Includes works of current faculty of the Peter A. Allard School of Law.


Submissions from 2017


Moving Past Michelin: Towards Judicial Reconsideration of the Intersection of Copyright and the Charter Right to Freedom of Expression, Graham Reynolds

Locating Worker Power in a Changing Bargaining Scenario, Supriya Routh


Illicit Exploitation of Natural Resources - Art. 28L Bis of the Malabo Protocol, James G. Stewart and Daniëlla Dam


The Ahistoricism of Legal Pluralism in International Criminal Law, James G. Stewart and Asad Kiyani

Opening the Ranks of Constitutional Subjects: Immigration, Identity, and Innovation in Italy and Canada, Francesca Strumia and Asha Kaushal

Flying Between the Lines: Drone Laws and the (Re)Production of Public Spaces, Kristen Thomasen

Reflections of Canada: Illuminating Our Opportunities and Challenges at 150+ Years, Phillipe Tortell, Margot Young, and Peter Nemetz

D'un ocean l'autre..." Recension de L 'essentiel du droit de la famille dans les provinces et territoires de common law au Canada de Nicole Laviolette et Julie Audet, Régine Tremblay

Submissions from 2016

Commentary on Obergefell v. Hodges, Erez Aloni


Pluralizing the 'Sharing' Economy, Erez Aloni


The Puzzle of Family Law Pluralism, Erez Aloni

Prayer for Relief: Saguenay and State Neutrality toward Religion in Canada, Ravi Amarnath and Brian Bird


Bordering the Constitution, Constituting the Border, Efrat Arbel

Don't Tell Me What the Papers Say: PJS v News Group Newspapers Ltd, Samuel Beswick

Critical Legal Studies and the Politics of Property, Brenna Bhandar

Status as Property: Identity, Land and the Dispossession of First Nations Women in Canada, Brenna Bhandar


WSÁNEĆ Legal Theory and the Fuel Spill At SELEKTEL (Goldstream River), Robert Clifford

WSÁNEĆ Legal Theory and the Fuel Spill at SELEKTEL (Goldstream River), Robert Clifford YELKATŦE


Destination-Based Taxation in the House Republican Blueprint, Wei Cui

Taxes Covered - Global Tax Treaty Commentaries, Wei Cui

What Should We Talk About When Talking About Tax Incentives and FDI?, Wei Cui


Doctoral Studies in Law: From the Inside Out, Dia Dabby, Bethany Hastie, and Jocelyn Stacey

Foreclosed City: A Barcelona Neighborhood Unites to Fight Evictions, Guillaume Darribau and Brenna Bhandar

Peter A. Allard School of Law Faculty News, Catherine Dauvergne

The New Politics of Immigration and the End of Settler Societies, Catherine Dauvergne

Toward a New Framework for Understanding Political Opinion, Catherine Dauvergne


Alternatives to the Gift and Estate Tax, David G. Duff


Tax Policy and the Virtuous Sovereign: Dworkinian Equality and Redistributive Taxation, David G. Duff


Cinderella Story? The Social Production Of A Forensic “Science”, Gary Edmond and Emma Cunliffe

A Little Ignorance is a Dangerous Thing: Engaging with Exogenous Knowledge Not Adduced by the Parties, Gary Edmond, David Hamer, and Emma Cunliffe

Law as Politics: Four Relations, Julen Etxabe


Regulating Critical Mass: Performativity and City Streets, Alexandra Flynn

Concrete Suggestions Around Conflict Minerals and Corporate Supply Chains, Cristie Ford


Systemic Risk Regulation in Comparative Perspective, Cristie Ford

From the Court to the Classroom: Judges' Work in International Judicial Education, Toby Goldbach

Policing and Human Rights, Benjamin J. Goold


Crossing the Line: Daubert, Dual Roles, and the Admissibility of Forensic Mental Health Testimony, Sara Gordon


The Danger Zone: How the Dangerousness Standard in Civil Commitment Proceedings Harms People with Serious Mental Illness, Sara Gordon

The Danger Zone: How the Dangerousness Standard in Civil Commitment Proceedings Harms People with Serious Mental Illness, Sara Gordon


Review of Alaska Mental Health Statutes, Sara Gordon, Melissa Piasecki, Gil Khan, and Dawn Nielsen


The Sexual Assault of Older Women: Criminal Justice Responses in Canada, Isabel Grant and Janine Benedet


PS v Ontario: Rethinking the Role of the Charter in Civil Commitment, Isabel Grant and Peter J. Carver


Intersecting Challenges: Mothers and Child Protection Law in BC, Isabel Grant, Judith Mosoff, Susan B. Boyd, and Ruben Lindy


Anti-Social Behaviour, Expulsion from Condominium, and the Reconstruction of Ownership, Douglas C. Harris


Lawyers' Empire and The Great Transformation, Douglas C. Harris

The Migration Footprint: Sex Equality, Competing Identities, and the Migration Continuum, Asha Kaushal

Brexit in the Supreme Court: when populists attack the rule of law, everyone loses, Liora Lazarus

Introductory Note to United Nations Basic Principles and Guidelines on the Right of Anyone Deprived of Their Liberty to Bring Proceedings before a Court, Liora Lazarus

Is the United Nations Working Group on Arbitrary Detention Decision on Assange 'So Wrong'?, Liora Lazarus

The United Nations Working Group on Arbitrary Detention Decision on Assange: 'Ridiculous' or 'Justifiable'?, Liora Lazarus

United Nations Working Group on Arbitrary Detention Decision on Assange: The Balanced View, Liora Lazarus

WGAD & Assange, Liora Lazarus

A Report on Reparations and Remedies for Victims of Sexual and Gender Based Violence (Report for REDRESS (London)), Liora Lazarus and et al.

