robin Elliot

Canada's New Mental Disorder Disposition Provisions: A Case Study of the British Columbia Criminal Code Review Board, Isabel Grant

Exigent Circumstances: The Relevance of Repeated Abuse To the Defence of Duress, Isabel Grant

Sentencing for Murder in Canada, Isabel Grant

Sentencing for Domestic Attempted Murders: 'Special Interest Pleading'?, Isabel Grant and Debra Parkes

Book Review of Indians at Work: An Informal History of Native Indian Labour in British Columbia, 1858-1930, Douglas C. Harris

Inside the Law: Canadian Law Firms in Historical Perspective A Canadian Model of Corporate Governance, Douglas C. Harris

Sentencing of Dangerous and Habitual Offenders in Canada, Michael Jackson


Aboriginal Rights and the Constitution: A Story within a Story?, Darlene Johnston

Negotiating Intractable Conflict: The Common Ground Dialogue Process and Abortion, Michelle LeBaron and Nike Carstarphen

Canadian Cases in Public International Law in 1996-97 / La jurisprudence canadienne en matière de droit international public en 1996-97, Karin Mickelson

'A Jury Dressed in Medical White and Judicial Black': Mothers with Mental Health Histories in Child Welfare and Custody, Judith Mosoff

Forging a New Judicial Attitude to International Commercial Arbitration in Canada; the UNCITRAL Model Law in Canadian Courts, Robert K. Paterson

The Protection of Cultural Property in Internal Law, Robert K. Paterson

Valuing Art for Tax Purposes in Canada - The Sarick Case and its Aftermath, Robert K. Paterson

International Association of Legal Science 1996 Conference on the Protection of Cultural Property, Robert K. Paterson and Kurt Siehr

Criminal Law -Section 16(2) - The Meaning of Wrong - Schwartz v. The Queen, Dennis Pavlich

The Calculation of Damages for Fatal Injuries, Dennis Pavlich

Renegades and Vigilantes in Multilateral Environmental Regimes: Lessons of the 1995 'Turbot War', Stepan Wood

Public Taxes, Privatizing Effects, and Gender Inequality, Claire Young

Taxing Times for Women: Feminism Confronts Tax Policy, Claire Young

Sameness/Difference: A Tale of Two Girls, Margot Young

Submissions from 1996

Human Rights, Diana Belevsky and Margot Young

Canadian Cases in Private International Law in 1995-96 / La jurisprudence canadienne en matière de droit international privé en 1995-96, Joost Blom

Tort Recovery for Economic Loss and the Intersection Between Tort and Contract, Joost Blom

Best Friends or Spouses - Privatization and the Recognition of Lesbian Relationships in M. v. H., Susan B. Boyd


Can Law Challenge the Public/Private Divide? Women, Work, and Family, Susan B. Boyd

Is There an Ideology of Motherhood in (Post)Modern Child Custody Law?, Susan B. Boyd

Sexual Assault in Abusive Relationships: Common Sense about Sexual History, Christine Boyle

Directors' Liability in Canada, Ronald Davis

Exploring the Domain of Accident Law: Taking the Facts Seriously, Don Dewees, David G. Duff, and Michael Trebilcock

Bright Lines: Status, Recognition and Elusive Nature of Aging, Cristie Ford

Developments in Substantive Criminal Law: The 1994-95 Term, Isabel Grant


Developments in Constitutional Law: The 1994-95 Term, Hester Lessard, Bruce Ryder, David Schneiderman, and Margot Young

Canadian Cases in Public International Law in 1995-96 / La jurisprudence canadienne en matière de droit international public en 1995-96, Karin Mickelson

Seeing the Forest, the Trees and the People: Coming to Terms with Developing Country Perspectives on the Proposed Global Forests Convention, Karin Mickelson

The'Curse of the London Nataraja', Robert K. Paterson

The Right to Development: Philosophical Differences and Their Political Implications, Pitman B. Potter

Regulating Labour Relations in China: The Challenge of Adapting to the Socialist Market Economy, Pitman B. Potter and Li Jianyong

Foxes, Henhouses, Unfathomable Mysteries, and the Sufferance of the People: A Review of Regulating Professions and Occupations, W. Wesley Pue

Evidence, Rev. Ed., Anthony Sheppard

Submissions from 1995

Rights, Nationalism and Social Movements in Canadian Constitutional Politics, Joel C. Bakan and Michael Smith


Developments in Constitutional Law: The 1993-94 Term, Joel Bakan, Bruce Ryder, David Schneiderman, and Margot Young

Developments in Constitutional Law: The 1993-94 Term, Joel Bakan, Bruce Ryder, David Schneiderman, and Margot Young

Hostile Environment Sexual Harassment Claims and the Unwelcome Influence of Rape Law, Janine Benedet

Supervening Illegality and International Commercial Arbitration, Ljiljana Biuković

Canadian Cases in Private International Law in 1994-95 / La jurisprudence canadienne en matière de droit international privé en 1994-95, Joost Blom

W(h)ither Feminism? The Department of Justice Public Discussion Paper on Custody and Access, Susan B. Boyd

Human Rights, M. Cheryl Crane and Margot Young

Material Culture in Flux, Darcy N. Edgar and Robert K. Paterson

Retrospectivity in Law, Elizabeth Edinger

The Constitutionalization of the Conflict of Laws, Elizabeth Edinger

Developments in Substantive Criminal Law: The 1993-94 Term, Isabel Grant


Second Chances: Bill C-72 and the Charter, Isabel Grant

The Nlha7kapmx Meeting at Lytton, 1879, and the Rule of Law, Douglas C. Harris