Submissions from 2009
Editorial: Making Sense of Surveillance in Europe, Benjamin J. Goold
Liberty v United Kingdom: A New Chance for Another Missed Opportunity, Benjamin J. Goold
Open to All? Regulating Open Street CCTV and the Case for 'Symmetrical Surveillance', Benjamin J. Goold
Privacy Rights and Public Spaces: CCTV and the Problem of the 'Unobservable Observer', Benjamin J. Goold
Public Area Surveillance and Police Work: The Impact of CCTV on Police Behaviour and Autonomy, Benjamin J. Goold
Surveillance, Benjamin J. Goold
Surveillance and the Political Value of Privacy, Benjamin J. Goold
Technologies of Surveillance and the Erosion of Institutional Trust, Benjamin J. Goold
New Directions in Surveillance and Privacy, Benjamin J. Goold and Daniel Neyland
Putting Surveillance on the Political Agenda – A Short Defence of Surveillance: Citizens and the State, Benjamin J. Goold and Charles D. Raab
Rethinking Risk: The Relevance of Condoms and Viral Load in HIV Nondisclosure Prosecutions, Isabel Grant
Contextualizing Criminal Defences: Exploring the Contribution of Justice Bertha Wilson, Isabel Grant and Debra Parkes
Aboriginal Rights to Fish in British Columbia, Douglas C. Harris
A Court Between: Aboriginal and Treaty Rights in the British Columbia Court of Appeal, Douglas C. Harris
Revisiting History: How the Past Matters for the Present Backlash against the Foreign Investment Regime, Asha Kaushal
The Relationship between Rights and Responsibilities, Liora Lazarus, Benjamin J. Goold, Rajendra Desai, and Qudsi Rasheed
Loud Bones: Nancy Worden's Jewelry, Michelle LeBaron
Corporate Social and Environmental Disclosure in Emerging Securities Markets, Li-Wen Lin
Legal Transplants through Private Contracting: Codes of Vendor Conduct in Global Supply Chains as an Example, Li-Wen Lin
The Rule of Law Through the Looking Glass, Mary Liston
Personal Property Security Law in British Columbia, Bruce MacDougall
The Market Overt Method to Obtain Ownership of Lost or Stolen Goods: Comment on Manning v. Algard Estate, 2008 BCSC 1129, Bruce MacDougall
The Constitution and the Family in Japan, Shigenori Matsui
Beyond a Politics of the Possible? South-North Relations and Climate Justice, Karin Mickelson
Competing Narratives of Justice in North-South Environmental Relations: The Case of Ozone Layer Depletion, Karin Mickelson
Making It In Hockey: What You Should Know, From the Experts and Pros, Marcus Moore
Introduction: Where Next for Surveillance Studies? Exploring New Directions in Privacy and Surveillance, Daniel Neyland and Benjamin J. Goold
Loud Bones: The Jewelry of Nancy Worden, Susan Noyes and Michelle LeBaron
Bill C-268: Minimum Sentences for Child Trafficking Needed, Benjamin Perrin
Confronting Human Trafficking in Canada, Benjamin Perrin
Taking a Vacation from the Law? Extraterritorial Criminal Jurisdiction and Section 7(4.1) of the Criminal Code, Benjamin Perrin
Home Sweet Home? The Efficacy of Rental Restrictions to Promote Neighborhood Stability, Ngai Pindell
The Fair Housing Act at Forty: Predatory Lending and the City as Plaintiff, Ngai Pindell
A Stroke of Genius or Copyright Infringement? Mashups and Copyright in Canada, Graham Reynolds
Nanotechnology and the Tragedy of the Anticommons: Towards a Strict Utility Requirement, Graham Reynolds
Necessarily Critical? The Adoption of a Parody Defence to Copyright Infringement in Canada, Graham Reynolds
Climate Law and Developing Countries: Legal and Policy Challenges for the World Economy, Benjamin J. Richardson, Yves Le Bouthillier, Heather McLeod-Kilmurray, and Stepan Wood
Introduction: Climate Law and Developing Countries, Benjamin J. Richardson, Yves Le Bouthillier, Heather McLeod-Kilmurray, and Stepan Wood
Legal Education at the Crossroads, Supriya Routh
Book Review of Fighting for Political Freedom: Comparative Studies of the Legal Complex and Political Liberalism, Robert Russo
Guantánamo, Allard School of Law at the University of British Columbia G. Stewart
Internationalized Armed Conflict, Allard School of Law at the University of British Columbia G. Stewart
Introduction, Allard School of Law at the University of British Columbia G. Stewart
Introduction (Special Issue: The Grave Breaches Regime in the Geneva Conventions: A Reassessment Sixty Years On), Allard School of Law at the University of British Columbia G. Stewart
Judicial Notice, Allard School of Law at the University of British Columbia G. Stewart
Pillage, Allard School of Law at the University of British Columbia G. Stewart
(Special Issue: The Grave Breaches Regime in the Geneva Conventions: A Reassessment Sixty Years On), Allard School of Law at the University of British Columbia G. Stewart
Wanton Destruction not Justified by Military Necessity, Allard School of Law at the University of British Columbia G. Stewart
