Submissions from 2014
Milestone or Missed Opportunity: A Critical Analysis of the Impact of Domotor on the Future of Human Trafficking Cases in Canada, Bethany Hastie
Criminalising Irregular Migration: The Failure of the Deterrence Model and the Need for a Human-Rights-Based Framework, Bethany Hastie and François Crépeau
Professionals' Contribution to the Legislative Process: Between Self, Client, and the Public, Adam S. Hofri-Winogradow
The Stripping of the Trust: From Evolutionary Scripts to Distributive Results, Adam S. Hofri-Winogradow
National and Coordinated Approaches to Securities Regulation: The Latest Initiatives in Historical Context, David L. Johnston, Kathleen Rockwell, and Cristie Ford
Canadian Securities Regulation, David Johnston, Kathleen Rockwell, and Cristie Ford
Republicanism and the Division of Powers in Canada, Hoi Kong
The Canadian Senate and the (Im)Possibilities of Reform, Hoi Kong and Kate Glover
Evaluating Canada's Approach to Gender-Related Persecution: Revisiting and Re-embracing 'Refugee Women and the Imperative of Categories', Shauna Labman and Catherine Dauvergne
Reasoning Rights: Comparative Judicial Engagement, Liora Lazarus
Comparative Hate Crime Research Report (A Report Prepared for the Hungarian Civil Liberties Union), Liora Lazarus and et al.
Remedies and Procedures on the Right of Anyone Deprived of His or Her Liberty by Arrest or Detention to Bring Proceedings Before a Court: A Comparative and Analytical Review of State Practice, Liora Lazarus and et al.
Judicial Review and Parliamentary Debate: Enriching the Doctrine of Due Deference, Liora Lazarus and Natasha Simonsen
A Canadian Model of Corporate Governance, Carol Liao
A Canadian Model of Corporate Governance: Where Do Shareholders Really Stand?, Carol Liao
Disruptive Innovation and the Global Emergence of Hybrid Corporate Legal Structures, Carol Liao
The Moral Economy of Security, Ian Loader, Benjamin J. Goold, and Angélica Thumala
Canadian Personal Property Security Law, Bruce MacDougall
Hajimeteno houritsugaku [Introduction to Law], Shigenori Matsui
Intānetto no kenpōgaku, Shigenori Matsui
Nihonkoku kenpouwo kangaeru [Reconsidering the Japanese Constitution], Shigenori Matsui
The Maps of International Law: Perceptions of Nature in the Classification of Territory, Karin Mickelson
The Maps of International Law: Perceptions of Nature in the Classification of Territory, Karin Mickelson
Colonialism, Systemic Discrimination, and the Crisis of Indigenous Over-Incarceration: Challenges of Reforming the Sentencing Process, David Milward and Debra Parkes
The Punishment Agenda in the Courts, Debra Parkes
Trusts in Common-Law Canada, Dennis Pavlich
How to Make Canada's New Prostitution Laws Work, Benjamin Perrin
More than Words: Enhancing the Proposed Canadian Victims Bill of Rights (Bill C-32), Benjamin Perrin
Oldest Profession or Oldest Oppression?: Addressing Prostitution after the Supreme Court of Canada Decision in Canada v. Bedford, Benjamin Perrin
The Supreme Court of Canada: Policy Maker of the Year, Benjamin Perrin
The Supreme Court of Canada: Policy-Maker of the Year, Benjamin Perrin
Regulating Land Based Casinos: Policies, Procedures, and Economics, Ngai Pindell and Anthony Cabot
Les Intraduisibles en droit civil, Alexandra Popovici, Lionel Smith, and Régine Tremblay
Parodists' Rights and Copyright in a Digital Canada, Graham Reynolds
The Precautionary Principle and its Application in the Intellectual Property Context: Towards a Public Domain Impact Assessment, Graham Reynolds
An Ambitious Interpretation of the Informal for Policy-Makers, Supriya Routh
Enhancing Capabilities through Labour Law: Informal Workers in India, Supriya Routh
Independence Sans Accountability: A Case for Right to Information Against the Indian Judiciary, Supriya Routh
The Rule-of-Law Underpinnings of Endangered Species Protection: Minister of Fisheries and Oceans v. David Suzuki Foundation, 2012 FCA 40, Jocelyn Stacey
Complicity, James G. Stewart
The Turn to Corporate Criminal Liability for International Crimes: Transcending the Alien Tort Statute, James G. Stewart
Guaranteed Annual Income: A Feminist Approach, Margot Young
Submissions from 2013
The Treatment Action Campaign and the Three Dimensions of Lawyering: Reflections From the Rainbow Nation, Hassan M. Ahmad
Building Kinesthetic Intelligence: Dance in Conflict-Resolution Education, Nadja Alexander and Michelle LeBaron
Embodied Conflict Resolution: Resurrecting Roleplay-Based Curricula Through Dance, Nadja Alexander and Michelle Lebaron
Registering Relationships, Erez Aloni
The Culture of Rights Protection in Canadian Refugee Law: Examining the Domestic Violence Cases, Efrat Arbel
Bordering on Failure: Canada-U.S. Border Policy and the Politics of Refugee Exclusion, Efrat Arbel and Alletta Brenner
Access to Justice for All: Towards an 'Expansive Vision' of Justice and Technology, Jane Bailey, Jacquelyn Burkell, and Graham Reynolds
Laws to Combat Sex Trafficking: An Overview of International, National, Provincial, and Municipal Laws and Their Enforcement, Nicole A. Barrett and Margaret J. Shaw
What Moves Us: Dance and Neuroscience Implications for Conflict Approaches, Emily Beausoleil and Michelle LeBaron
Marital Rape, Polygamy, and Prostitution: Trading Sex Equality for Agency and Choice?, Janine Benedet
A Situational Approach to Incapacity and Mental Disability in Sexual Assault Law, Janine Benedet and Isabel Grant
More Than an Empty Gesture: Enabling Women with Mental Disabilities to Testify on a Promise to Tell the Truth, Janine Benedet and Isabel Grant
From Foundations to Finish? The Continuing Duty Doctrine and Limitations, Samuel Beswick
Two Spying Tales, Samuel Beswick
Race, Gender and Class: Some Reflections on Left Feminist Politics and Organising, Brenna Bhandar
Taking Threats Seriously: Section 264.1 and Threats as a Form of Domestic Violence, Joanna Birenbaum and Isabel Grant
Regional Streamlining of International Trade and International Human Rights Norms, Ljiljana Biuković
Critical Theory and Aboriginal Rights, Gordon Christie
Indigenous Authority, Canadian Law, and Pipeline Proposals, Gordon Christie
Replying to Armour: Certainty and Exceptionalism: Threats to a World-Humanities?, Gordon Christie
Report from the Rosenberg International Forum: The Mackenzie Basin, Gordon Christie and et al.