Submission to the Political and Constitutional Reform Committee of the House of Commons for its Consultation on ‘A New Magna Carta?’: The Protection of the Human Rights of Non-Nationals under a Reformed UK Constitution: Lessons from International and Comp, Liora Lazarus and et al.

Is the Blush off the Rose? Legal Education Metaphors in a Changing World, Michelle LeBaron


Bonded to the State: A Network Perspective on China's Corporate Debt Market, Li-Wen Lin and Curtis J. Milhaupt


Transubstantiation in Canadian Public Law: Processing Substance and Instantiating Process, Mary Liston

From a Visible Spectacle to an Invisible Presence: The Working Culture of Covert Policing, Bethan Loftus and Benjamin J. Goold

Introduction to Contracts, 3d ed., Bruce MacDougall

Misrepresentation, Bruce MacDougall

Watching the Watchers: Conducting Ethnographic Research on Covert Police Investigation in the United Kingdom, Shane Mac Mac Giollabhuí, Benjamin J. Goold, and Bethan Loftus

Does It Have to Be a Copyright Infringement?: Live Game Streaming and Copyright, Shigenori Matsui

The Challenge to Multiculturalism: Hate Speech in Japan, Shigenori Matsui


Precedent Revisited: Carter v Canada (AG) and the Contemporary Practice of Precedent, Debra Parkes


Women in Prison: Liberty, Equality, and Thinking Outside the Bars, Debra Parkes

Trusts in Common-Law Canada, Dennis Pavlich

Basel Committee on Banking Supervision: An Assessment of Governance and Legitimacy - Part II, Maziar Peihani

Basel Committee on Banking Supervision: A Primer on Governance, History, and Legitimacy - Part I, Maziar Peihani

Crisis Management and Orderly Resolution of Banks in Canada and Internationally: A Perspective on Reforms and Challenges, Maziar Peihani

Dissent from Within at the Supreme Court of Canada 2015 Year in Review, Benjamin Perrin

The Supreme Court vs. Parliament: Supreme Court of Canada 2016 Year in Review, Benjamin Perrin

The Case for a Justice System Report Card, Benjamin Perrin, Richard Audas, and Sarah Péloquin-Ladany


Reconsidering Copyright's Constitutionality, Graham Reynolds


The Limits of Statutory Interpretation: Towards Explicit Engagement, by the Supreme Court of Canada, with the Charter Right to Freedom of Expression in the Context of Copyright, Graham Reynolds


The Role of Courts in Assisting Individuals in Realizing Their s. 2(b) Right to Information about Court Proceedings, Graham Reynolds

Informal Workers' Aggregation and Law, Supriya Routh

Workers and the Global Informal Economy: Interdisciplinary Perspectives, Supriya Routh

The Idea of Form, Informality and Aspirations of Workers, Supriya Routh and Vando Borghi

Informal Workers' Organising Strategies in India and Argentina, Supriya Routh and Marisa N. Fassi


Preventive Justice, the Precautionary Principle and the Rule of Law, Jocelyn Stacey


The Environmental, Democratic, and Rule-of-Law Implications of Harper's Environmental Assessment Legacy, Jocelyn Stacey


The Promise of the Rule of (Environmental) Law: A Reply to Pardy's Unbearable Licence, Jocelyn Stacey


Can Pragmatism Function in Administrative Law?, Jocelyn Stacey and Alice Woolley

The Strangely Familiar History of the Unitary Theory of Perpetration, Allard School of Law at the University of British Columbia G. Stewart


The Strangely Familiar History of the Unitary Theory of Perpetration, James G. Stewart


The Modern Corporation Statement on Company Law: Summary: Fundamental Rules of Corporate Law, Lynn Stout et al. and Carol Liao

Examining the Constitutionality of Robot-Enhanced Interrogation, Kristen Thomasen

Exploring the Relationship between Administrative Norms and Competence in Transnational Governance: ISO, ISEAL and Sustainability Standards, Stepan Wood

A Tale of Two Rights: The Right to the City and a Right to Housing, Margot Young and Sophie Bender Johnston


A Property Law Reader: Cases, Questions and Commentary, 4th Edition, Preface and Table of Contents, Bruce Ziff, Jeremy de Beer, Douglas C. Harris, and Margaret E. McCallum

Submissions from 2015

Marriage Equality: One Step Down the Path Toward Family Justice, Erez Aloni and Judith Daar


Between Protection and Punishment: The Irregular Arrival Regime in Canadian Refugee Law, Efrat Arbel


Contesting Unmodulated Deprivation: Sauvé v Canada and the Normative Limits of Punishment, Efrat Arbel

The Invisible Hand of Law: Private Regulation and the Rule of Law, Joel Bakan

The Paper Tigress: Canadian Obscenity Law 20 Years after R v Butler, Janine Benedet


Holding Deposit Agreements: Pre-Tenancy Obligations and Rights, Samuel Beswick

Losses in Any Event' in the Case of Damage to Property, Samuel Beswick

Privacy: Rights, Remedies and Reform, Samuel Beswick

Title by Registration: Instituting Modern Property Law and Creating Racial Value in the Settler Colony, Brenna Bhandar

Cultures of Dispossession: Rights, Status and Identities, Brenna Bhandar and Davina Bhandar