Submissions from 2018
The Constitution of the Environmental Emergency, Jocelyn Stacey
Vulnerability, Canadian Disaster Law and The Beast, Jocelyn Stacey
Vulnerability, Canadian Disaster Law, and the Beast, Jocelyn Stacey
Beyond Airspace Safety: A Feminist Perspective on Drone Privacy Regulation, Kristen Thomasen
Memory, Philippe Tortell, Mark Turin, and Margot Young
Quebec's Filiation Regime, the Roy Report's Recommendations, and the 'Interest of the Child', Régine Tremblay
Réflexions sur le dialogue entre la médiation familiale et le droit de la famille, Régine Tremblay
Local Tax Incentives and Behavior of Foreign Enterprises: Evidence from a Large Developing Country, Jing Xing, Wei Cui, and Xi Qu
Submissions from 2017
Transnational Carbon Contracting: Why Law’s Invisibility Matters, Natasha Affolder
Context at the International Criminal Court, Hassan M. Ahmad
Aesthetics in Negotiation: Part One: Four Elements, Nadja Marie Alexander and Michelle Lebaron
Capturing Excess in the On-Demand Economy, Erez Aloni
To Ensure that Justice is Done: Essays in Memory of Marc Rosenberg, Benjamin L. Berger, Emma Cunliffe, and James Stribopoulos
The Decline of the Fish/Mammal Distinction?, Samuel Beswick
Registering Interests: Modern Methods of Valuing Labor, Land, and Life, Brenna Bhandar
Representing Palestinian Dispossession: Land, Property, and Photography in the Settler Colony, Brenna Bhandar and Alberto Toscano
Are All Charter Rights and Freedoms Really Non-Absolute?, Brian Bird
Local Engagement With International Economic Law and Human Rights, Ljiljana Biuković and Pitman B. Potter
Transparency Evolution: More than the Right to Know, Ljiljana Biuković and Pitman B. Potter
Looking Back, Looking Forward: Feminist Legal Scholarship in SLS, Susan B. Boyd and Debra Parkes
The Limitations of Supply Chain Disclosure Regimes, Adam S. Chilton and Galit A. Sarfaty
An Academic Viewpoint on Some Fundamental Aspects of the BEPS Project, Wei Cui
Destination-Based Cash-Flow Taxation: A Critical Appraisal, Wei Cui
Minimalism about Residence and Source, Wei Cui
Taxation of Non-Residents' Capital Gains, Wei Cui
Taxation of Non-Residents' Capital Gains, Wei Cui
Taxation without Information: The Institutional Foundations of Modern Tax Collection, Wei Cui
The Selection of Litigation against Government Agencies: Evidence from China, Wei Cui and Zhiyuan Wang
Freedom of Expression, Academic Freedom, and Equality: Seven Institutional Responsibilities, Emma Cunliffe
Henry v. British Columbia: Still Seeking a Just Approach to Damages for Wrongful Conviction, Emma Cunliffe
Independence, Reliability & Expert Testimony in Criminal Trials, Emma Cunliffe
The Ethics of Expert Evidence, Emma Cunliffe
Reviewing Wrongful Convictions in Canada, Emma Cunliffe and Gary Edmond
What Have We Learned? Lessons from Wrongful Convictions in Canada, Emma Cunliffe and Gary Edmond
Canada: Limitation on the Elimination of Double Taxation Under the Canada-Brazil Income Tax Treaty, David G. Duff
Reimagining Toronto's Community Councils, Alexandra Flynn
The Properties of Planning: An Evolving Landscape, Alexandra Flynn and Donald Letters
Flexible Regulation Scholarship Blossoms and Diversifies: 1980-2012, Cristie Ford
Innovation and the State: Finance, Regulation, and Justice, Cristie Ford
Peter A. Allard School of Law Faculty News, Cristie Ford
Plus ca Change, Cristie Ford
Sedimentary Innovation: How Regulation Should Respond to Incremental Change, Cristie Ford
Principle or Pragmatism? Charting a New Direction for the Exclusion of Evidence Under Section 24(2), Benjamin J. Goold
The Use and Abuse of Mutual Support Programs in Drug Courts, Sara Gordon
Sentencing for Intimate Partner Violence in Canada: Has s. 718.2(a)(ii) Made a Difference?, Isabel Grant
The 'Syndromization' of Women's Experience, Isabel Grant
Capacity to Consent and Intoxicated Complainants in Sexual Assault Prosecutions, Isabel Grant and Janine Benedet
Intersecting Challenges: Mothers and Child Protection Law in BC, Isabel Grant, Judith Mosoff, Susan B. Boyd, and Ruben Lindy
