Current Faculty Publications | Allard Faculty Publications | The Peter A. Allard School of Law
Includes works of current faculty of the Peter A. Allard School of Law.


Submissions from 2013

Criminal Justice under the Kingdom Human Rights Act: Dynamic Interaction between Domestic and International Law, Liora Lazarus and Ryan Goss

Whither the Body? Form, Flexibility and Fairness in Conflict Intervention, Michelle LeBaron


Breathing Life into the Ashes: Resilience, Arts and Social Transformation - PWIAS Inaugural Roundtable Final Report, Michelle Lebaron and Cynthia Cohen

Conflict and Culture: Research in Five Communities in Vancouver, British Columbia, Michelle LeBaron and J. Bruce Grundison

Introduction: Let's Dance, Michelle LeBaron and Carrie MacLeod

The Choreography of Resolution: Conflict, Movement, and Neuroscience, Michelle LeBaron, Carrie MacLeod, and Andrew Floyer Acland


The Next Stage of CSR for Canada: Transformational Corporate Governance, Hybrid Legal Structures, and the Growth of Social Enterprise, Carol Liao


State Ownership and Corporate Governance in China: An Executive Career Approach, Li-Wen Lin

Conflict and Collaboration in Business Organization: A Preliminary Study, Li-Wen Lin and Josh Whitford


Evolving Capacities: The B.C. Representative for Children and Youth as a Hybrid Model of Oversight, Mary Liston


Governments in Miniature: The Rule of Law in the Administrative State, Mary Liston

Halsbury's Laws of Canada: Personal Property and Secured Transactions, Bruce MacDougall


Cloudy Weather, with Occasional Sunshine: Consumer Loans, the Legislature, and the Supreme Court of Japan, Shigenori Matsui

Hyōgen no jiyūto meiyo kison [Freedom of Expression and Defamation], Shigenori Matsui

Hyougenno jiyu to meiyokison [Defamation and Freedom of Expression], Shigenori Matsui

Public Library and Freedom of Expression, Shigenori Matsui

Toshokan to hyougenno jiyu [Library and Freedom of Expression], Shigenori Matsui

Between Crisis and Complacency: Seeking Commitment in International Environmental Law, Karin Mickelson

Rethinking Modes of Diffusion and Research and Teaching Methods: A TWAIL Perspective, Karin Mickelson

Systemically Important Financial Institutions (SIFIs): An Analysis of Current Regulatory Developments, Maziar Peihani


Migrant Smuggling: Canada's Response to a Global Criminal Enterprise, Benjamin Perrin

Nevada's Residential Real Estate Crisis: Local Governments and the Use of Eminent Domain to Condemn Mortgage Notes, Ngai Pindell

Regulating Internet Gaming: Challenges and Opportunities, Ngai Pindell and Anthony Cabot


Of Reasonableness, Fairness and the Public Interest: Judicial Review of Copyright Board Decisions in Canada's Copyright Pentalogy, Graham Reynolds

Class Actions in Canada: Conflicting Purposes and Unpredictable Outcomes, Andrew Roman, Jonathan Heeney, and Hassan M. Ahmad

Punish companies that pillage, Allard School of Law at the University of British Columbia G. Stewart


Ten Reasons for Adopting a Universal Concept of Participation in Atrocity, James G. Stewart

Fairness as Social Justice: The Gendered Lens of Citizenship, Margot Young

Gender and Terrain: Feminists Theorize Citizenship, Margot Young


Social Justice and the Charter: Comparison and Choice, Margot Young


The Other Section 7, Margot Young

Submissions from 2012

Company Reserves: Corporations, Natural Heritage and Protected Areas of Law in Heritage Inc.: A Mini-Symposium on Heritage Protection and Private Actors. Held at the Faculty of Law, University of British Columbia, Vancouver, Canada, 16 March 2012, Natasha Affolder

The Private Life of Environmental Treaties, Natasha Affolder


Transnational Conservation Contracts, Natasha Affolder

Transnational Conservation Contracts: A Primer, Natasha Affolder

Equal Liability for all Members of a Joint Criminal Enterprise? Lubanga Continues the Deficiencies of the ad hoc Tribunals, Hassan M. Ahmad

Dancing to the Rhythm of the Role-Play, Applying Dance Intelligence to Conflict Resolution, Nadja Alexander and Michelle LeBaron

A Victim-Centered Evaluation of the Federal Sex offender Registry, Janine Benedet

Taking the Stand: Access to Justice for Witnesses with Mental Disabilities in Sexual Assault Cases, Janine Benedet and Isabel Grant

For Your (Government's) Eyes Only, Samuel Beswick

Disassembling Legal Form: Ownership and the Racial Body, Brenna Bhandar

Strategies of Legal Rupture: The Politics of Judgement, Brenna Bhandar


Taking Threats Seriously: Section 264.1 and Threats as a Form of Domestic Violence, Joanna Birenbaum and Isabel Grant


Transparency Norms, The World Trade System and Free Trade Agreements: The Case of CETA, Ljiljana Biuković

Right to Counsel During Custodial Interrogation in Canada: Not Keeping Up with the Common Law Joneses, Christine Boyle and Emma Cunliffe

The Case for Gay-Straight Alliances (GSAs) in Canada's Public Schools: An Educational Perspective, Paul Clarke and Bruce MacDougall