Crossing the Line: Homophobic Speech and Public School Teachers, Paul Clarke and Bruce MacDougall
Taxing Indirect Transfers: Rules and Doctrines, Wei Cui
The China-United Kingdom Income Tax Treaty (2011), Wei Cui
The Origin of the High Centralization of Tax Legislative Power, Wei Cui
The Place of Law in the Evolution of Chinese Fiscal Federalism, Wei Cui
The Inefficiencies of Legislative Centralization: Evidence from Provincial Tax Rate-Setting, Wei Cui and Zhiyuan Wang
Ambiguities: Law, Morality, and Legal Subjectivity In H.L.A. Hart's The Concept Of Law, Emma Cunliffe
‘Don't Read the Comments!’: Reflections on Writing and Publishing Feminist Socio-Legal Research as a Young Scholar, Emma Cunliffe
Independence, Reliability and Expert Testimony in Criminal Trials, Emma Cunliffe
Untold Stories or Miraculous Mirrors? The Possibilities of a Text-Based Understanding of Socio-Legal Transcript Research, Emma Cunliffe
How the Charter Has Failed Non-Citizens in Canada – Reviewing Thirty Years of Supreme Court of Canada Jurisprudence, Catherine Dauvergne
The Troublesome Intersections of Refugee Law and Criminal Law, Catherine Dauvergne
Capital Gains Realized by an Austrian Private Foundation: Sommerer v. The Queen, David G. Duff
Individual Residence under the Canada - U.S. Tax Treaty: Trieste v. The Queen/, David G. Duff
Tax Treatment of Charitable Contributions in a Personal Income Tax: Lessons from Theory and Canadian Experience, David G. Duff
Admissibility Compared: The Reception of Incriminating Expert Evidence (i.e., Forensic Science) in Four Adversarial Jurisdictions, Gary Edmond, Emma Cunliffe, Simon A. Cole, and Andrew J. Roberts
The Experience of Tragic Judgments, Julen Etxabe
Dogs and Tails: Remedies in Administrative Law, Cristie Ford
Innovation-Framing Regulation, Cristie Ford
Regulating Financial Innovation, Cristie Ford
Book Review: Theory and Practice of Harmonisation, Mads Andenæs & Camilla B. Andersen (Eds), Toby S. Goldbach
Legal Norms' Distinctiveness in Legal Transplants and Global Legal Pluralism, Toby S. Goldbach
The Movement of U.S. Criminal and Administrative Law: Processes of Transplanting and Translating, Toby S. Goldbach, Benjamin Brake, and Peter J. Katzenstein
The Banality of Security: The Curious Case of Surveillance Cameras, Benjamin J. Goold, Ian Loader, and Angelica Thumala
Through the Eyes of Jurors: The Use of Schemas in the Application of 'Plain-Language' Jury Instructions, Sara Gordon
Focus: R v Mabior and R v DC: The Over-Criminalization of Persons with HIV, Isabel Grant
Focus: R v Mabior and R v DC: Introduction, Isabel Grant, Martha Shaffer, and Alison Symington
Studying Migration Governance from the Bottom-Up, Matthew Gravelle, Antje Ellermann, and Catherine Dauvergne
To Protect and Control: Anti-Trafficking and the Duality of Disciplining Mobility, Bethany Hastie
Extinguishment by Extirpation: The Nuxalk Eulachon Crisis, Andrea Hilland
Shapeless Trusts and Settlor Title Retention: An Asian Morality Play, Adam S. Hofri-Winogradow
The Demand for Fiduciary Services: Evidence from the Market in Private Donative Trusts, Adam S. Hofri-Winogradow
The Disaggregated State in Transnational Environmental Regulation, Hoi Kong
Market-Based Instruments: National Experiences in Environmental Sustainability, Critical Issues in Environmental Taxation, Volume XIII, Larry Kreiser, David G. Duff, Janet E. Milne, and Hope Ashiabor
Positive Obligations and Criminal Justice: Duties to Protect or Coerce?, Liora Lazarus