Equality and the Defence of Provocation: Irreconcilable Differences, Isabel Grant and Debra Parkes
Owning and Dissolving Strata Property, Douglas C. Harris
Property and Sovereignty: An Indian Reserve and a Canadian City, Douglas C. Harris
Property in the City: Special Edition Introduction, Douglas C. Harris and Graham Reynolds
Peter A. Allard School of Law Faculty News, Nikos Harris and Patricia M. Barkaskas
Reflexions sur les contours flous des limites entre travail domestique et servitude, Bethany Hastie
The Inaccessibility Of Justice For Migrant Workers: A Capabilities-Based Perspective, Bethany Hastie
Contract, Trust, and Corporation: From Contrast to Convergence, Adam S. Hofri-Winogradow
The Demand for Fiduciary Services: Evidence from the Market in Private Donative Trusts, Adam S. Hofri-Winogradow
Trust Jurisdiction Clauses: Their Proper Ambit, Adam S. Hofri-Winogradow
Law and Economics Scholarship and Supreme Court Antitrust Jurisprudence, 1950–2010, Camden Hutchison
Progressive Era Conceptions Of The Corporation And The Failure Of The Federal Chartering Movement, Camden Hutchison
How Ontario Could Lead the World in Sovereign Debt Restructuring, Mark Jewett and Maziar Peihani
Constituent Power: Political Unity and Constitutional Plurality, Asha Kaushal
A Modest Case for Constitutional Limits on Electoral Reform in Canada, Hoi Kong
The Federalism Implications of the Assisted Human Reproduction Act Reference, Hoi Kong
The Spending Power in Canada, Hoi Kong
Two Conundrums of Canadian Administrative Law and a Theoretical Turn, Hoi Kong
Deliberative Democracy and Digital Urban Design in a Canadian City: The Case of the McGill Online Design Studio, Hoi Kong, Nik Luka, Jaimie Cudmore, and Andrea Dumas
Do Human Rights Impede Effective Counterterrorism?, Liora Lazarus
El terrorismo y la inseguridad de los derechos humanos, Liora Lazarus
Human Rights and Counterterrorism, Liora Lazarus
The Right to Security, Liora Lazarus
The Right to Effective Counsel and Guilty Pleas in Criminal Courts (A Comparative Report Prepared for Reprieve), Liora Lazarus and et al.
Aesthetics in Negotiation: Part Two: The Uses of Alchemy, Michelle Lebaron and Nadja Marie Alexander
Resistance, Resonance and Restoration: How Generative Stories Shape Organisational Futures, Michelle Lebaron and Nadja Marie Alexander
Introduction: Fusion and Creation, Ron Levy and Hoi Kong
The Cambridge Handbook of Deliberative Constitutionalism, Ron Levy, Hoi Kong, Graeme Orr, and Jeff King
A Critical Canadian Perspective on the Benefit Corporation, Carol Liao
The Changing Face of the Non-Profit Sector: Social Enterprise Legislation in British Columbia, Carol Liao
A Network Anatomy of Chinese State-Owned Enterprises, Li-Wen Lin
Behind the Numbers: State Capitalism and Executive Compensation in China, Li-Wen Lin
Reforming China's State-owned Enterprises: From Structure to People, Li-Wen Lin
Administering the Charter, Proportioning Justice: Thirty-five Years of Development in a Nutshell, Mary Liston
The Evolution of the Rule of Law in Canada: Canadian Rule of Law: Past, Present, Future, Mary Liston
Halsbury's Laws of Canada: Personal Property and Secured Transactions, Bruce MacDougall
Never Had a Choice and Have No Power to Alter': Illegitimate Children and the Supreme Court of Japan, Shigenori Matsui
Solitary Confinement, Prisoner Litigation, and the Possibility of a Prison Abolitionist Lawyering Ethic, Debra Parkes
Book Review of Resolution and Insolvency of Banks and Financial Institutions, Maziar Peihani
Disclosure of Climate-Related Financial Information: Time for Canada to Act, Maziar Peihani
Financial Regulation and Disruptive Technologies: The Case of Cloud Computing in Singapore, Maziar Peihani
From Kadi to Bank Mellat: Iran Sanctions and the Revival of the Due Process Dilemma, Maziar Peihani
The Model Law Approach: How Ontario Could Lead the World in Providing Certainty and Fairness in Sovereign Debt Restructuring, Maziar Peihani and Kim Jensen
Victim Law: The Law of Victims of Crime in Canada, Benjamin Perrin
Le Don en Famille, Alexandra Popovici and Régine Tremblay