Submissions from 2019
Introduction to the Special Issue: Shifting Normativities, Régine Tremblay and Erez Aloni
Transnational Business Governance Interactions: Advancing Marginalized Actors and Enhancing Regulatory Quality, Stepan Wood
Harnessing TBGIs to Advance Regulatory Quality and Marginalized Actors, Stepan Wood and et al.
Transnational Business Governance Interactions, Regulatory Quality and Marginalized Actors: An Introduction, Stepan Wood and et al.
Harnessing TBGIs for Regulatory Quality and Marginalized Actors, Stepan Wood, Errol Meidinger, Burkard Eberlein, Rebecca Schmidt, and Kenneth W. Abbott
Transnational Business Governance Interactions, Regulatory Quality and Marginalized Actors: An Introduction, Stepan Wood, Errol Meidinger, Burkard Eberlein, Rebecca Schmidt, and Kenneth W. Abbott
Challenging Labour Law's 'Productivity' Bias Through a Feminist Lens: A Conversation, Ania Zbyszewska and Supriya Routh
Submissions from 2018
Looking for Law in Unusual Places: Cross-Border Diffusion of Environmental Norms, Natasha Affolder
Pluralism and Regulatory Response to the Sharing Economy, Erez Aloni
The Marital Wealth Gap, Erez Aloni
Devalued Liberty and Undue Deference: The Tort of False Imprisonment and the Law of Solitary Confinement, Efrat Arbel
Devalued Liberty and Undue Deference: The Tort of False Imprisonment and the Law of Solitary Confinement, Efrat Arbel
Immigration Detention and the Problem of Time: Lessons from Solitary Confinement, Efrat Arbel and Ian C. Davis
Keeping Chance in Its Place: The Socio-Legal Regulation of Gambling, Kate Bedford, Donal Casey, and Alexandra Flynn
Editors' Note, Jeannine Bell, Susan Sterett, and Margot Young
R. v. Tweneboah-Koduah, Janine Benedet
Enforcing a Holding Deposit Agreement, Samuel Beswick
Tenant Fees Bill: Good Intentions - Weak Protections, Samuel Beswick
The Divergent Paths of Commonwealth Privacy Torts, Samuel Beswick and William Fotherby
Colonial Lives of Property: Law, Land, and Racial Regimes of Ownership, Brenna Bhandar
The Call in Carter to Interpret Freedom of Conscience, Brian Bird
The Unbroken Supremacy of the Canadian Constitution, Brian Bird
Grey Zones in the European Union: Between Flexibility and Uniformity of the State Aid Rules, Ljiljana Biuković
Ratification of CETA: Complexities of Finalizing Trade Agreements, Ljiljana Biuković
Implementation of UNDRIP within Canadian and Indigenous Law: Assessing Challenges, Gordon Christie
Residence-Based Formulary Apportionment: (In-)feasibility and Implications, Wei Cui
The Digital Services Tax: A Conceptual Defense, Wei Cui
Judicial Review of Government Actions in China, Wei Cui, Jie Cheng, and Dominika Wiesner
A New Canadian Paradigm? Judicial Gatekeeping and the Reliability of Expert Evidence, Emma Cunliffe
Immigration Law Under the McLachlin Court, Catherine Dauvergne
Immigration Law under the McLachlin Court, Catherine Dauvergne
Peter A. Allard School of Law Faculty News, Catherine Dauvergne
Peter A. Allard School of Law, UBC News, Catherine Dauvergne and Simmi Puri
Peter A. Allard School of Law Faculty News, Catherine Dauvergne and Jeremy Schmidt
Tax Treaty Abuse and the Principal Purpose Test - Part I, David G. Duff
Tax Treaty Abuse and the Principal Purpose Test: Part II, David G. Duff
Legislated Interpretation and Tax Avoidance in Canadian Income Tax Law, David G. Duff and Benjamin Alarie
Canadian Income Tax Law, 6th ed., David G. Duff and et al.
