Includes works of current faculty, emeritus faculty, in memoriam faculty and faculty on leave of the Peter A. Allard School of Law.


Submissions from 1995

Native Rights as Collective Rights: A Question of Group Self-Preservation, Darlene Johnston

Outing: The Law Reacts to Speech about Homosexuality, Bruce MacDougall

Judging Sexual Assault Law Against a Standard of Equality, John McInnes and Christine Boyle

Canadian Cases in Public International Law in 1994-95 / La jurisprudence canadienne en matière de droit international public en 1994-95, Karin Mickelson

Motherhood, Madness and Law, Judith Mosoff

Part V: Technological Strategies to Recover Stolen or Illegally Obtained Art Objects: Introduction, Robert K. Paterson

The Legal Dynamics of Cultural Property Export Controls: Ortiz Revisited, Robert K. Paterson


Sex, Tax and the Charter: A Review of Thibaudeau v. Canada, Lisa Philipps and Margot Young

Doctrinal Norms and Popular Attitudes Concerning Civil Law Relationships in Taiwan, Pitman B. Potter

Foreign Business Law in China: Past Progress and Future Challenges, Pitman B. Potter

Foreign Investment Law in the People's Republic of China: Dilemmas of State Control, Pitman B. Potter


In Pursuit of Better Myth: Lawyers' Histories and Histories of Lawyers, W. Wesley Pue

Common Law Legal Education in Canada's Age of Light, Soap and Water, W. Wesley Pue

Law School: The Story of Legal Education in British Columbia, W. Wesley Pue

'I Remember When...': Law School in British Columbia, W. Wesley Pue and Robert Diab

Protecting Workers' Reproductive Health: Lessons from Quebec and Other Statutory Regimes, Janis Sarra

It's All in the Family: Child Support, Tax and Thibaudeau, Claire Young


(In)Visible Inequalities: Women, Tax and Poverty, Claire F.L. Young

Lesbian Perspectives, Claire Young and Diana Majury

Reproductive Technologies and The Law: Norplant and the Bad Mother, Margot Young

Reproductive Technologies and The Law: Norplant and the Bad Mother, Margot Young

Submissions from 1994

B.C. Human Rights Review: Report on Human Rights in British Columbia, William Black

Canadian Cases in Private International Law in 1993-94 / La jurisprudence canadienne en matière de droit international privé en 1993-94, Joost Blom

Contract and Tort - Negligent Misstatement Inducing Contract - Concurrent Liability - Effect of Contractual Terms: BG Checo International Ltd. v. British Columbia Hydro & Power Authority; Queen v. Cognos Inc., Joost Blom

Expanding the "Family" in Family Law: Recent Ontario Proposals on Same Sex Relationships, Susan B. Boyd

(Re)Placing the State: Family, Law and Oppression, Susan B. Boyd

The Role of Equality in Criminal Law, Christine Boyle

An International Criminal Tribunal: The Difficult Union of Principle and Politics, Peter Burns

Human Rights, M. Cheryl Crane, Bruce R. Grist, and Margot Young

A Reassessment of the Effects of a Constitutional Charter of Rights on the Discourse of Sexual Violence in Canada, Catherine Dauvergne

The Enactment of Japan's Product Liability Law, Catherine Dauvergne

Wealth Tax Proposals: Distributional Impacts and Revenue Potential, James B. Davies and David G. Duff

Charter of Rights and Freedoms: Civil, Robin Elliot

The Supreme Court's Rethinking of the Charter's Fundamental Questions (Or Why the Charter Keeps Getting More Interesting), Robin Elliot

The Law of Homicide, Isabel Grant, Dorothy Chunn, and Christine Boyle


Marshalling and the Personal Property Security Acts: Doing Unto Others…, Bruce MacDougall

Subordination Agreements, Bruce MacDougall

The Debtor's Interest in Personal Property under the PPSA, Bruce MacDougall

U. N. Convention on Contracts for the International Sale of Goods, Bruce MacDougall

Canadian Cases in Public International Law in 1993-94 / La jurisprudence canadienne en matière de droit international public en 1993-94, Karin Mickelson

Socialist Legality and Legal Culture in Shanghai: A Survey of Getihu, Pitman B. Potter

Child Care and the Charter: Privileging the Privileged, Claire Young

Taxing Times for Lesbians and Gay Men: Equality at What Cost?, Claire Young


Child Care – A Taxing Issue?, Claire F.L. Young

Starving in the Shadow of Law: A Comment on Finlay v. Canada (Minister of Finance), Margot Young

Submissions from 1993

Canadian Cases in Private International Law in 1992-93 / La jurisprudence canadienne en matière de droit international privé en 1992-93, Joost Blom


Taxing Inherited Wealth: A Philosophical Argument, David G. Duff

Morguard v. DeSavoye: Subsequent Developments, Elizabeth Edinger

Conflict of Laws - Jurisdiction - British Columbia Residents Bringing Action for Damages in Texas Against Non British Columbia Resident Defendants..., Elizabeth R. Edinger

Charter of Rights and Freedoms: Civil, Robin Elliot

Scope of the Charter's Application, Robin Elliot

Criminal Law - Defences - Automatism - Accused Killing While Sleepwalking - Acquittal or Not Guilty by Reason of Insanity: R. v. Parks, Isabel Grant and Laura Spitz

