Submissions from 2022
The Dialogical Language of Law, Julen Etxabe
Are Tents a "Home"? Extending Section 8 Privacy Rights for the Precariously Housed, Sarah Ferencz, Nicholas Blomley, Alexandra Flynn, and Marie-Eve Sylvestre
Are Tents a 'Home'? Extending Section 8 Privacy Rights for the Precariously Housed, Sarah Ferencz, Alexandra Flynn, Nicholas Blomley, and Marie-Eve Sylvestre
One of These Thngs Is Not Like the Other: Vavilov and Municipal Decision-Making, Alexandra Flynn
Parks as Persons: Legal Innovation Or Colonial Appropriation?, Alexandra Flynn
The Implications of Stakeholder Group Involvement in Urban Sustainable Development, Alexandra Flynn
Colonial Fault Lines: First Nations Autonomy and Indigenous Lands in the Time of COVID-19, Alexandra Flynn and Signa Daum Shanks
Innovation and Regulatory Agencies, Cristie Ford
What People Want, What They Get and the Administrative State, Cristie Ford
Managing Mass Tort Class Actions: Judicial Politics and Rulemaking in Three Acts, Toby S. Goldbach
The Meaning of Capacity and Consent in Sexual Assault: R. v. G.F., Isabel Grant and Janine Benedet
A Liberal Theory of Property in Condominium, Douglas C. Harris
A Liberal Theory of Property in condominium, Douglas C. Harris
Condominium: A Transformative Innovation in Property and Local Government, Douglas C. Harris
Peter A. Allard School of Law Faculty News: Centre for Asian Legal Studies, Douglas C. Harris, Diane Bell, and Barry Fraser
A Property Law Reader: Cases, Questions and Commentary, Douglas C. Harris, Jeremy de Beer, Tenille E. Brown, and Patricia L. Farnese
A Property Law Reader: Cases, Questions, and Commentary, 5th ed., Preface and Table of Contents, Douglas C. Harris, Jeremy de Beer, Tenille E. Brown, and Patricia L. Farnese
Quistclose Trusts from a Corporate Insolvency Perspective, Adam S. Hofri-Winogradow and Gal David
The Webbing of Public Law: Looking through Deportation Doctrine, Asha Kaushal
Reference Re Genetic Non-Discrimination Act: How to Make Space for Some Certainty, Hoi Kong
Sustainable Urban Design: The Case of Montreal, Hoi Kong
Sustainability, Citizen Participation, and City Governance: Multidisciplinary Perspectives, Hoi Kong and Tanya Monforte
Conflicts With Religious or Worldview Dimensions: Why They Matter and How to Engage Them, Michelle LeBaron and Maged Senbel
Add Women and Stir': The Potential and Limits of GBA+ in Canadian Impact Assessment Law, Isabelle Lefroy and Jocelyn Stacey
Corporate Law and Sustainability from the Next Generation of Lawyers, Carol Liao
Introduction: The Millennial Generation and the Post-Pandemic Future of Corporate Law and Sustainability, Carol Liao
Power, Gender, and Race in the Legal Profession, Carol Liao
Corporate Law and Sustainability in a Reimagined Post-Pandemic World, Carol Liao, Beate Sjåfjell, and Aikaterini Argyrou
Innovating Business for a Sustainable Post-Pandemic Future, Carol Liao, Beate Sjåfjell, and Aikaterini Argyrou
Regulation by Litigation on the Path to Sustainable Corporations, Carol Liao, Beate Sjåfjell, and Aikaterini Argyrou
3 Ps: A Public/Private Primer, Mary Liston
Everything You Always Wanted to Know About the Rule of Law But Were Afraid to Ask in Class, Mary Liston
Introduction to Contracts, 5th ed., Bruce MacDougall
Peter A. Allard School of Law Faculty News: Centre for Asian Legal Studies, Shigenori Matsui
Controlling Fairness in Standard Form Contracts: What Can Courts Do, and What Should They Do?, Marcus Moore
Demystifying Implied Terms, Marcus Moore
Developments in Contract Law: The 2020-2021 Term – Appeals to Fairness, Marcus Moore
The Doctrine of Contractual Absolution, Marcus Moore
The Doctrine of Contractual Absolution, Marcus Moore
Concussion Safety Law Should be Enacted in all Canadian Provinces and Territories, Marcus Moore and Charles H. Tator
The Evolution of Life Sentences for Second Degree Murder: Parole Ineligibility and Time Spent in Prison, Debra Parkes, Jane Sprott, and Isabel Grant
The Evolution of Life Sentences For Second-Degree Murder: Parole Ineligibility and Time Spent in Prison, Debra Parkes, Jane Sprott, and Isabel Grant
Workers and Competition Law in India Workers' Associations Are Mostly Not Cartels, Supriya Routh
Innovating Business for Sustainability, Beate Sjåfjell, Carol Liao, and Aikaterini Argyrou
The Public Law Paradoxes of Climate Emergency Declarations, Jocelyn Stacey
The Public Law Paradoxes of Climate Emergency Declarations, Jocelyn Stacey
Peter A. Allard School of Law Faculty News: Centre for Asian Legal Studies, Benae Tutelman and Régine Tremblay
