Includes works of current faculty of the Peter A. Allard School of Law.


Submissions from 2010

Sexual Assault of Women with Mental Disabilities: A Canadian Perspective, Janine Benedet and Isabel Grant

Targeted Visual Surveillance in New Zealand: An Analysis and Critique of the Search and Surveillance Bill, Samuel Beswick

The Conceit of Sovereignty: Towards Post-Colonial Technique, Brenna Bhandar

International Law Interrupted: A Case of Selective Adaptation, Ljiljana Biuković

Selective Adaptation of WTO Transparency Norms and Local Practices in China and Japan, Ljiljana Biuković

A Perilous Imbalance: The Globalization of Canadian Law and Governance, Stephen Clarkson and Stepan Wood


China, Wei Cui


Establishment': A Core Concept In Chinese Inbound Income Taxation, Wei Cui


Tax Classification of Foreign Entities in China: The Current State of Play, Wei Cui

The Unauthorized Decision to Tax Indirect Equity Transfers in China, Wei Cui


Forced Marriage as a Harm in Domestic and International Law, Catherine Dauvergne and Jenni Millbank


Charities and Terrorist Financing, David G. Duff


Responses to Tax Treaty Shopping: A Comparative Evaluation, David G. Duff

Carbon Taxation in Theory and in Practice, David G. Duff and Shi-Ling Hsu

The Legal Universe After Robert Cover, Julen Etxabe


Principles-Based Securities Regulation in the Wake of the Global Financial Crisis, Cristie Ford


Power Without Property, Still: Unger, Berle, and the Derivatives Revolution, Cristie Ford and Carol Liao

Briefing Note on the Regulatory Function of Charters and Codes of Practice, Benjamin J. Goold


CCTV and Human Rights, Benjamin J. Goold

Cornell and police accountability: the dissent's perspective, Benjamin J. Goold

'Dear Minister...' Criminology and Public Policy Re-revisited, Benjamin J. Goold


How Much Surveillance is Too Much? Some Thoughts on Surveillance, Democracy, and the Political Value of Privacy, Benjamin J. Goold

How Much Surveillance is Too Much? Some Thoughts on Surveillance, Democracy, and the Political Value of Privacy, Benjamin J. Goold

Lessons from Dziekanski's death: Police should not investigate themselves, Benjamin J. Goold

Police intentions and the exclusion of evidence, Benjamin J. Goold

Reforming search and seizure, Benjamin J. Goold

Reforming search & seizure, Benjamin J. Goold

Why the right to counsel should extend to interrogations, Benjamin J. Goold

Consuming Security?: Tools for a Sociology of Security Consumption, Benjamin J. Goold, Ian Loader, and Angelica Thumala

Law Students Compete in Society of Advocates, Sara Gordon

Desperate Measures: Rationalizing the Crime of Infanticide, Isabel Grant


Intimate Femicide: A Study of Sentencing Trends for Men Who Kill Their Intimate Partners, Isabel Grant


Book Review of the Law of the Land: The Advent of the Torrens System in Canada, by Greg Taylor (Toronto: Osgoode Society for Canadian Legal History, 2008), Douglas C. Harris


Food Fish, Commercial Fish, and Fish to Support a Moderate Livelihood: Characterizing Aboriginal and Treaty Rights to Canadian Fisheries, Douglas C. Harris and Peter Millerd

A Plurality of Discontent: Legal Pluralism, Religious Adjudication and the State, Adam S. Hofri-Winogradow

Arab Women's Renunciation of Their Portions of Family Wealth - Reflections in the Civil Courts, Adam S. Hofri-Winogradow

The Muslim-Majority Character of Israeli Constitutional Law, Adam S. Hofri-Winogradow

Fear-Driven Policy, Michael Jackson and Graham Stewart

Something to Talk About: Regulation and Justification in Canadian Municipal Law, Hoi Kong

The Deliberative City, Hoi Kong

Advice for the Stern Review: The Human Rights Framework Relating to the Handling, Investigation and Prosecution of Rape Complaints (Annex A), Liora Lazarus

Inspecting the Tail of the Dog, Liora Lazarus

Reflective Practice in the New Millennium, Michelle LeBaron and Mario Patera


Corporate Social Responsibility in China: Window Dressing or Structural Change?, Li-Wen Lin

The Rule of Law, Mary Liston


Witnessing Arbitrariness: Roncarelli v. Duplessis Fifty Years On, Mary Liston

Covert Policing and the Regulation of Investigatory Powers Act 2000, Bethan Loftus, Benjamin Goold, and Shane MacGiollabhui


Religion-Based Claims for Impinging on Queer Citizenship, Bruce MacDougall and Donn Short

The Constitution of Japan: A Contextual Analysis, Shigenori Matsui


Forced Marriage and the Exoticization of Gendered Harms in United States Asylum Law, Jenni Millbank and Catherine Dauvergne

The Rand Formula Revisited: Union Security in the Charter Era, Debra Parkes

Managing Environmental Justice, Dennis Pavlich

Invisible Chains: Canada's Underground World of Human Trafficking, Benjamin Perrin

