Submissions from 2002
International Commercial Arbitration in Cyberspace: Recent Developments, Ljiljana Biuković
NAFTA Arbitration Awards in British Columbia Courts: The Metalclad Case, Ljiljana Biuković
Unification of Cyber-Jurisdiction Rules: Just How Close are the EU and the US?, Ljiljana Biuković
Law Making and Law Enforcement in China, Jie Cheng
Open Government Under Law: A Constitutionalist Perspective, Jie Cheng
Parliamentary Ombudsman in Sweden, Jie Cheng
Toward a More Open Society: Examination of Access to Information in China, Jie Cheng
Judicial Justification of Recent Developments in Aboriginal Law, Gordon Christie
The Court's Exercise of Plenary Power: Rewriting the Two-Row Wampum, Gordon Christie
Applicants S114 and S115, a Refugee Couple from Bangladesh, Catherine Dauvergne and Jenni Millbank
Privacy Rights and Public Spaces: CCTV and the Problem of the 'Unobservable Observer', Benjamin J. Goold
Teaching Human Rights in Japan: Legal Education and Japanese Values, Benjamin J. Goold
The Challenge of Policing Immigrant Communities, Benjamin J. Goold
Cultural Diversity and the Police in the United States: Understanding Problems and Finding Solutions, Benjamin J. Goold and Karyn Hadfield
Disability and Performance Standards under the Ontario Human Rights Code, Isabel Grant and Judith Mosoff
Book Review of Cis Dideen Kat - When Plumes Rise: The Way of the Lake Babine Nation, Douglas C. Harris
Book Review of Whose Property? The Deepening Conflict Between Private Property and Democracy in Canada, Douglas C. Harris
Seeking a Targeted Charter Remedy: R. v. Caster and the Exclusion of Evidence Under Section 7, Nikos Harris
The Utility of a Diminished Responsibility Defence: Can an Accused Be 'Half Responsible'for a Murder?, Nikos Harris
Constitutional Litigation and Democracy, Noriyuki Inoue and Shigenori Matsui
Human Rights Bill and Freedom of Expression of Mass Media, Noriyuki Inoue and Shigenori Matsui
Bridging Troubled Waters: Conflict Resolution from the Heart, Michelle LeBaron
Contracts, Bruce MacDougall
Changing Libel Law and Freedom of Expression, Shigenori Matsui
Human Rights Commission and Mass Media, Shigenori Matsui
Japanese Constitutional Law, Shigenori Matsui
Meaning of the Executive Power and the Status of Prime Minister Reconsidered, Shigenori Matsui
Publication of Prior Criminal Record of Prime Minister and Defamation, Shigenori Matsui
The Internet and the Constitution, Shigenori Matsui
The Internet and the Constitution, Shigenori Matsui
The Right of Publicity and Freedom of Expression (1), Shigenori Matsui
The Right of Publicity and Freedom of Expression (2), Shigenori Matsui
Canadian Cases in Public International Law in 2001-2 / Jurisprudence canadienne en matière de droit international public en 2001-2, Karin Mickelson
Pay Equity: A Fundamental Human Right, Margot Young
Submissions from 2001
Awarding Compound Interest in International Arbitration, Natasha Affolder
Legal Rights in the Supreme Court of Canada in 2000: Seeing the Big Picture, Janine Benedet
Little Sisters Book and Art Emporium v. Minister of Justice: Sex Equality and the Attack on R. v. Butler, Janine Benedet
Transparency and Secrecy: Focus on Open Government Information System, Jie Cheng
Charitable Status and Terrorist Financing: Rethinking the Proposed Charities Registration (Security Information) Act, David G. Duff
Weak Currency Borrowings and the General Anti-Avoidance Rule in Canada: From Shell Canada to Canadian Pacific, David G. Duff
Organizacion de Derecho Local, Julen Etxabe and I. Agirreazkuenaga
In Search of the Qualitative Clear Majority: Democratic Experimentalism and the Quebec Secession Reference, Cristie Ford
Review of: The Rights Revolution by Michael Ignatieff, Cristie Ford
The Ties That Bind: A Review of Michael Ignatieff's The Rights Revolution, Cristie Ford
Public Surveillance CCTV: Aspects of Its Impact on Policing in an English Force, Benjamin J. Goold
Rethinking the Sentencing Regime for Murder, Isabel Grant
Fish, Law, and Colonialism: The Legal Capture of Salmon in British Columbia, Douglas C. Harris
Evidence of Post-Offence Conduct in Criminal Proceedings, Part II: The Spectrum of Admissibility to Infer Innocence, Nikos Harris