Submissions from 2021
Judicializing Foreign Affairs: The Canada-Saudi Arms Deal and the Implications of Transnational Tort Litigation, Hassan M. Ahmad
Parent Company Liability in Transnational Human Rights Disputes: an Interactional Model to Overcome the Veil in Home State Courts, Hassan M. Ahmad
Re-Assessing the Evidentiary Threshold for ZinÄÂ’ in Islamic Criminal Law: A De Facto Exemption Proposal, Hassan M. Ahmad
Transnational Torts Against Private Corporations: A Functional Theory for the Application of Customary International Law Post-Nevsun, Hassan M. Ahmad
Compulsory Conjugality, Erez Aloni
Immigration Detention in the Age of COVID-19, Efrat Arbel and Molly Joeck
Immigration Detention in the Age of COVID-19, Efrat Arbel and Molly Joeck
Peter A. Allard School of Law Faculty News, Janine Benedet
The Use of Trusts to Subvert the Law: An Analysis and Critique, Mark Bennett and Adam S. Hofri-Winogradow
Prospective Overruling Offends the Rule of Law, Samuel Beswick
Prospective Overruling Unravelled, Samuel Beswick
Prospective Overruling Unravelled, Samuel Beswick
Submission to House of Commons General Committee on Judicial Review and Courts Bill 152 2021-22 (Prospective Quashing Orders), Samuel Beswick
Submission to the Ministry of Justice on Judicial Review: Proposals for Reform – ‘Prospective Invalidation/Overruling’, Samuel Beswick
The Overpaid Tax Litigation: Roadblocked, Samuel Beswick
Potential Aboriginal Rights-Holders: Canada and Cultural Communities Versus Indigenous Peoples and Socio-Political Bodies, Gordon Christie
New Puzzles in International Tax Agreements, Wei Cui
Policy Forum: Non-Standard Employment and Canada’s Initial Pandemic Response, Wei Cui
What Does China Want From International Tax Reform?, Wei Cui
What Does China Want From International Tax Reform?, Wei Cui
Will new global tax co-operation benefit the world?, Wei Cui
Will the New Global Tax Agreement Benefit the World?, Wei Cui
论数字服务税相比于“显著数字存在”提案的优势, Wei Cui
The Relevance of Evidence: A Canadian Perspective, Emma Cunliffe
Justice Without Science? Judging the Reliability of Forensic Science in Canada, Emma Cunliffe and Gary Edmond
Introduction to the Research Handbook on the Law and Politics of Migration: Law, Politics, and the Spaces Between, Catherine Dauvergne
Research Handbook on the Law and Politics of Migration, Catherine Dauvergne
Business Improvement Districts and the Urban Commons, Alexandra Flynn
Indigenous-Municipal Legal Relationships: Moving Beyond the Duty to Consult and Accommodate, Alexandra Flynn
Johnson v. M'intosh, Alexandra Flynn
Johnson v. M'Intosh, 21 U.S. 543 (1823), Alexandra Flynn
With Great(er) Power Comes Great(er) Responsibility: Indigenous Rights and Municipal Autonomy, Alexandra Flynn
With Great(er) Power Comes Great(er) Responsibility: Indigenous Rights and Municipal Autonomy, Alexandra Flynn
Pandemic Pop-Ups and the Performance of Legality, Alexandra Flynn and Amelia Thorpe
A Regulatory Roadmap for Financial Innovation, Cristie Ford
A Regulatory Roadmap for Financial Innovation, Cristie Ford
Making Regulation Robust in the Innovation Era, Cristie Ford
What People Want, What They Get, and the Administrative State, Cristie Ford
Re- Imagining Agenda 2063: A Socio-Legal Foundation of the Africa We Want, Sara Ghebremusse, Toby S. Goldbach, and Oludolapo Makinde
Privacy Rights at the Canadian Border: Judicial Assumptions and the Limits of the Charter, Benjamin J. Goold
The Slow Death of the Reasonable Steps Requirement for the Mistake of Age Defence, Isabel Grant
Non-Consensual Condom Removal in Canadian Law Before and After R. v. Hutchinson, Isabel Grant and Lise Gotell
Embedded Property, Douglas C. Harris
Nos Disparus - W. Wesley Pue, Douglas C. Harris
Reflections on Building and then Teaching in a HyFlex Classroom at Allard Hall, Douglas C. Harris and Samuel Beswick
Access to Justice for Migrant Workers: Evaluating Legislative Effectiveness in Canada, Bethany Hastie
An Unwelcome Burden: Sexual Harassment, Consent and Legal Complaints, Bethany Hastie
Platform Work and Labour Law Challenges: A Comment on CUPW v. Foodora, Bethany Hastie
What Meaning in a Right to Strike? Medreleaf and the Future of the Agricultural Employees Protection Act, Bethany Hastie and Alex Farrant
Pluralism and Convergence: Judicial Standardization in Canadian Corporate Law, Camden Hutchison
The Growth of Vancouver as an Innovation Hub: Challenges and Opportunities, Camden Hutchison and Li-Wen Lin