Submissions from 2008
Shapeshifters and Synergy: Toward a Culturally Fluent Approach to Representative Negotiation, Michelle LeBaron
Governments in Miniature: The Rule of Law in the Administrative State, Mary Liston
Immigration and Integration in Canada, Mary Liston and Joseph Carens
Contracts, Bruce MacDougall
Halsbury's Laws of Canada: Personal Property and Secured Transactions, Bruce MacDougall
Business Law in Japan, Shigenori Matsui
Introduction to American Constitutional Law, Shigenori Matsui
Mass Media Law, Shigenori Matsui
Taking Stock of TWAIL Histories, Karin Mickelson
Foreword: Special Issue: Selected Papers from the Workshop: Situating Third World Approaches to International Law (TWAIL): Inspirations, Challenges and Possibilities, Karin Mickelson, Ibironke Odumosu, and Pooja Parmar
Application of the Charter, Debra Parkes
Employment Standards that Work for Women, Debra Parkes
Freedom of Association, Debra Parkes
Listening to Their Voices: Women Prisoners and Access to Justice in Manitoba, Debra Parkes, Kathy Bent, Tracey Peter, and Tracy Booth
Apprehension of Indicted War Criminals: Lessons from the Former Yugoslavia, Benjamin Perrin
Guns for Hire - With Canadian Taxpayer Dollars, Benjamin Perrin
Humanitarian Assistance and the Private Security Debate: An International Humanitarian Law Perspective, Benjamin Perrin
Our Child Sex Offender Laws Should Cross Borders, Benjamin Perrin
Searching for Law While Seeking Justice: The Difficulties of Enforcing International Humanitarian Law in International Criminal Trials, Benjamin Perrin
Loretto v. Teleprompter Manhattan CATV Corp., 458 U.S.419 (1982), Ngai Pindell
The Right to the City, Ngai Pindell
Providing Legal Aid: Some Untried Means, Supriya Routh
Common Law Liability Relief, Stepan Wood
How Not to Incorporate Voluntary Standards into Smart Regulation: ISO 14001 and Ontario's Environmental Penalties Regulations, Stepan Wood and Lynn Johannson
Six Principles for Integrating Non-Governmental Environmental Standards into Smart Regulation, Stepan Wood and Lynn Johannson
Submissions from 2007
Democratising or Demonising the World Heritage Convention?, Natasha Affolder
Mining and the World Heritage Convention: Democratic Legitimacy and Treaty Compliance, Natasha Affolder
Counting Outsiders: A Critical Exploration of Outsider Course Enrollment in Canadian Legal Education, Natasha Bakht, Kim Brooks, Gillian Calder, Jennifer Koshan, Sonia Lawrence, Carissima Mathen, and Debra Parkes
Hearing the Sexual Assault Complaints of Women with Mental Disabilities: Evidentiary and Procedural Issues, Janine Benedet
Pornography and Prostitution in Canada: The Dangers Ahead, Janine Benedet
Hearing the Sexual Assault Complaints of Women with Mental Disabilities: Consent, Capacity, and Mistaken Belief, Janine Benedet and Isabel Grant
Flying Between the Lines: Drone Laws and the (Re)Production of Public Spaces, Brenna Bhandar
UBC Law Faculty News: Cross-Cultural Dispute Resolution Project, Ljiljana Biuković
Assurance Services as a Substitute for Law in Global Commerce, Margaret M. Blair, Cynthia A. Williams, and Li-Wen Lin
China, Michael E. Burke, Wei Cui, and Paul Jones
Authority of the Central Government and Autonomy of Special Regions, Jie Cheng
Constitutional Reflections on Judicial Referring, Jie Cheng
A Review of Turner, D., This is Not a Peace Pipe: Towards a Critical Indigenous Philosophy, Gordon Christie
Culture, Self-Determination and Colonialism: Issues Around the Revitalization of Indigenous Legal Traditions, Gordon Christie
Police-Government Relations in the Context of State-Aboriginal Relations, Gordon Christie
China's New Personal Income Tax Return Filing Regime, Wei Cui
The Prospect of New Partnership Taxation in China, Wei Cui
Anywhere but Here: Race and Empire in the Mabo Decision, Emma Cunliffe
(This is not a) Story: Using Court Records to Explore Judicial Narratives in R. v. Kathleen Folbigg, Emma Cunliffe
Writing the Circle: Judicially Convened Sentencing Circles and the Textual Organization of Criminal Justice, Emma Cunliffe and Angela Cameron
Citizenship with a Vengeance, Catherine Dauvergne
Informing Integration: Assessing What We Know, Admitting What We Don't Know, Catherine Dauvergne