A Well-Founded Fear of Prosecution: Mediation and the Unauthorized Practice of Law, David A. Hoffman and Natasha Affolder
Conflict and Culture: A Literature Review and Bibliography, Michelle LeBaron
Contracts, Bruce MacDougall
The Celebration of Same-Sex Marriage, Bruce MacDougall
Canadian Cases in Public International Law in 2000-1 / Jurisprudence canadienne en matière de droit international public en 2000-1, Karin Mickelson
The Future of Southeast Asia: Challenges of Child Sex Slavery and Trafficking in Cambodia, Benjamin Perrin, Shuvaloy Majumdar, Nicholas Gafuik, and Stephanie Andrews
Taking Youth Suicide Seriously: Disclosure of Information Between School, Family and Health Professionals in New Zealand, Allard School of Law at the University of British Columbia G. Stewart
The High Price of Habitat Protection, Stepan Wood
Making and Breaking Rank: Some Thoughts on Recent Canadian Law School Surveys, Margot Young
Submissions from 2000
Evaluating a Change to Seminar-Style Teaching, Kirsten Anker, Catherine Dauvergne, Mark Findlay, and Jenni Millbank
Holding Individual Leaders Responsible for Violations of Customary International Law: The U.S. Bombardment of Cambodia and Laos, Nicole Barrett
Pre-Trial Screening of Records in the Hands of the Defence, Janine Benedet
Same-Sex Sexual Harassment in Employment, Janine Benedet
One Country, Two Democracies, Jie Cheng
Readers: Constitutional Law and Administrative Law, Jie Cheng
Delgamuukw and the Protection of Aboriginal Land Interests, Gordon Christie
Justifying Principles of Treaty Interpretation, Gordon Christie
Citizenship, Migration Laws and Women: Gendering Permanent Residency Statistics, Catherine Dauvergne
Devolutions of Sovereignty and National Ethos, Catherine Dauvergne
The Dilemma of Rights Discourses for Refugees, Catherine Dauvergne
Charitable Contributions and the Personal Income Tax: Evaluating the Canadian Credit, David G. Duff
Disability and the Income Tax, David G. Duff
Developments in Substantive Criminal Law: The 1998-99 Term, Isabel Grant
The British Columbia Review Panel: Factors Influencing Decision-Making, Isabel Grant, James R.P. Ogloff, and Kevin S. Douglas
Academic Freedom and the Inclusive University, Sharon E. Hann and Dennis Pavlich
Book Review of Laws of the Postcolonial, Douglas C. Harris
Book Review of White Man's Law: Native People in Nineteenth-Century Canadian Jurisprudence, Douglas C. Harris
Territoriality, Aboriginal Rights, and the Heiltsuk Spawn-on-Kelp Fishery, Douglas C. Harris
Evidence of Post-Offence Conduct in Criminal Proceedings, Part I: The Spectrum of Admissibility to Infer Guilt, Nikos Harris
Transforming Cultural Conflict in an Age of Complexity, Michelle Lebaron
Why the Foreign Matters in Foreign Affairs: Cultural Understanding in Policy Processes, Michelle LeBaron and Jarle Crocker
Contracts, Bruce MacDougall
Queer Judgments: Homosexuality, Expression, and the Courts in Canada, Bruce MacDougall
Canadian Cases in Public International Law in 1999-2000 / La jurisprudence canadienne en matière de droit international public en 1999-2000, Karin Mickelson
South, North, International Environmental Law, and International Environmental Lawyers, Karin Mickelson
Propensity Evidence Reclaims Its Name: The Potential Impact of R. v. Batte, Richard C.C. Peck and Nikos Harris
Submissions from 1999
Kang Youweis Constitutional Thoughts, Jie Cheng
Amorality and Humanitarianism in Immigration Law, Catherine Dauvergne
Amorality and Humanitarianism in Immigration Law, Catherine Dauvergne
Confronting Chaos: Migration Law Responds to Images of Disorder, Catherine Dauvergne
Inheritance and Succession, David G. Duff
Interpreting the Income Tax Act - Part 1: Interpretive Doctrines, David G. Duff
Interpreting the Income Tax Act - Part 2: Toward a Pragmatic Approach, David G. Duff
Statutory Interpretation, David G. Duff and Thomas E. MacDonnell
Anaphylaxis in Schools: A Legal Analysis, Isabel Grant
Developments in Substantive Criminal Law: The 1997-98 Term, Isabel Grant
Evidence of Propensity in a Criminal Proceeding: Admissible, Inadmissible, or Something in Between?, Nikos Harris
Case Comment on M v. H, Bruce MacDougall
Contracts, Bruce MacDougall