Submissions from 2002
Plasticity and Post-Colonial Recognition: 'Owning, Knowing and Being', Brenna Bhandar
International Commercial Arbitration in Cyberspace: Recent Developments, Ljiljana Biuković
NAFTA Arbitration Awards in British Columbia Courts: The Metalclad Case, Ljiljana Biuković
Unification of Cyber-Jurisdiction Rules: Just How Close are the EU and the US?, Ljiljana Biuković
Freedom of Expression and the Electoral Process, William Black
Copyright in Databases and Other Compilations of Information under Canadian Law, Joost Blom
Private International Law in a Globalizing Age: The Quiet Canadian Revolution, Joost Blom
Reform of Private International Law by Judges: Canada as a Case Study, Joost Blom
Tort, Contract and the Allocation of Risk, Joost Blom
Charting the Impact of Rights and Equality Discourse on Canadian Family Law, Susan B. Boyd
Who Influences Family Law Reform? Discourses on Motherhood and Fatherhood in Legislative Reform Debates in Canada, Susan B. Boyd and Claire Young
R. v. Law, Christine Boyle
The Criminalization of Young Women: An Editor's Forum, Christine Boyle and et al.
Reasons for Judgment: A Comment on R. v. Sheppard and R. v. Braich, Christine Boyle and Marilyn MacCrimmon
Law Making and Law Enforcement in China, Jie Cheng
Open Government Under Law: A Constitutionalist Perspective, Jie Cheng
Parliamentary Ombudsman in Sweden, Jie Cheng
Toward a More Open Society: Examination of Access to Information in China, Jie Cheng
Judicial Justification of Recent Developments in Aboriginal Law, Gordon Christie
The Court's Exercise of Plenary Power: Rewriting the Two-Row Wampum, Gordon Christie
Applicants S114 and S115, a Refugee Couple from Bangladesh, Catherine Dauvergne and Jenni Millbank
The Bonding Effects of Directors' Statutory Wage Liability: An Interactive Corporate Governance Explanation, Ronald Davis
Charter of Rights and Freedoms, Robin Elliot
The Charter Revolution and the Court Party': Sound Critical Analysis or Blinkered Political Polemic?, Robin Elliot
Privacy Rights and Public Spaces: CCTV and the Problem of the 'Unobservable Observer', Benjamin J. Goold
Teaching Human Rights in Japan: Legal Education and Japanese Values, Benjamin J. Goold
The Challenge of Policing Immigrant Communities, Benjamin J. Goold
Cultural Diversity and the Police in the United States: Understanding Problems and Finding Solutions, Benjamin J. Goold and Karyn Hadfield
Disability and Performance Standards under the Ontario Human Rights Code, Isabel Grant and Judith Mosoff
Book Review of Cis Dideen Kat - When Plumes Rise: The Way of the Lake Babine Nation, Douglas C. Harris
Book Review of Whose Property? The Deepening Conflict Between Private Property and Democracy in Canada, Douglas C. Harris
Seeking a Targeted Charter Remedy: R. v. Caster and the Exclusion of Evidence Under Section 7, Nikos Harris
The Utility of a Diminished Responsibility Defence: Can an Accused Be 'Half Responsible'for a Murder?, Nikos Harris
Constitutional Litigation and Democracy, Noriyuki Inoue and Shigenori Matsui
Human Rights Bill and Freedom of Expression of Mass Media, Noriyuki Inoue and Shigenori Matsui
Justice Behind the Walls: Human Rights in Canadian Prisons, Michael Jackson
Bridging Troubled Waters: Conflict Resolution from the Heart, Michelle LeBaron
Contracts, Bruce MacDougall
Changing Libel Law and Freedom of Expression, Shigenori Matsui
Human Rights Commission and Mass Media, Shigenori Matsui
Japanese Constitutional Law, Shigenori Matsui
Meaning of the Executive Power and the Status of Prime Minister Reconsidered, Shigenori Matsui
Publication of Prior Criminal Record of Prime Minister and Defamation, Shigenori Matsui
The Internet and the Constitution, Shigenori Matsui
The Internet and the Constitution, Shigenori Matsui
The Right of Publicity and Freedom of Expression (1), Shigenori Matsui
The Right of Publicity and Freedom of Expression (2), Shigenori Matsui
Canadian Cases in Public International Law in 2001-2 / Jurisprudence canadienne en matière de droit international public en 2001-2, Karin Mickelson
Motherhood, Madness and Law, Judith Mosoff