Just Passing Through? International Legal Obligations and Policies of Transit Countries in Combating Trafficking in Persons, Benjamin Perrin


The Slave Trade is Back: Confronting Human Trafficking in Canada and Beyond, Benjamin Perrin


Trafficking in Persons & Transit Countries: A Canada-U.S. Case Study in Global Perspective, Benjamin Perrin

All the Game's a Stage: Machinima and Copyright in Canada, Graham Reynolds

Pirate Bay on English Bay? Bittorrent File Sharing and Copyright Infringement in the Supreme Court of British Columbia, Graham Reynolds

The Impact of the Canadian Copyright Acton the Voices of Marginalized Group, Graham Reynolds


Towards a Right to Engage in the Fair Transformative Use of Copyright‑Protected Expression, Graham Reynolds

Globalizing Labor Standards: The Developed-Developing Divide, Supriya Routh

Atrocity, Commerce and Accountability: The International Criminal Liability of Corporate Actors [Antonio Cassese Prize for International Criminal Law Studies: A Book Proposal], Allard School of Law at the University of British Columbia G. Stewart


Corporate War Crimes: Prosecuting Pillage of Natural Resources, James G. Stewart


La loi sur la protection des obtentions végétales; entre compétitivité et utopie, y a-t-il un avenir pour le modèle?, Régine Tremblay


The Backlash Against Investment Arbitration: Perceptions and Reality, Michael Waibel, Asha Kaushal, Kwo-Hwa Liz Chung, and Claire Balchin

The Backlash against Investment Arbitration, Michael Waibel, Asha Kaushal, Kyo-Hwa Chung, and Claire Balchin


In Defence of the Sphere of Influence: Why the WGSR should Not Follow Professor Ruggie's Advice on Defining the Scope of Social Responsibility, Stepan Wood


The Psychology of Good Character, Alice Woolley and Jocelyn Stacey


The IOC Made Me Do it: Women's Ski Jumping, VANOC and the 2010 Winter Olympics, Margot Young

Unequal to the Task: 'Kapp'ing the Substantive Potential of Section 15, Margot Young


Unequal to the Task: ‘Kapp’ing the Substantive Potential of Section 15, Margot Young

Women's Work and a Guaranteed Income, Margot Young

Unequal to the Task: 'Kapp'ing the Substantive Potential of Section 15, Margot Young, Susan B. Boyd, Gwen Brodsky, and Shelagh Day

Submissions from 2009


The Private Life of Environmental Treaties, Natasha Affolder

Paradigms of Prostitution: Revisiting the Prostitution Reference, Janine Benedet

Probity, Prejudice and the Continuing Misuse of Sexual History Evidence, Janine Benedet

Constituting Practices and Things: The Concept of the Network and Studies in Law, Gender and Sexuality, Brenna Bhandar


The Ties that Bind: Multiculturalism and Secularism Reconsidered, Brenna Bhandar

Aboriginal Title and Private Property, Gordon Christie

Indigenous Legal Theory: Some Initial Considerations, Gordon Christie


Business Tax: China's Quasi-VAT, Wei Cui


Designing Foreign Tax Credit Rules in China: The Case of Foreign Loss Limitations, Wei Cui


Indirect Taxation of Cross-Border Services in China: (Partial) Switch to Destination-Based Taxation, Wei Cui


Responding to Sovereign Funds: Are We Looking in the Right Place?, Wei Cui

Infanticide: Legislative History and Current Questions, Emma Cunliffe


Chief Justice Lamer's Leadership in Feminist Times, Catherine Dauvergne

Chief Justice Lamer's Leadership in Feminist Times, Catherine Dauvergne

Globalizing Fragmentation: New Pressures on Women Caught in the Immigration Law-Citizenship Law Dichotomy, Catherine Dauvergne


Making People Illegal: What Globalization Means for Migration and Law, Catherine Dauvergne


Canadian Bijuralism and the Concept of an Acquisition of Property in the Federal Income Tax Act, David G. Duff

Lipson v Canada - Whither the Canadian GAAR?, David G. Duff


Tax Avoidance in the 21st Century, David G. Duff

Canadian Income Tax Law, 3d ed., David G. Duff and et al.


Tax Expenditures to Limit the Growth of Carbon Emissions in Canada: Identification and Evaluation, David G. Duff and E. Ian Wiebe

Antigone's Nomos, Julen Etxabe


New Governance in the Teeth of Human Frailty: Lessons from Financial Regulation, Cristie Ford

Smart Enforcement: Trends and Innovations for Monitoring, Investigating and Prosecuting Corporate Corruption, Cristie Ford


Can Corporate Monitorships Improve Corporate Compliance?, Cristie Ford and David Hess

Building It In: The Role of Privacy Enhancing Technologies (PETs) in the Regulation of Surveillance and Data Collection, Benjamin J. Goold


Development of the Organised Crime Threat Assessment (OCTA) and Internal Security Architecture, Benjamin J. Goold