Submissions from 1986
Quest of the Six Nations Confederacy for Self-Determination, Darlene Johnston
Righting the Balance: Canada's New Equality Rights, Lynn Smith, Gisèle Côté-Harper, Robin Elliot, and Magda Seydegart
Litigating the Values of a Nation: The Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms, Joseph M. Weiler and Robin Elliot
Wrong Attitude toward Drunk Driving - Insurance Corporation of British Columbia v. Casey, Stephen Wexler
Submissions from 1985
International Taxation and Federalism: The Canadian Perspective, Brian J. Arnold and Claire Young
The Evolving Relationship between Contract and Tort, Joost Blom
Criminal Law and Procedure: Who Needs Tenure?, Christine Boyle
The Economic Co-Operation Agreement between Canada and ASEAN: Charting a Foreign Investment Course in Southeast Asia, Robert K. Paterson
The Economic Contract Law of the People's Republic of China: Editor's Introduction, Pitman B. Potter
Jurisdiction over the Petroleum Resources of the Canadian Continental Shelf: The Emerging Picture, Ian Townsend-Gault
The Moral Confusions in Positivism, Utilitarianism and Liberalism, Stephen Wexler
Submissions from 1984
Recent Developments in Contract Law, Joost Blom
The Legal Status of the Arctic Sea Ice: A Comparative Study and a Proposal, Susan B. Boyd
Sexual Assault, Christine Boyle
The Judicial Committee of the Privy Council: Constitutional Bulwark or Colonial Remnant?, Peter Burns
Renvoi in Canada - Form and Availability, Elizabeth Edinger
New Brunswick Unified Criminal Court Reference, Robin Elliot
The Articulation of Native Rights in Canadian Law, Michael Jackson
Records and Archives in Court, Anthony F. Sheppard
Recent Developments in the Federal-Provincial Dispute Concerning Jurisdiction Over Offshore Petroleum Resources, Ian Townsend-Gault
The Urge to Idealize: Viscount Haldane and the Constitution of Canada, Stephen Wexler
Burden of Proof and Cause of Action, Stephen Wexler and Jack Effron
Submissions from 1983
Home Rule for Women: Power-Sharing between Men and Women, Christine Boyle
Prisoners of Isolation: Solitary Confinement in Canada, Michael Jackson
Submissions from 1982
Charter of Rights - Application to Pre-Enactment Events, William Black
Civil Conspiracy: An Unwieldly Vessel Rides a Judicial Tempest, Peter Burns
Discretion in the Assumption and Exercise of Jurisdiction in British Columbia, Elizabeth Edinger
Territorial Limitations of Provincial Powers, Elizabeth Edinger
Civil Liberties and the Supreme Court of Canada, Robin Elliot
Interpreting the Charter - Use of the Earlier Versions as an Aid, Robin Elliot
New Brunswick Unified Criminal Court Reference, Robin Elliot
Cruel and Unusual Treatment or Punishment?, Michael Jackson
The GATT and Restrictions on Foreign Investment: The United States Challenge to Canada's Foreign Investment Law, Robert K. Paterson
Submissions from 1981
Mistaken Bids: The Queen in Right of Ontario v. Ron Engineering & Construction Eastern Ltd., Joost Blom
Married Women - Beyond the Pale of the Law of Rape, Christine Boyle
Section 142 of the Criminal Code: A Trojan Horse, Christine Boyle
Selected Commentary, Pitman B. Potter
Submissions from 1980
Choice of Law Methods in the Private International Law of Contract, Joost Blom
Choice of Law Methods in the Private International Law of Contract, Joost Blom
The Domestic Proceedings (Northern Ireland) Order 1980, Christine Boyle
Violence Against Wives - The Criminal Law in Retreat, Christine Boyle
Garnishment of Interprovincial Corporations, Elizabeth Edinger
Do Unto Others: The Extraterritorial Reach of Regulatory Legislation in Canada, Robert K. Paterson
Submissions from 1979
Choice of Law Methods in the Private International Law of Contract, Joost Blom
Constitutional Law - Federal Prosecutions - Narcotic Control Act - Criminal Code, s. 2 - R. v. Hauser, Robin Elliot
Divorce Chinese Style: Confucius v. Mao, Robin Elliot
Consent in the Law of Theft, Robert K. Paterson
Towards a Defence of Entrapment, Robert K. Paterson
Arbitration under the British Columbia Labour Code, Joseph Weiler
Submissions from 1978
Choice of Law Methods in the Private International Law of Contract, Joost Blom
The Enforcement of Foreign Judgements in Canada, Joost Blom
A Role for Civil Liability in Canadian Securities Regulation? - Remedies for Breach of the Take-Over Bid Disclosure Requirements of the Securities Act 1967, Robert K. Paterson
Why Do We Punish?: The Case for Retributive Justice, Joseph Weiler
Submissions from 1977
The Conflict of Laws and the Constitution - Interprovincial Co-Operatives Ltd. v. The Queen, Joost Blom
Submissions from 1976
Choice of Law Methods in the Private International Law of Contract, Joost Blom
The Recognition of Foreign Divorces in British Columbia, Joost Blom
Criminal Law - Defences - Mistake of Law - Bona Fide Diligent Effort to Ascertain and Comply with the Law - R. v. Maclean, Elizabeth Edinger
Regina v. Kundeus: The Saga of Two Ships Passing in the Night, Joseph Weiler
Submissions from 1975
Case Comment: R. v. Nabis; Non Co-ercive Threats and Section 331, Elizabeth Edinger
Legal Restrictions on Foreign Investment in New Zealand, Robert K. Paterson
Taxation of the Family Divided: Divorce - Canadian Style, Anthony Sheppard
Submissions from 1974
Justice behind the Walls - A Study of the Disciplinary Process in a Canadian Penitentiary, Michael Jackson
Submissions from 1973
Divorce in the Canadian Conflict of Laws: Two Recent Developments, Joost Blom
The Adoption Act 1968, and the Conflict of Laws, Joost Blom
Submissions from 1971
Statements Made During the Investigatory Stage, Anthony Sheppard
Controlling Obscenity by Criminal Sanction, Joseph Weiler
Submissions from 1969
Regina v. Borg: Insanity, Irresistible Impulse, and Knowing the Act Was Wrong, Joost Blom
Submissions from 1967
Some Aspects of the Law of Unincorporated Associations, Anthony Sheppard