Includes works of current faculty of the Peter A. Allard School of Law.


Submissions from 2004

Aboriginal Resource and Subsistence Rights After Delgamuukw/ and Marshall, Gordon Christie

Crossing the Line: Homophobic Speech and Public School Teachers, Paul Clarke and Bruce MacDougall

Mergers: Australian Federal Court-Procedure-Clearances, Emma Cunliffe

Academic Research at UBC's Faculty of Law, Catherine Dauvergne

Sovereignty, Migration and the Rule of Law in Global Times, Catherine Dauvergne


Challenging Nation, Catherine Dauvergne and W. Wesley Pue

Editor's Introduction: Challenging Nation, Catherine Dauvergne and W. Wesley Pue

Benefit Taxes and User Fees in Theory and Practice, David G. Duff

Interest Deductibility, the Reasonable Expectation of Profit Test, and the Supreme Court of Canada: From Bronfman Trust and Moldowan to Singleton, Ludmer, Stewart and Walls, David G. Duff


Tax Treatment of Charitable Contributions in Canada: Theory, Practice, and Reform, David G. Duff

Tax Treatment of Charitable Contributions in Canada: Theory, Practice, and Reform©, David G. Duff

CCTV and Policing: Public Area Surveillance and Police Practices in Britain, Benjamin J. Goold

Idealizing the Other? Western Images of the Japanese Criminal Justice System, Benjamin J. Goold

Developments in Substantive Criminal Law: The 2003-2004 Term, Isabel Grant

Limiting Instructions: Preventing Wrongful Convictions or Causing Juror Confusion?, Nikos Harris

Contrasting Prisoners' Rights: A Comparative Examination of England and Germany, Liora Lazarus

Learning New Dances: Finding Effective Ways to Address Intercultural Disputes, Michelle LeBaron


‘Alert, Alive and Sensitive’: Baker, the Duty to Give Reasons, and the Ethos of Justification in Canadian Public Law, Mary Liston

Contracts, Bruce MacDougall

The Continuum of Homophobic Expression in Canadian Law, Bruce MacDougall


The Legally Queer Child, Bruce MacDougall

Teaching Tolerance, Mirroring Diversity, Understanding Difference: The Effects and Implications of the Chamberlain Case, Bruce MacDougall and Paul T. Clarke

American Constitutional Law, Shigenori Matsui

Electronic Municipality and Personal Data Protection, Shigenori Matsui

Japan: The Supreme Court and the Separation of Church and State, Shigenori Matsui

Political Fairness and Freedom of Broadcasting, Shigenori Matsui

Significance of Freedom of Expression of Mass Media, Shigenori Matsui

Youth Protection Bill and Freedom of Expression, Shigenori Matsui

Constitutional Litigation and Democracy, Shigenori Matsui and Noriyuki Inoue

Tribute to Ivan L. Head, Karin Mickelson

Introduction to Law through Movie Screen, Susumu Noda and Shigenori Matsui


Targeting Workplace Harassment in Quebec: On Exporting a New Legislative Agenda, Debra Parkes

Terrorism, Secession & Multinational Constitutions: The Challenge of Sri Lanka, Benjamin Perrin

Freedom and Social Responsibility of Mass Media, Takesato Watanabe and Shigenori Matsui


Canada’s 'Forgotten Forests': Or, How Ottawa is Failing Local Communities and the World in Peri-Urban Forest Protection, Stepan Wood

The Role of the International Organization for Standardization (ISO) in Governing Environmental Conflict and Corporate Social Responsibility in Developing Countries: Questions for Research, Stepan Wood

Commentary: Toward a Counterdisciplinary Agenda for Research in International Law and International Relations, Stepan Wood and et al.

Charter of Rights, Margot Young

Equality at a Standstill: Some Conclusory Remarks to the Forum, Margot Young

Reproductive Technologies and The Law: Norplant and the Bad Mother, Margot Young

Travels With Justice L'Heureux-Dubé: Equality Law Abroad, Margot Young

'Marlee Kline Special Issue', Margot Young and Susan B. Boyd

Submissions from 2003

The Corporation: A Documentary Film, Mark Achbar, Jennifer Abbott, and Joel Bakan

The Third World and International Order: Law, Politics and Globalization, Antony Anghie, Bhupinder Chimni, Karin Mickelson, and Obiora Okafor

Canadian Constitutional Law, Joel Bakan, Robin Elliot, and et al.