The U.S. v. An Antique Platter of Gold, Robert K. Paterson
Guanxi and the PRC Legal System: From Contradiction to Complementarity, Pitman B. Potter
The Evolution of Law in Contemporary China: Challenges for WTO Implementation, Pitman B. Potter
The Freedom of the Seas in History, Law, and Politics, Pitman B. Potter
Planting British Legal Culture in Colonial Soil: Legal Professionalism in the Lands of the Beaver and Kangaroo, W. Wesley Pue
The Chretien Legacy, W. Wesley Pue
Corporate Governance in Global Capital Markets, Canadian and International Developments, Janis Sarra
Employee Use of E-Mail and the Internet: An Arbitrator's Perspective, Janis Sarra
Safe Harbours or Unreliable Shoals: Director Incentives to Monitor Corporate Officers, Janis Sarra
Steel, Sulphur and Coal, Update on Debtor in Possession Financing and Priming Liens in CCAA Applications, Janis Sarra
The Gender Implications of Corporate Governance Change, Janis Sarra
Balancing Social and Corporate Culture in the Global Economy: The Evolution of Japanese Corporate Structure and Norms, Janis Sarra and Masafumi Nakahigashi
The Role of Expert Evidence at Arbitration: An Academic Perspective, Anthony Sheppard
Can International Law Contribute to Preventive Diplomacy in Southeast Asia?, Ian Townsend-Gault
Maritime Boundaries in the Arabian Sea, Ian Townsend-Gault
Equality, Freedom and Democracy: Tax Law and the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms, Claire Young
Pay Equity: A Fundamental Human Right, Margot Young
Submissions from 2001
Awarding Compound Interest in International Arbitration, Natasha Affolder
Legal Rights in the Supreme Court of Canada in 2000: Seeing the Big Picture, Janine Benedet
Little Sisters Book and Art Emporium v. Minister of Justice: Sex Equality and the Attack on R. v. Butler, Janine Benedet
Delays in the Human Rights Process: The Blencoe Case, William Black
Backlash and the Construction of Legal Knowledge: The Case of Child Custody Law, Susan B. Boyd
Backlash and the Construction of Legal Knowledge: The Case of Child Custody Law, Susan B. Boyd
To Serve the Cause of Justice: Disciplining Fact Determination, Christine Boyle and Marilyn MacCrimmon
Introduction: 'Legal Knowledge for Our Times: Rethinking Legal Knowledge and Legal Education', Ruth Buchanan, Marilyn MacCrimmon, and W. Wesley Pue
The United Nations Committee Against Torture and Its Role in Refugee Protection, Peter Burns
Transparency and Secrecy: Focus on Open Government Information System, Jie Cheng
Charitable Status and Terrorist Financing: Rethinking the Proposed Charities Registration (Security Information) Act, David G. Duff
Weak Currency Borrowings and the General Anti-Avoidance Rule in Canada: From Shell Canada to Canadian Pacific, David G. Duff
The Tobacco Damages and Health Care Costs Recovery Act: JTI-Macdonald Corp. v. British Columbia (Attorney General), Elizabeth Edinger
Charter of Rights and Freedoms, Robin Elliot
References, Structural Argumentation and the Organizing Principles of Canada's Constitution, Robin Elliot
Organizacion de Derecho Local, Julen Etxabe and I. Agirreazkuenaga
In Search of the Qualitative Clear Majority: Democratic Experimentalism and the Quebec Secession Reference, Cristie Ford
Review of: The Rights Revolution by Michael Ignatieff, Cristie Ford
The Ties That Bind: A Review of Michael Ignatieff's The Rights Revolution, Cristie Ford
Public Surveillance CCTV: Aspects of Its Impact on Policing in an English Force, Benjamin J. Goold
Rethinking the Sentencing Regime for Murder, Isabel Grant
Canada's Legal Inheritances, DeLloyd J. Guth and W. Wesley Pue
Preface, DeLloyd J. Guth and W. Wesley Pue
Fish, Law, and Colonialism: The Legal Capture of Salmon in British Columbia, Douglas C. Harris
Evidence of Post-Offence Conduct in Criminal Proceedings, Part II: The Spectrum of Admissibility to Infer Innocence, Nikos Harris
A Well-Founded Fear of Prosecution: Mediation and the Unauthorized Practice of Law, David A. Hoffman and Natasha Affolder
Lawyers and the Rule of Law on Trial: Sedition Prosecutions in Malaysia, Michael Jackson
The Psychological Effects of Administrative Segregation, Michael Jackson