Includes works of current faculty, emeritus faculty, in memoriam faculty and faculty on leave of the Peter A. Allard School of Law.


Submissions from 1990

Commentary (Tenth Anniversary Symposium for Windsor Yearbook of Access to Justice - Symposium: Access to Justice: Law Society and Scholarship: Panel 2: Women, Work and Access to Justice), Christine Boyle

Publication of Identifying Information about Sexual Assault Survivors: R. v. Canadian Newspapers Co. Ltd., Christine Boyle

The Battered Wife Syndrome and Self-Defence: Lavallee v. R., Christine Boyle

Compensation for Neurologically Impaired Infants: Medical No-Fault in Virginia, David G. Duff

The Impact of Vaillancourt v. the Queen on Canadian Criminal Law, Isabel Grant

Moral Panic at the English Bar: Paternal vs. Commercial Ideologies of Legal Practice in the 1860s, W. Wesley Pue

Trajectories of Professionalism?': Legal Professionalism after Abel, W. Wesley Pue

The Supreme Court of Canada and Criminal Evidence Reform: Recent Cases on Sexual Abuse of Children and Spousal Murder, Anthony Sheppard


The Medical Malpractice Explosion: An Empirical Assessment of Trends, Determinants, and Impacts, Michael J. Trebilcock, Donald N. Dewees, and David G. Duff

Submissions from 1989

Materials on Canadian Income Tax, 8th ed., Brian J. Arnold, D. Keith McNair, and Claire Young

Constitutional Arguments: Interpretation and Legitimacy in Canadian Constitutional Thought, Joel Bakan

Getting to the Botton of Meech Lake: A Discussion of Some Recent Writings on the 1987 Constitutional Accord, Joel Bakan and Danielle Pinard

Constitutional Law - Charter of Rights and Freedoms, Sections 15 and 1 - Canadian Citizenship and the Right to Practice Law: Andrews v. Law Society of British Columbia, William Black and Lynn Smith

Conflict of Laws-Enforcement of Extraprovincial Default Judgment - Reciprocity of Jurisdiction: Morguard Investments Ltd. v. De Savoye, Joost Blom

Child Custody, Ideologies, and Employment, Susan B. Boyd


Evidentiary Privilege for Hospital Quality Assurance and Risk Management: Assessing Statutory Reform, David G. Duff


Parental Separation and the Child Custody Decision: Toward a Reconception, David G. Duff and Roxanne Mykitiuk

Constitutional Law - Division of Powers - Application of Provincial Legislation on Safety in the Workplace to Federal Works and Undertakings: Bell Canada v. Commission de la santé et de la sécurité du travail; Canada National Railway Co. v. Courtois, Elizabeth Edinger

Recent Developments in the English Law of Conflicts: The Spiliada and Aerospatiale, Case Comment, E. R. Edinger

The Charter's Application in Private Litigation, Robin Elliot and Robert Grant

Forced Obstetrical Intervention: A Charter Analysis, Isabel Grant

R. v. Vaillancourt: The Constitutionalization of Mens Rea - Case Comment, Isabel Grant


Locking Up Natives in Canada, Michael Jackson

Native Rights as Collective Rights: A Question of Group Self-Preservation, Darlene Johnston

The Taking of Indian Lands in Canada: Consent or Coercion?, Darlene Johnston

Guild Training vs. Professional Education: The Committee on Legal Education and the Law Department of Queen's College, Birmingham in the 1850s, W. Wesley Pue

Admissibility and Technology, Anthony Sheppard

Deductibility of Entertainment and Home Office Expenses: New Restrictions to Deal with Old Problems, Claire Young

Submissions from 1988

Partiality and Legitimacy in Constitutional Theory, Joel Bakan


Judicial Law Reform in the Law of Contract, Joost Blom

Mistaken Bids: A Postscript, Joost Blom

Recent Development in Canadian Law: Conflict of Laws, Joost Blom


The Supreme Court and the New Family Law: Working Through the Pelech Trilogy, David G. Duff

The Appointment of Equitable Receivers: Application of Rules or Exercise of Pure Discretion?, E. R. Edinger

Constitutional Law - Division of Powers - Interjurisdictional Immunity, Reading Down And Pith And Substance: Ontario Public Service Employees Union v. Attorney-General for Ontario, Robin Elliot

The Process-Oriented Theory of Judicial Review - Does it Fit the Charter?, Robin Elliot

Spousal Status, Pension Benefits and Tax: Rosenberg v. Canada (Attorney General), Claire Young

Submissions from 1987

Materials on Canadian Income Tax, 7th ed., Brian J. Arnold, D. Keith McNair, and Claire Young

Concurrent Liability in Tort and Contract - Start of Limitation Period: Central Trust Co. v. Rafuse, Joost Blom

Economic Loss: Curbs on the Way Ahead, Joost Blom

Three More Mistaken Bid Cases, Joost Blom

Human Rights Tribunals and the R.C.M.P. - Constitutional Principles Confirmed or Confused: Scowby v. Glendinning, E. R. Edinger

The Supreme Court of Canada and Section 1 - The Erosion of the Common Front, Robin Elliot

Constructive Murder and the Charter: In Search of Principle, Isabel Grant and A. Wayne MacKay

UNCITRAL Arbitration Model in Canada: Canadian International Commercial Arbitration Legislation, Robert K. Paterson and Bonita J. Thompson