Moving from the Back to the Front of the Classroom, Kim Brooks and Debra Parkes

Financial Transparency and Open Auditing, Jie Cheng

Independent Auditing and Government Responsibility, Jie Cheng

Aboriginal Citizenship: Sections 35, 25 and 15 of Canada's Constitution Act, 1982, Gordon Christie


Law, Theory and Aboriginal Peoples, Gordon Christie


Multilateral Management as a Fair Solution to the Spratly Disputes, Wei Cui

Shenpi (Licensing) Reform from the Perspective of One Municipal Jurisdiction: Ideologies, Institutions, and Law, Wei Cui


Shenpi (Licensing) Reform From The Perspective of One Municipal Jurisdiction: Ideologies, Institutions, and Law, Wei Cui

Before the High Court: Applicants S396/2002 and S395/2002, A Gay Refugee Couple from Bangladesh, Catherine Dauvergne

Challenges to Sovereignty: Migration Laws for the 21st Century, Catherine Dauvergne

Evaluating Canada's New Immigration and Refugee Protection Act in its Global Context, Catherine Dauvergne

Illegal Migration and Sovereignty in Theories of Globalization, Catherine Dauvergne

Jurisprudence for an Interconnected Globe - Catherine Dauvergne, ed., Catherine Dauvergne

New Directions in Jurisprudence, Catherine Dauvergne

Tales of Two Nations: Australian Citizenship Law in Context and Semblances of Sovereignty: The Constitution, the State and American Citizenship (Book review), Catherine Dauvergne


Burdened by Proof: How the Australian Refugee Review Tribunal has Failed Lesbian and Gay Asylum Seekers, Catherine Dauvergne and Jenni Millbank An Empirical Critique of the Evidentiary Practices of the Australian Refugee Review Tribunal, Catherine Dauvergne and Jenni Millbank

Canada's Failure To Act: Women's Inequality Deepens: Submission of the Canadian Feminist Alliance for International Action to the United Nations Committee on the Elimination of Discrimination Against Women on the Occasion of the Committee's Review of Cana, Shelagh Day, Margot Young, Michelle Booker, and Karey Brooks

Canadian Income Tax Law, David G. Duff

Judicial Application of the General Anti-Avoidance Rule in Canada: OSFC Holdings Ltd. v. The Queen, David G. Duff

La Loi de l'Impot sur le Revenu et le Droit Prive au Canada: Complementarite, Dissociation et Bijuridisme, David G. Duff


Special Federal Tax Assistance for Charitable Donations of Publicly Traded Securities: A Tax Expenditure Analysis, David G. Duff


Tax Policy and Global Warming, David G. Duff


The Federal Income Tax Act and Private Law in Canada: Complementarity, Dissociation, and Canadian Bijuralism, David G. Duff


Public Area Surveillance and Police Work: The Impact of CCTV on Police Behaviour and Autonomy, Benjamin J. Goold


Restorative Cautioning, Theories of Reintegration, and the Influence of Japanese Notions of Shame, Benjamin J. Goold

A Woman's Life, a Woman's Health: Equalizing Medicaid Abortion Funding in Simat Corp. v. Arizona Health Care Cost Containment System, Sara Gordon

Canada's Criminal Harassment Provisions: A Review of the First Ten Years, Isabel Grant, Natasha Bone, and Kathy Grant

Historian and Courts: R. v. Marshall and the Mi'kmaq Treaties on Trial, Douglas C. Harris


Indigenous Territoriality in Canadian Courts, Douglas C. Harris

Evidence in Appellate Proceedings, Nikos Harris

Evidence in Sentencing Proceedings, Nikos Harris

System' Charter Applications: Protecting the Justice System and Your Client, Nikos Harris

Bridging Cultural Conflicts: A New Approach for a Changing World, Michelle LeBaron

Trickster, Mediator's Friend, Michelle LeBaron

Windows on Diversity: Lawyers, Culture, and Mediation Practice, Michelle LeBaron and Zena D. Zumeta

Contracts, Bruce MacDougall


The Separation of Church and Date: Destabilizing Traditional Religion-Based Legal Norms on Sexuality, Bruce MacDougall

Administrative Procedure, Shigenori Matsui

Fair Trial and Mass Media, Shigenori Matsui

Freedom of Information Law, Shigenori Matsui

Mass Media Law, Shigenori Matsui

Reflections upon the Japanese Constitution, Shigenori Matsui

The Method of Teaching in Law Schools, Shigenori Matsui

The Right to Fair Trial and Freedom of Expression, Shigenori Matsui

Canadian Cases in Public International Law in 2002-3 / Jurisprudence canadienne en matière de droit international public en 2002-3, Karin Mickelson

Co-opting Common Heritage: Reflections on the Need for South-North Scholarship, Karin Mickelson

The Environment: Ecological and Ethical Dimensions, Karin Mickelson and William Rees

Baby Steps on the Way to a Grown-up Charter: Reflections on 20 Years of Social and Economic Rights Claims, Debra Parkes


Ballot Boxes Behind Bars: Toward the Repeal of Prisoner Disenfranchisement Laws, Debra Parkes

Counting on the Court: The Preservation of Fundamental Freedoms and Liberties in the Era of the Security Revolution, Richard C.C. Peck and Nikos Harris

Is There Hope For HOPE VI?: Community Economic Development and Localism, Ngai Pindell

Judicial Notice in International Criminal Law: A Reconciliation of Potential, Peril and Precedent, Allard School of Law at the University of British Columbia G. Stewart


Towards a Single Definition of Armed Conflict in International Humanitarian Law: A Critique of Internationalized Armed Conflict, James G. Stewart


Environmental Management Systems and Public Authority in Canada: Rethinking Environmental Governance, Stepan Wood