First Nations and Canadian Citizenship, Darlene Johnston

Fixtures and the PPSA: Of the Wooden Horse of Troy, Creditors in the Weeds and Statutory Ambush, Bruce MacDougall

Rereading Trail Smelter, Karin Mickelson

Reproductive Technology and Disability: Searching for the 'Rights' and Wrongs in Explanation, Judith Mosoff

Implementing the UNCITRAL Model Law, Robert K. Paterson

The United Nations Model Treaty on Crimes against Cultural Property, Robert K. Paterson

Foreign Access to Securities Markets in Taiwan and the People's Republic of China, Pitman B. Potter

Foreign Participation in Chinese Securities Markets, Pitman B. Potter

Submissions from 1992

Some Hard Questions About the Hard Cases Question, Joel C. Bakan

Social Justice and the Constitution: Perspectives on a Social Union for Canada, Joel Bakan and David Schneiderman

An International Transaction in the Canadian Conflict of Laws, Joost Blom

Canadian Cases in Private International Law in 1991-92 / La jurisprudence canadienne en matière de droit international privé en 1991-92, Joost Blom

Continuing Legal Education in B.C., Joost Blom

Spacing Out: Towards a Critical Geography of Law, Nicholas K. Blomley and Joel Bakan

What Is a 'Normal' Family>? C v. C (a Minor) (Custody: Appeal), Susan B. Boyd

Disembodied Sexual Assault: McCraw v. R.,” Case Comment, Christine Boyle

The Role of the Judiciary in the Work of Madame Justice Wilson, Christine Boyle

Conflict of Laws - Jurisdiction-British Columbia Residents - Bringing Action for Damages In Texas against Non British Columbia Resident Defendant - Defendants Seeking Anti-Suit Injunction in British Columbia: Amchem Products v. Workers' Compensation Bo, Elizabeth R. Edinger

Charter of Rights and Freedoms: Civil, Robin Elliot


In Search of the Pathways to Justice: Alternative Dispute Resolution in Aboriginal Communities, Michael Jackson

Consideration and Estoppel: Problem and Panacea, Bruce MacDougall

Do the Orthodox Rules of Lawyering Permit the Public Interest Advocate to "Do the Right Thing?": A Case Study of HIV-Infected Prisoners, Judith Mosoff

The Legal Framework for Securities Markets in China: The Challenge of Maintaining State Control and Inducing Investor Confidence, Pitman B. Potter

Legal Analysis of the NHL Player's Contract, Joseph Weiler

Tax Implications of Cohabitation, Claire Young

Submissions from 1991

Constitutional Interpretation and Social Change: You Can't Always Get What You Want (Nor What Your Need), Joel Bakan

Canadian Cases in Private International Law in 1990-91/ La jurisprudence canadienne en matière de droit international privé en 1990-91, Joost Blom

The Faculty of Law, University of British Columbia 1981-90, Joost Blom

Torts and Contract-Duty of Care-Privity of Contract - Whether Terms in Contract with Employer Affect Employee's Liability In Negligence: London Drugs Ltd v. Kuehne & Nagel International Ltd, Joost Blom

Some Postmodernist Challenges to Feminist Analyses of Law, Family and State: Ideology and Discourse in Child Custody Law, Susan Boyd

Feminist Approach to Criminal Defences, Christine Boyle

An Insider's View of the Mandatory Retirement Cases, Robin Elliot

Developments in Constitutional Law: The 1989-90 Term, Robin Elliot

Rethinking Manner and Form: From Parliamentary Sovereignty to Constitutional Values, Robin Elliot

Mental Health Law and the Courts, Isabel Grant

Ex Turpi Causa: Should a Defence Arise from a Base Cause?, Bruce MacDougall

A Forum on Lavallee v. R: Women and Self-Defence, Donna Martinson, Marilyn MacCrimmon, Isabel Grant, and Christine Boyle

Canadian Developments in International Arbitration Law: A Step Beyond Mauro Rubino-Sammartano's International Arbitration Law, Robert K. Paterson

Canadian Investment Promotion and Protection Treaties, Robert K. Paterson

Editor's Introduction, Pitman B. Potter


Book Review of A Radical Lawyer in Victorian England: W. P. Roberts and the Struggle for Workers' Rights by Raymond Challinor, W. Wesley Pue

Becoming 'Ethical': Lawyers' Professional Ethics in Early Twentieth Century Canada, W. Wesley Pue

Becoming 'Ethical': Lawyers' Professional Ethics in Early Twentieth Century Canada, W. Wesley Pue

Towards Geo-Jurisprudence? - Formulating Research Agendas in Law and Geography, W. Wesley Pue

Boats Against the Current: A Note on the Effects of Imprisonment, Julian V. Roberts and Michael Jackson

Introduction of a Goods and Services Tax: The Canadian Experience, Claire Young

Submissions from 1990


Strange Expectations: A Review of Two Theories of Judicial Review, Joel Bakan

Canadian Cases in Private International Law in 1989-90 / La jurisprudence canadienne en matière de droit international privé en 1989-90, Joost Blom