Halsbury's Laws of Canada - Equitable Remedies / Estoppel, Maurice Coombs and Bruce MacDougall

China, Wei Cui


China's Tax Policy Response to the Global Financial Crisis, Wei Cui


Foreign Administrative Law and International Taxation: a Case Study of Tax Treaty Implementation in China, Wei Cui


Objections to Taxing Resale of Residential Property under a VAT, Wei Cui


Open Justice: Concepts and Judicial Approaches, Emma Cunliffe

Sexual Assault Cases in the SCC: Losing Sight of Substantive Equality?, Emma Cunliffe


Sexual Assault Cases in the Supreme Court of Canada: Losing Sight of Substantive Equality?, Emma Cunliffe

International Human Rights in Canadian Immigration Law - The Case of the Immigration and Refugee Board of Canada, Catherine Dauvergne

Canadian Income Tax Law, 4th ed., David G. Duff


The Basics of Species at Risk Legislation in Alberta, Shaun Fluker and Jocelyn Stacey

A Radical Perspective on the Mundane, Cristie Ford


Prospects for Scalability: Relationships and Uncertainty in Responsive Regulation, Cristie Ford


A National Systemic Risk Clearinghouse?, Cristie Ford and Hardeep S. Gill

'Mind the (Information) Gap': Making Sense of the European Union's Strategic Approach to Transnational Organized Crime, Benjamin J. Goold

Surveillance Under the Spotlight, Benjamin J. Goold


The Normal Ones Take Time': Civil Commitment and Sexual Assault in R. v. Alsadi, Isabel Grant


A Tale of Two Cases: Urging Caution in the Prosecution of HIV Non-Disclosure, Isabel Grant and Jonathan Glenn Betteridge


A Railway, a City, and the Public Regulation of Private Property: CPR v. City of Vancouver, Douglas C. Harris


Book Review of American Property: A History of How, Why, and What We Own, by Stuart Banner, Douglas C. Harris


Finding Nemo Dat in the Land Title Act: A Comment on Gill v. Bucholtz, Douglas C. Harris and Karin Mickelson

Doing Canada's Dirty Work: A Critical Analysis of Law and Policy to Address Labour Exploitation and Trafficking, Bethany Hastie

Express Trusts in Israel/Palestine: A Pluralist Trusts Regime and Its History, Adam S. Hofri-Winogradow

Parents, Children and Property in Late 18th-Century Chancery, Adam S. Hofri-Winogradow

Zionist Settlers and the English Private Trust in Mandate Palestine, Adam S. Hofri-Winogradow

Zionist Settlers and the English Private Trust in Mandate Palestine, Adam S. Hofri-Winogradow

Sustainability and Land Use Regulation in Canada: An Instrument Choice Perspective, Hoi Kong

Toward A Federal Legal Theory of the City, Hoi Kong

Rights Persuasion: A Response to Jeremy Waldron, Liora Lazarus

The Right to Security - Securing Rights or Securitising Rights?, Liora Lazarus

Supplementary Comparative Research on Secret Evidence: A Closer Examination of the Procedure and Practice in the United States (Report for the Joint Committee on Human Rights), Liora Lazarus and et al.

Control without Punishment: Understanding Coercion, Liora Lazarus, Benjamin Goold, and Caitlin Goss

Kultura kak podvodnaya chast aisberga v konflikte, Michelle LeBaron

Portfolio Evaluation: Kaleidoscopic Insights into Learning Effectiveness and Change, Michelle LeBaron

Inviting Persephone to Dance: Arts and Movement-Based Approaches to Peacemaking, Michelle LeBaron and Carrie MacLeod

Designing Social Value Architecture for the For-Profit Company, Carol Liao

Covert Surveillance and the Invisibilities of Policing, Bethan Loftus, Benjamin J. Goold, and S. MacGiollabhui

Judicial Independence as a Constitutional Virtue, Roderick A. Macdonald and Hoi Kong

Estoppel, Bruce MacDougall

Introduction to Contracts, 2d ed., Bruce MacDougall


Conscientious Objection to Creating Same-Sex Unions: An International Analysis, Bruce MacDougall, Elsje Bonthuys, Kenneth McK. Norrie, and Marjolein van den Brink

Constitution of Canada, Shigenori Matsui

Introduction to American Constitutional Law, 7th ed., Shigenori Matsui

Turbulence Ahead: The Future of Law Schools in Japan, Shigenori Matsui


From Smith to Smickle: The Charter's Minimal Impact on Mandatory Minimum Sentences, Debra Parkes


Ipeelee and the Pursuit of Proportionality in a World of Mandatory Minimum Sentences, Debra Parkes


The 'Great Writ' Reinvigorated? Habeas Corpus in Contemporary Canada, Debra Parkes


Gladue: Beyond Myth and Towards Implementation in Manitoba, Debra Parkes and David Milward

Gladue Handbook: A Resource for Justice System Participants in Manitoba, Debra Parkes, David Milward, Steven Keesic, and Janine Seymour

The Global Financial Crisis of 2008: An Analysis of Contributing Trends, Policies and Failures, Maziar Peihani

Conclusion, Benjamin Perrin

Introduction, Benjamin Perrin

Mind the Gap: Lacunae in the International Legal Framework Governing Private Military and Security Companies, Benjamin Perrin

Modern Warfare: Armed Groups, Private Militaries, Humanitarian Organizations, and the Law, Benjamin Perrin