Jacques Ranciere and the Dramaturgy of Law, Julen Etxabe
Review Essay of Arendt, Democracy and Judgment, Julen Etxabe
A Tale of Two Casinos: Unequal Spaces of Local Governance, Alexandra Flynn
Conceptualizing the Urban Commons: The Place of Business Improvement Districts in City Governance, Alexandra Flynn
How Much Do You Really Know About Fraud?, Cristie Ford
Innovation as a Challenge to Regulation, Cristie Ford
Remedies in Canadian Administrative Law: A Roadmap to a Parallel Legal Universe, Cristie Ford
Judicial Practice in Action: Court Reform and Responsive Judges in Canada, Toby S. Goldbach
The Role of Section 718.2(a)(ii) in Sentencing for Male Intimate Partner Violence against Women, Isabel Grant
Remembering Professor Judith Mosoff, Isabel Grant and Susan B. Boyd
Remembering Professor Judith Mosoff, Isabel Grant and Susan B. Boyd
Regulating Short-Term Accommodation within Condominium, Douglas C. Harris
When Deciding Whether to Allow a Taking of Property We Need to Ask What We Want Property Rights to Do, Douglas C. Harris
An Error of Law and the Credibility of the Civil Resolution Tribunal, Douglas C. Harris and Sophie Marshall
The Risks of Technology in the Law Classroom: Why the Next Great Development In Legal Education Might Be Going Low-Tech, Nikos Harris
The Risks of Technology in the Law Classroom: Why the Next Great Development In Legal Education Might Be Going Low-Tech, Nikos Harris
The Inequality of Low-Wage Migrant Labour: Reflections on PN v FR and OPT v Presteve Foods, Bethany Hastie
Property Transfers to Caregivers: A Comparative Analysis, Adam S. Hofri-Winogradow and Richard L. Kaplan
Corporate Law Federalism in Historical Context: Comparing Canada and the United States, Camden Hutchison
Compromise, Rights and Federalism: Academic Reflections and Constitutional Jurisprudence, Hoi Kong
Compromise, Rights and Federalism: Academic Reflections and Constitutional Jurisprudence, Hoi Kong
Deliberative Constitutionalism in Canada, Hoi Kong
Deliberative Constitutionalism, Hoi Kong and Ron Levy
Labour and Employment Law: Cases, Materials, and Commentary, Labour Law and Supriya Routh
Securing Legality, Liora Lazarus
Intelligence and the Criminal Law in England and Wales, Liora Lazarus and Jessie Blackbourn
Reweaving the Past, Michelle LeBaron and Paulette Regan
Changing Our Worlds: Arts as Transformative Practice, Michelle LeBaron and Janis Sarra
Early Lessons in Social Enterprise Law, Carol Liao
Power and the Gender Imperative in Corporate Law, Carol Liao
Revisiting Executive Pay of China's State-Owned Enterprises: Formal Design, Fresh Data, and Further Doubts, Li-Wen Lin
Administering the Canadian Rule of Law, Mary Liston
Deference as Respect: Lost in Translation?, Mary Liston
Peter A. Allard School of Law, UBC News, Mary Liston
Six Impossible Things, Mary Liston
Ranciere and Law, Monica Lopez Lerma and Julen Etxabe
Introduction: Ranciere and the Possibility of Law, Mónica López Lerma and Julen Etxabe
Mistake in Contracting, Bruce MacDougall
Fundamental Human Rights and 'Traditional Japanese Values': Constitutional Amendment and Vision of the Japanese Society, Shigenori Matsui
Law and Disaster: Earthquake, Tsunami and Nuclear Meltdown in Japan, Shigenori Matsui
The Principle of Separation of Powers in Japan, Shigenori Matsui
Canada's Chief Justice: Beverley McLachlin's Legacy of Law and Leadership, Marcus Moore
Introduction: Canada's Chief Justice: Beverley McLachlin's Legacy of Law and Leadership, Marcus Moore
Justice As Harmony: The Distinct Resonance of Chief Justice Beverley McLachlin's Juridical Genius, Marcus Moore
Justice as Harmony: The Distinct Resonance of Chief Justice Beverley McLachlin's Juridical Genius, Marcus Moore
R. v. K.R.J.: Shifting the Balance of the Oakes Test from Minimal Impairment to Proportionality of Effects, Marcus Moore
The Past, Present, and Future of Law Reform in Canada, Marcus Moore
Une juge en chef pour le Canada: Beverley McLachlin et la justice en tete, Marcus Moore
Une juge en chef pour le Canada: Beverley McLachlin et la justice en tete, Marcus Moore
Une juge en chef pour le Canada: Beverley McLachlin et la justice en tete, Marcus Moore
Une juge en chef pour le Canada: Beverley McLachlin et la justice en tête, Marcus Moore
Surveillance and Privacy in North American Public Spaces, Bryce Clayton Newell, Silvia de Conca, and Kristen Thomasen
Bank Funding, Liquidity, and Capital Adequacy: A Law and Finance Approach, Maziar Peihani
Brexit and Financial Services: Navigating through the Complexity of Exit Scenarios, Maziar Peihani
Social Media Threats: Examining the Canadian Criminal Law Response, Benjamin Perrin
Regulating Land Based Casinos: Policies, Procedures, and Economics, Ngai Pindell, Anthony Cabot, and Brian Wall
Access to Justice Online: Are Canadian Court Websites Accessible for Users with Visual Impairments?, Cody Rei-Anderson, Graham Reynolds, Jayde Wood, and Natasha Wood
Recognizing the Relevance of Human Rights: The Application of the Presumption of Conformity in the Context of Copyright, Graham Reynolds
Embedding Work in Nature: the Anthropocene and Legal Imagination of Work as Human Activity, Supriya Routh
Collective Struggles: A Comparative Analysis of Unionizing Temporary Foreign Farm Workers in the United States and Canada, Robert Russo
Addressing Excessive Risk Taking in the Financial Sector: A Corporate Governance Approach, Steven L. Schwarcz and Maziar Peihani