The Future of the Grave Breaches Regime: Segregate, Assimilate or Abandon, James G. Stewart
Le Droit Myope, Régine Tremblay
NAFTA Chapter 11 as Supraconstitution, Stepan Wood and Stephen Clarkson
Rights, the Homeless, and Social Change: Reflections on Victoria (City) v. Adams (BCSC), Margot Young
Possibilities and Prospects: The Debate Over a Guaranteed Income, Margot Young and James P. Mulvale
Submissions from 2008
Postcard from the Edge (of Empire), Elizabeth Adjin-Tettey, Gillian Calder, Angela Cameron, Maneesha Deckha, Rebecca Johnson, Hester Lessard, Maureen Maloney, and Margot Young
Is International Law an Effective Eco-Lobbying Tool?, Natasha Affolder
Toxic Exposures: Contested Illnesses and the Environmental Health Movement - by Phil Brown (Book Review), Natasha Affolder and Stuart E. Turvey
The Legacy of UK Tax Concepts in Canadian Income Tax Law, Benjamin Alarie and David G. Duff
The Externalizing Machine, Joel Bakan
A Globally Integrated Climate Policy for Canada, Steven Bernstein, Jutta Brunnée, David G. Duff, and Andrew J. Green
Introduction: A Globally-Integrated Climate Policy for Canada, Steven Bernstein, Jutta Brunnée, David G. Duff, and Andrew J. Green
Transfer Pricing in Canada, Byron Beswick and David G. Duff
A Guide to Business Law in Asia, Ljiljana Biuković
Anatomy of an Experiment: Consolidation of EU Contract Law, Ljiljana Biuković
B.C. Court Overturns Arbitrator's Award, Ljiljana Biuković
Dispute Resolution Mechanisms and Regional Trade Agreements: South American and Caribbean Modalities, Ljiljana Biuković
International, Regional and National Laws Intertwined in Asia, Ljiljana Biuković
Selective Adaptation of WTO Transparency Norms and Local Practices in China and Japan, Ljiljana Biuković
The New Face of CEFTA and its Dispute Resolution Mechanisms, Ljiljana Biuković
The New Role for Assurance Services in Global Commerce, Margaret M. Blair, Cynthia A. Williams, and Li-Wen Lin
The Roles of Standardization, Certification and Assurance Services in Global Commerce, Margaret M. Blair, Cynthia A. Williams, and Li-Wen Lin
UBC Law Faculty News, Joost Blom, Elizabeth Edinger, Bruce MacDougall, and Robert K. Paterson
The Injustice and Reconstruction of Procedures in Eminent Domain and Land Acquisition, Jie Cheng
Blue Box Policy Reform in the Doha Round Negotiations: Effects and China's Position, Jie Cheng, Laping Wu, and Richard W. Dawson
Will Partnership Law Be Worth It?, Wei Cui
Will Partnership Law Be Worth It?, Wei Cui
China, Wei Cui and et al.
Making People Illegal: What Globalization Means for Migration and Law, Catherine Dauvergne
Inaction and Non-Compliance: British Columbia's Approach to Women's Inequality: Submission of the BC CEDAW Group to the United Nations Committee on the Elimination of Discrimination Against Women on the Occasion of the Committee's Review of Canada's 6th a, Shelagh Day, Margot Young, and Aileen Smith
Women's Inequality in Canada: Submission of the Canadian Feminist Alliance for International Action to the United Nations Committee on the Elimination of Discrimination Against Women on the Occasion of the Committee's Review of Canada's 6th and 7th Report, Shelagh Day, Margot Young, and Aileen Smith
Carbon Taxation in British Columbia, David G. Duff
Neuman and Beyond: Income Splitting, Tax Avoidance, and Statutory Interpretation in the Supreme Court of Canada, David G. Duff
Relationships, Boundaries, and Corporate Taxation: Compliance and Avoidance in an Era of Globalization, David G. Duff
Tax Fairness and the Tax Mix, David G. Duff
A Comparative Evaluation of Different Policies to Promote the Generation of Electricity from Renewable Resources, David G. Duff and Andrew J. Green
Market-Based Policies for Renewable Energy Source Electricity: A Comparative Evaluation, David G. Duff and Andrew J. Green
Book Review of Living Speech: Resisting the Empire of Force, Julen Etxabe
Dogs and Tails: Remedies in Administrative Law, Cristie Ford
How Should We Teach Securities Regulation in a Fast-Moving World?, Cristie Ford
New Governance, Compliance, and Principles-Based Securities Regulation, Cristie Ford
The Difference Between Lonely Old Ladies and CCTV Cameras: A Response to Ryberg, Benjamin J. Goold
The Boundaries of the Criminal Law: The Criminalization of the Non-Disclosure of HIV, Isabel Grant
A Social-Ecological History of Canada's Fisheries, Douglas C. Harris
Indian Reserves Allotted for Fishing Purposes in British Columbia, 1849-1925, Douglas C. Harris
Landing Native Fisheries: Indian Reserves and Fishing Rights in British Columbia, 1849-1925, Douglas C. Harris
The Boldt Decision in Canada: Aboriginal Treaty Rights to Fish on the Pacific, Douglas C. Harris
Conflict Tactics in a Mediation Setting, Linda M. Johnston and Michelle Lebaron
Foreword, Hoi Kong
The Spending Power, Constitutional Interpretation and Legal Pragmatism, Hoi Kong