Security and Migration Laws in the Less Brave New World, Catherine Dauvergne
Justice Iacobucci and the 'Golden and Straight Metwand' of Canadian Tax Law, David G. Duff
The Abolition of Wealth Transfer Taxes in Canada, David G. Duff
Tax Avoidance in Canada After Canada Trustco and Mathew, David G. Duff and Harry Erlichman
Wind Power in Canada, David G. Duff and Andrew J. Green
Privacy, Identity and Security, Benjamin J. Goold
Public Protection, Proportionality, and the Search for Balance, Benjamin J. Goold, Liora Lazarus, and Gabriel Swiney
Aboriginal Rights to Fish in British Columbia, Douglas C. Harris
Corporate Corruption and Reform Undertakings: A New Approach to an Old Problem, David Hess and Cristie Ford
Mapping the Right to Security, Liora Lazarus
Introduction: Security and Human Rights: The Search for a Language of Reconciliation, Liora Lazarus and Benjamin J. Goold
Security and Human Rights, Liora Lazarus and Benjamin J. Goold
Contracts, Bruce MacDougall
Introduction to Contracts, Bruce MacDougall
Thickening Totems and Thinning Imperialism, Johnny Mack
Civil Litigation and Newsreporter's Privilege, Shigenori Matsui
Japanese Constitutional Law, Shigenori Matsui
On Citizen Suit, Shigenori Matsui
On 'Populist' Constitutionalism, Shigenori Matsui
The Voting Rights of Japanese Citizens Living Abroad, Shigenori Matsui
To Protect Children From Sexual Offenders, Shigenori Matsui
Critical Approaches, Karin Mickelson
A Prisoners' Charter? Reflections on Prisoner Litigation Under the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms, Debra Parkes
Precedent Unbound? Contemporary Approaches to Precedent in Canada, Debra Parkes
An Emerging International Criminal Law Tradition: Gaps in Applicable Law and Transnational Common Laws, Benjamin Perrin
Ensuring Effective Implementation of Measures to Protect Victims and Creation of a Canadian Counter-Human Trafficking Office, Benjamin Perrin
Faster, Higher, Stronger: Preventing Human Trafficking at the 2010 Olympics, Benjamin Perrin
Phnom Penh: A World Capital for Human Trafficking, Benjamin Perrin
The Threat and Opportunity of Non-State Actors to Conservative Foreign Policy, Benjamin Perrin
Developing Las Vegas: Creating Inclusionary Affordable Housing Requirements in Development Agreements, Ngai Pindell
The Problem of Official Discretion in Anti-Terrorism Law: Comment on Khawajah, W. Wesley Pue and Robert Russo
The UN Commission of Inquiry on Lebanon: A Legal Appraisal, Allard School of Law at the University of British Columbia G. Stewart
The Military Commissions Act's Inconsistency with the Geneva Conventions: An Overview, James G. Stewart
Human Rights, Cultural Tradition and International Development: Culturally Appropriate International Responses to Female Genital Cutting, Kristen Thomasen
Civil Liability Relief for Brownfields Developers, Stepan Wood
Introduction, Margot Young
Successful Challenge to Indian Act Shows Value of Now-Defunded Program, Margot Young
Why Rights Now? Law and Desperation, Margot Young
Submissions from 2006
Cachet Not Cash: Another Sort of World Bank Group Borrowing, Natasha Affolder
Domesticating the Exotic Species: International Biodiversity Law in Canada, Natasha Affolder
Fostering Compliance with International Biodiversity Law: Environmental Advocacy Groups Inside and Outside the Courtroom, Natasha Affolder
Kids and the Corporation, Joel Bakan
Compliance with International Treaties: Selective Adaptation Analysis, Ljiljana Biuković
European Community in Disputes Before WTO Tribunals: Challenges of Coexistence of Regional Trade Agreements, Ljiljana Biuković
Chinese Parliamentary Sovereignty: Constitutional Ground, Challenges and Transformation Prospects, Jie Cheng
'Hong Kong's Judiciary under the Dual Track Politics, Jie Cheng
Observation and Experiences of Yale's Legal Education, Jie Cheng
Procedural Wrongs and Reconstruction in Land Taking Cases, Jie Cheng
The Legal Architecture of Intergovernmental Transfers: A Comparative Examination, Sujit Choudhry and Benjamin Perrin
Aboriginality and Governance: A Multidisciplinary Perspective from Quebec, Gordon Christie
Developing Case Law: The Future of Consultation and Accommodation, Gordon Christie
Canada's External Constitution and its Democratic Deficit, Stephen Clarkson and Stepan Wood