Exorcising Professional Demons: Charles Rann Kennedy and the Transition to the Modern Bar, W. Wesley Pue

Law Reform Commission of Canada and Lawyers' Approaches to Public Administration: A Review Essay, W. Wesley Pue

Rebels At the Bar: English Barristers and the County Courts in the 1850's, W. Wesley Pue

The Impecunious Plaintiff: Liesbosch Reconsidered, Stephen Wexler

The Attribution Rules: Their Uncertain Future in Light of Current Problems, Claire Young

Submissions from 1986

Materials on Canadian Income Tax, 6th ed., Brian J. Arnold, D. Keith McNair, and Claire Young

Taxation of Corporations and Shareholders: Cases and Materials, Brian J. Arnold, D. Keith McNair, and Claire F.L. Young

Slow Courier in the Supreme Court: A Comment on B.D.C. Ltd. v. Hofstrand Farms Ltd., Joost Blom


Canadian Feminist Perspectives on Law, Susan B. Boyd and Elizabeth A. Sheehy

Feminist Perspectives on Law: Canadian Theory and Practice, Susan B. Boyd and Elizabeth A. Sheehy

Charterwatch: Reflections on Equality, Christine Boyle

Teaching Law as if Women Really Mattered, or, What about the Washrooms?, Christine Boyle

A Feminist Review of Criminal Law, Christine Boyle, et al., and Stuart Russell

The MacShannon Test for Discretion: Defence and Delimitation, Elizabeth Edinger

Freedom of Expression and Pornography: The Need for a Structured Approach to Charter Analysis, Robin Elliot

Chief Justice Laskin and the Development of Canadian Criminal Law, Isabel Grant


The Right to Counsel in Prison Disciplinary Hearings, Michael Jackson

A Theory of Crown Trust Towards Aboriginal Peoples, Darlene Johnston

Quest of the Six Nations Confederacy for Self-Determination, Darlene Johnston

Righting the Balance: Canada's New Equality Rights, Lynn Smith, Gisèle Côté-Harper, Robin Elliot, and Magda Seydegart

Litigating the Values of a Nation: The Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms, Joseph M. Weiler and Robin Elliot

Wrong Attitude toward Drunk Driving - Insurance Corporation of British Columbia v. Casey, Stephen Wexler

Submissions from 1985

International Taxation and Federalism: The Canadian Perspective, Brian J. Arnold and Claire Young

Pornography, Law and Moral Theory, Joel Bakan

The Evolving Relationship between Contract and Tort, Joost Blom

Criminal Law and Procedure: Who Needs Tenure?, Christine Boyle

Constitutional Law - The Doctrines of Colourability and Extraterritoriality - Churchill Falls (Labrador) Corporation Ltd. et al. v.Attorney General of Newfoundland et al. - Case Comment, Elizabeth Edinger

Dangerous Offenders, Isabel Grant


The Economic Co-Operation Agreement between Canada and ASEAN: Charting a Foreign Investment Course in Southeast Asia, Robert K. Paterson

The Economic Contract Law of the People's Republic of China: Editor's Introduction, Pitman B. Potter

Jurisdiction over the Petroleum Resources of the Canadian Continental Shelf: The Emerging Picture, Ian Townsend-Gault

The Moral Confusions in Positivism, Utilitarianism and Liberalism, Stephen Wexler

Submissions from 1984

Recent Developments in Contract Law, Joost Blom

The Legal Status of the Arctic Sea Ice: A Comparative Study and a Proposal, Susan B. Boyd

Sexual Assault, Christine Boyle

The Judicial Committee of the Privy Council: Constitutional Bulwark or Colonial Remnant?, Peter Burns

Renvoi in Canada - Form and Availability, Elizabeth Edinger

New Brunswick Unified Criminal Court Reference, Robin Elliot


The Articulation of Native Rights in Canadian Law, Michael Jackson


Records and Archives in Court, Anthony F. Sheppard

Recent Developments in the Federal-Provincial Dispute Concerning Jurisdiction Over Offshore Petroleum Resources, Ian Townsend-Gault

The Urge to Idealize: Viscount Haldane and the Constitution of Canada, Stephen Wexler

Burden of Proof and Cause of Action, Stephen Wexler and Jack Effron

Submissions from 1983

Canadian Cases in Private International Law in 1982 / La jurisprudence canadienne en matière de droit international privé en 1982, Joost Blom

Home Rule for Women: Power-Sharing between Men and Women, Christine Boyle

Prisoners of Isolation: Solitary Confinement in Canada, Michael Jackson

Condominium Law in British Columbia, Dennis Pavlich

The Criminal Twilight Zone: Pre-Trial Procedures in the 1840's, W. Wesley Pue

Submissions from 1982

Charter of Rights - Application to Pre-Enactment Events, William Black

Canadian Cases in Private International Law in 1981 / La jurisprudence canadienne en matière de droit international privé en 1981, Joost Blom

Conflict of Laws and Constitutional Law - Extraterritorial Provincial Legislation - The Queen v. Thomas Equipment Ltd., Joost Blom

Civil Conspiracy: An Unwieldly Vessel Rides a Judicial Tempest, Peter Burns

Discretion in the Assumption and Exercise of Jurisdiction in British Columbia, Elizabeth Edinger

Territorial Limitations of Provincial Powers, Elizabeth Edinger

Civil Liberties and the Supreme Court of Canada, Robin Elliot