Submissions from 2004
Legal Enforcement Mechanisms for Delinquencies, Ronald Davis and Stephen Tatrallyay
Meeting the Problem of Delinquencies in Multi-Employer Plans, Ronald Davis and Stephen Tatrallyay
Wage and Benefit Claims in Employer Insolvencies, Ronald Davis and Stephen Tatrallyay
A New Approach to Extraterritoriality: Unifund Assurance Co. v. I.C.B.C., Elizabeth Edinger and Vaughan Black
British Columbia's Tobacco Litigation and the Rule of Law, Robin Elliot
A Blueprint for the Development of Cultural Heritage Law: Introduction, James A.R. Nafziger and Robert K. Paterson
Aboriginal Repatriation Extravaganza in Haida Gwaii, Robert K. Paterson
Conference Review: Aboriginal Repatriation Extravaganza in Haida Gwaii, Robert K. Paterson
Seizure of Art Objects, Robert K. Paterson
Canadian and Finnish Cultural Property Export Controls as the Basis for a Model Law, Robert K. Paterson and Tore Modeen
Legal Reform in China - Institutions, Culture, and Selective Adaptation, Pitman B. Potter
Reforming Custody Laws: A Comparative Study, Helen Rhoades and Susan B. Boyd
Annual Review of Insolvency Law 2003, Janis Sarra
Contemporary Corporate Theory Applied to the Health Care Sector: A Canadian Perspective, Janis Sarra
Introduction, Janis Sarra
Judicial Exercise of Inherent Jurisdiction under the CCAA, Janis Sarra
Mary Anne Bobinski, Dean of the UBC Faculty of Law, Janis Sarra
Recent Developments in Canadian Corporate Governance in the Wake of U.S. Corporate Scandals, Janis Sarra
Wise People, Fiduciary Obligation and Reviewable Transactions; Directors' Liability to Creditors, Janis Sarra
Strengthening Domestic Corporate Activity in Global Capital Markets: A Canadian Perspective on South Africa's Corporate Governance, Janis P. Sarra
Justice L'Heureux-Dubé and Canadian Sexual Assault Law: Resisting the Privatization of Rape, Elizabeth Sheehy and Christine Boyle
Elizabeth Edinger, Anthony Sheppard
When Race Matters in Sentencing: R. v. Ramsay and R. v. Hamilton, Daniel Song and Christine Boyle
Holding the Line: Borders in a Global World, Ian Townsend-Gault and Heather N. Nicol
Metricizing Research: What Counts Cannot Be Counted, Stephen Wexler
'Marlee Kline Special Issue', Margot Young and Susan B. Boyd
Submissions from 2003
Canadian Constitutional Law, Joel Bakan, Robin Elliot, and et al.
Aboriginal Rights to Repatriation of Cultural Property, Catherine Bell and Robert K. Paterson
Grading Human Rights in the Schoolyard: Jubran v. Board of Trustees, William Black
Public Policy in Private International Law and Its Evolution in Time, Joost Blom
Child Custody, Law, and Women's Work, Susan B. Boyd
From Same-Sex to No Sex? Trends Towards Recognition of (Same-Sex) Relationships in Canada, Susan B. Boyd and Claire F.L. Young
Corporate Assets As a Trust: For Whom Are Corporate Officers Trustees? The Role of Incentives, Ronald Davis
Investor Control of Multi-National Corporations: A Market for Corporate Governance Based on Justice and Fairness?, Ronald Davis
Restructuring Proceedings and Pension Fund Deficits: A Question of Risk and Reward, Ronald Davis
The Enron Pension Jigsaw: Assembling Accountable Corporate Governance by Fiduciaries, Ronald B. Davis
PRACTICE - Expropriation Act - Leave to Appeal, Elizabeth Edinger
Spar Aerospace: A Reconciliation of Morguard with the Traditional Framework for Determining Jurisdiction, Elizabeth Edinger
A Proposed Strategy for the Multilateral Recognition of National Cultural Property: Export Controls, Robert K. Paterson
Is That Carving Stolen: Due Diligence, Robert K. Paterson
Maori Art in New Zealand Law, Robert K. Paterson
Public-Private Partnerships and Trade Agreements: Guidance for Municipalities, Robert K. Paterson
The Sale of the Webster Maori Collection in New Zealand, Robert K. Paterson
Looking Beyond Intellectual Property in Resolving Protection of Intangible Cultural Heritage of Indigenous Peoples, Robert K. Paterson and Dennis S. Karjala
Synchronizing Individual Corporate Self-Interest Goals and Sector Development Responsibilities: The BC Seafood Processing Industry Experience, Kathleen Porter and Joe Weiler
