Submissions from 2020
Environmental Law, Jocelyn Stacey
The Deliberative Dimensions of Modern Environmental Assessment Law, Jocelyn Stacey
Robots, Regulation, and the Changing Nature of Public Space, Kristen Thomasen
Mere [in The McGill Companion to Law, Special Issue], Régine Tremblay
Smart Cities in Canada: Digital Dreams, Corporate Designs, Mariana Valverde and Alexandra Flynn
Responsible Scholarship in a Crisis: A Plea for Fairness in Academic Discourse on the Carbon Pricing References, Stepan Wood, Meinhard Doelle, and Dayna Nadine Scott
Temerity and Timidity: Lessons from Tanudjaja v. Attorney General (Canada), Margot Young
Submissions from 2019
Contagious Environmental Lawmaking, Natasha Affolder
Transnational Climate Law, Natasha Affolder
Transnational Environmental Law's Missing People, Natasha Affolder
Transnational Law as Unseen Law, Natasha Affolder
Regulating Systemic Risk in Canada, Anita Anand and Maziar Peihani
Systemic Risk in the Financial Sector: Ten Years after the Great Crash, Anita Anand and Maziar Peihani
Absence of Motive in Sexual Assault Cases, Janine Benedet
Judicial Misconduct in the Sexual Assault Trial, Janine Benedet
Sentencing for Sexual Offences Against Children and Youth: Mandatory Minimums, Proportionality and Unintended Consequences, Janine Benedet
Sentencing for Sexual Offences Against Children and Youth: Mandatory Minimums, Proportionality and Unintended Consequences, Janine Benedet
Crossing Worlds: South-North Collaborations as Creative Encounters with Arts, Humanities and Sciences, Kim Berman and Michelle LeBaron
Tenant Fees Act 2019: A Welcome Reform, Samuel Beswick
The Discoverability of Mistakes of Law, Samuel Beswick
Surveilling the Stopgap, Samuel Beswick and William Fotherby
Good Governance in Economic Development: International Norms and Chinese Perspectives, Sarah Biddulph and Ljiljana Biuković
International Good Governance Norms between the Global and the Local: China, Transparency, and Accountability, Sarah Biddulph and Ljiljana Biuković
Who Are the Important Actors in Shaping the Good Governance, Transparency, and Accountability Principles?, Sarah Biddulph and Ljiljana Biuković
Stare Decisis and the Charter, Brian Bird
The Judicial Notwithstanding Clause: Suspended Declarations of Invalidity, Brian Bird
Belts That Fasten Roads to Prosperity and Development: Transparency and Governance of New International Banks, Ljiljana Biuković
Canadian Law and Indigenous Self?Determination: A Naturalist Analysis, Gordon Christie
Saanich Law and the Trans Mountain Pipeline Expansion, Robert Clifford YELKATŦE
The Digital Services Tax on the Verge of Implementation, Wei Cui
The Superiority of the Digital Service Tax over Significant Digital Presence Proposals, Wei Cui
When Do Chinese National Ministries Make Law?, Wei Cui
Who is Afraid of the Digital Services Tax?, Wei Cui
Judicial Review of Government Actions in China, Wei Cui, Jie Cheng, and Dominika Wiesner
The Digital Services Tax as a Tax on Location-Specific Rent, Wei Cui and Nigar Hashimzade
Decentralizing Legislation in China’s Law on Legislation Amendment, Wei Cui and Jiang Wan
When Do Chinese Subnational Governments Make Law?, Wei Cui and Jiang Wan
Gendering Islamophobia to Better Understand Immigration Laws, Catherine Dauvergne
Gendering Islamophobia to Better Understand Immigration Laws, Catherine Dauvergne
Excluding Women, Catherine Dauvergne and Hannah Lindy
Interest Deductibility and International Taxation in Canada After BEPS Action 4, David G. Duff
Taxation of Business Organizations in Canada, David G. Duff and Geoffrey Loomer
Forensic Science Evidence and the Limits of Cross-Examination, Gary Edmond, Emma Cunliffe, Kristy Martire, and Mehera San Roque
A Cultural History of Law: Volume 1: A Cultural History of Law in Antiquity, Julen Etxabe
On the Arts of Judging and of Judicial Criticism, Julen Etxabe
Writing a Cultural History of Law in Antiquity, Julen Etxabe
Operative Subsidiary and Municipal Authority: The Case of Toronto's Ward Boundary Review, Alexandra Flynn
Where The Sidewalk Ends: The Governance Of Waterfront Toronto's Sidewalk Labs Deal, Alexandra Flynn and Mariana Valverde
Where the Sidewalk Ends: The Governance of Waterfront Toronto's Sidewalk Labs Deal, Alexandra Flynn and Mariana Valverde
A New Perspective on Some Familiar Corporate and Business Law Tools, Cristie Ford
Seeing Like an Authoritarian State, Cristie Ford
The Banking/Commercial Separation Doctrine in Comparative Perspective, Cristie Ford
Why Legal Transplants?, Toby S. Goldbach
More Than Privacy: Thinking Ethically About Public Area Surveillance, Benjamin J. Goold
Trusted Travellers and Trojan Horses: Security, Privacy, and Privilege at the Border, Benjamin J. Goold
Security and Human Rights, 2nd ed., Benjamin J. Goold and Liora Lazarus
About a Revolution: Toward Integrated Treatment in Drug and Mental Health Courts, Sara Gordon
Confronting the Sexual Assault of Teenage Girls: The Mistake of Age Defence in Canadian Sexual Assault Law, Isabel Grant and Janine Benedet
The "Statutory Rape" Myth: A Case Law Study of Sexual Assaults against Adolescent Girls, Isabel Grant and Janine Benedet
Unreasonable Steps: Trying to Make Sense of R. v. Morrison, Isabel Grant and Janine Benedet
Unreasonable Steps: Trying to Make Sense of R. v. Morrison, Isabel Grant and Janine Benedet
Constitutionalizing a Flawed Defence, Isabel Grant and Debra Parkes
Condominium Government and the Right to Live in the City, Douglas C. Harris
Peter A. Allard School of Law Faculty News, Nikos Harris and Patricia Barkaskas
Assessing Sexually Harassing Conduct in the Workplace: An Analysis of BC Human Rights Tribunal Decisions in 2010–16, Bethany Hastie
Human Rights and Precarious Workplaces: A Comment on British Columbia Human Rights Tribunal v Schrenk, Bethany Hastie
Renewing Labour's Engagement with Old Forms of Precarity: A Case Study of Unionization of Migrant Agricultural Workers in British Columbia, Bethany Hastie
Workplace Sexual Harassment: Assessing the Effectiveness of Human Rights Law in Canada, Bethany Hastie
Trust Parties' Uniquely Easy Access to Rescission: Analysis, Critique and Reform, Adam S. Hofri-Winogradow and Gadi Weiss
Do the Means Change the Ends? Express Entry and Economic Immigration in Canada, Asha Kaushal
Secrecy as a Meta-Paradigmatic Challenge, Liora Lazarus
Security and Human Rights: Finding a Language of Resilience and Inclusion, Liora Lazarus and Benjamin J. Goold
Social Enterprise Law: Friend or Foe to Corporate Sustainability?, Carol Liao
The Global Social Enterprise Lawmaking Phenomenon: State Initiatives on Purpose, Capital, and Taxation, Carol Liao, Elsir U. Tawfik, and Pat Teichreb
Mandatory Corporate Social Responsibility? Legislative Innovation and Judicial Application in China, Li-Wen Lin
Replicating Silicon Valley? Law and Human Capital in the Making of China’s Tech Startups, Li-Wen Lin
Say on Purpose: Lessons from Chinese Corporate Charters, Li-Wen Lin
Say on Purpose: Lessons from Chinese Corporate Charters, Li-Wen Lin
Representing Jurisdiction: Decolonizing Administrative Law in a Multijural State, Mary Liston
The Most Opaque Branch: The (Un)Accountable Growth of Executive Power in Canadian Government, Mary Liston
Canadian Personal Property Security Law, Bruce MacDougall
Estoppel, 2nd ed., Bruce MacDougall
Introduction to Contracts, 4th ed., Bruce MacDougall
Is Law Killing the Development of New Technologies?: Uber and Airbnb in Japan, Shigenori Matsui
Is 'My Number' Really My Number?: National Identification Numbers and the Right to Privacy in Japan, Shigenori Matsui
A Capability Approach to Labour Law, Carrie Menkel-Meadow, Victor V. Ramraj, Arun K. Thiruvengadam, and Supriya Routh
Amartya Sen and Law, Carrie Menkel-Meadow, Victor V. Ramraj, Arun K. Thiruvengadam, and Supriya Routh
Common Heritage of Mankind as a Limit to Exploitation of the Global Commons, Karin Mickelson
Punishment and Its Limits, Debra Parkes
Trusts in Common-Law Canada, Dennis Pavlich
Orderly Resolution of Too-Big-To-Fail Banks: An Elusive Objective for International Law?, Maziar Peihani
Bringing Rule of Law and Fairness to the Dysfunctional World of Sovereign Debt: A Role for Canada?, Maziar Peihani and Mark Jewett
Social Media Crime in Canada: Annotated Criminal Code, R.S.C., 1985, c. C-46, 2nd ed., Benjamin Perrin
Delimiting Deportation, Unlawful Transfer, Forcible Transfer and Forcible Displacement in International Criminal Law, Ken Roberts and Allard School of Law at the University of British Columbia G. Stewart
Revisiting Social Reproduction: Migrant Care Workers and Their Entitlements in Canada, Supriya Routh
Situated Experience as Basis of Legitimate Law-Making: ILO Convention 189 and Domestic Workers in India, Supriya Routh
The Need to Become Fashionable, Supriya Routh
NAGWEDIẐK’AN GWANEŜ GANGU CH’INIDẐED GANEXWILAGH: The Fires Awakened Us: Tsilhqot’in Report on the 2017 Wildfires, Jocelyn Stacey, Crystal Verhaeghe, and Emma Feltes
Habitual Residence and the Supreme Court's Decision in Office of the Children's Lawyer v. Balev, Régine Tremblay