Belief in Control: Regulation of Religion in China, Pitman B. Potter
From Leninist Discipline to Socialist Legalism: Peng Zhen on Law and Political Authority in the PRC, Pitman B. Potter
Globalization and Economic Regulation in China: Selective Adaptation of Globalized Norms and Practices, Pitman B. Potter
Trade and Human Rights Practices in China: Prospects for Canadian Influence, Pitman B. Potter
Corporate Governance in Global Capital Markets - Janis Sarra, ed., Janis Sarra
Creditor Rights and the Public Interest: Restructuring Insolvent Corporations, Janis Sarra
Entre Loup et Chien: Restructuring under Canadian Insolvency Law and Proposals for Legislative Reform, Janis Sarra
Introduction, Janis Sarra
Legislative Reform of the Bankruptcy and Insolvency Act and the CCAA, Janis Sarra
Oversight, Hindsight and Foresight: Canadian Corporate Governance through the Lens of Global Capital Markets, Janis Sarra
Personal Insolvency, Societal Condemnation or Fresh Start, Janis Sarra
Recent Developments in Judicial Review of Arbitration Decisions, Dancing the Two-Step in British Columbia, Janis Sarra
Shareholders as Winners and Losers under the Amended Canada Business Corporations Act, Janis Sarra
The Corporation as Symphony: Are Shareholders First Violin or Second Fiddle?, Janis P. Sarra
Tax Policy, Theoretical Explorations, and Social Realities, Claire Young
Submissions from 2002
Freedom of Expression and the Electoral Process, William Black
Copyright in Databases and Other Compilations of Information under Canadian Law, Joost Blom
Private International Law in a Globalizing Age: The Quiet Canadian Revolution, Joost Blom
Reform of Private International Law by Judges: Canada as a Case Study, Joost Blom
Tort, Contract and the Allocation of Risk, Joost Blom
Charting the Impact of Rights and Equality Discourse on Canadian Family Law, Susan B. Boyd
Who Influences Family Law Reform? Discourses on Motherhood and Fatherhood in Legislative Reform Debates in Canada, Susan B. Boyd and Claire Young
R. v. Law, Christine Boyle
The Criminalization of Young Women: An Editor's Forum, Christine Boyle and et al.
Reasons for Judgment: A Comment on R. v. Sheppard and R. v. Braich, Christine Boyle and Marilyn MacCrimmon
The Bonding Effects of Directors' Statutory Wage Liability: An Interactive Corporate Governance Explanation, Ronald Davis
Charter of Rights and Freedoms, Robin Elliot
The Charter Revolution and the Court Party': Sound Critical Analysis or Blinkered Political Polemic?, Robin Elliot
Justice Behind the Walls: Human Rights in Canadian Prisons, Michael Jackson
The U.S. v. An Antique Platter of Gold, Robert K. Paterson
Guanxi and the PRC Legal System: From Contradiction to Complementarity, Pitman B. Potter
The Evolution of Law in Contemporary China: Challenges for WTO Implementation, Pitman B. Potter
The Freedom of the Seas in History, Law, and Politics, Pitman B. Potter
Corporate Governance in Global Capital Markets, Canadian and International Developments, Janis Sarra
Employee Use of E-Mail and the Internet: An Arbitrator's Perspective, Janis Sarra
Safe Harbours or Unreliable Shoals: Director Incentives to Monitor Corporate Officers, Janis Sarra
Steel, Sulphur and Coal, Update on Debtor in Possession Financing and Priming Liens in CCAA Applications, Janis Sarra
The Gender Implications of Corporate Governance Change, Janis Sarra
Balancing Social and Corporate Culture in the Global Economy: The Evolution of Japanese Corporate Structure and Norms, Janis Sarra and Masafumi Nakahigashi
The Role of Expert Evidence at Arbitration: An Academic Perspective, Anthony Sheppard
Can International Law Contribute to Preventive Diplomacy in Southeast Asia?, Ian Townsend-Gault
Maritime Boundaries in the Arabian Sea, Ian Townsend-Gault
Equality, Freedom and Democracy: Tax Law and the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms, Claire Young
Submissions from 2001
Delays in the Human Rights Process: The Blencoe Case, William Black
Backlash and the Construction of Legal Knowledge: The Case of Child Custody Law, Susan B. Boyd