Includes works of some emeritus faculty of the Peter A. Allard School of Law.


Submissions from 2009

Power, Discretion, and Vulnerability, Justice Wilson and Fiduciary Duty in the Corporate/Commercial Context, Janis Sarra

Restructuring of the Asset-Backed Commercial Paper Market in Canada, Janis Sarra

Strict Construction to Purposive Interpretation, 100 years of Corporate Commercial Law Judgments by the British Columbia Court of Appeal, Janis Sarra


Economic Rehabilitation: Understanding the Growth in Consumer Proposals under Canadian Insolvency Legislation, Janis P. Sarra


Financial Market Destabilization and the Role of Credit Default Swaps: An International Perspective on the SEC's Role Going Forward, Janis P. Sarra


Accessing Insolvent Consumer Debtors, Challenges and Strategies for Empirical Research, Janis P. Sarra and Danielle Sarra

Boundaries, Biodiversity, Resources, and Increasing Maritime Activities: Emerging Oceans Governance Challenges for Canada in the Arctic Ocean, Clive Schofield, Tavis Potts, and Ian Townsend-Gault

Extending the "Baguette": France plays Leap-Frog on behalf of St.Pierre et Miquelon, Ian Townsend-Gault

Hardly Impeccable Behaviour: Confrontations between Foreign Ships and Coastal States in the EEZ, Ian Townsend-Gault

Re-evaluating Aristotle's Problems, Stephen Wexler

The Two Forms of Legal Proof: The Third Standard of Proof and F.H. v. McDougall, Stephen Wexler and Gavin Cameron

Taking Spousal Status into Account for Tax Purposes: The Pitfalls and Penalties, Claire Young


Tax and the Family: The Gendered Impact of Rules that Take Spousal Status into Account for Tax Purposes, Claire F.L. Young

Submissions from 2008

Canadian Cases in Private International Law in 2007-8 / Jurisprudence canadienne en matière de droit international privé en 2007-8, Joost Blom

UBC Law Faculty News, Joost Blom

UBC Law Faculty News, Joost Blom, Elizabeth Edinger, Bruce MacDougall, and Robert K. Paterson

Is Equality Enough? Fathers' Rights and Women's Rights Advocacy, Susan B. Boyd

Rights of Single Moms by Choice Collide with Claims of Genetic Dads, Susan B. Boyd

"First Rate" Fact Finding: Reasonable Inferences in Criminal Trials: A Lecture in Honour of Ivan Cleveland Rand, Christine Boyle

Designing Mediation Systems for Use in Administrative Agencies and Tribunals - The B.C. Human Rights Experience, Philip Bryden and William Black

Democratizing Pension Funds: Corporate Governance and Accountability, Ronald Davis

Back to the Future with Interjurisdictional Immunity: Canadian Western Bank v. Alberta; British Columbia v. Lafarge Canada Inc., Elizabeth Edinger


Interjurisdictional Immunity after Canadian Western Bank and Lafarge Canada Inc.: The Supreme Court Muddies the Doctrinal Waters - Again, Robin Elliot

The 2009 Annotated Bankruptcy and Insolvency Act, Lloyd W. Houlden, Geoffrey B. Morawetz, and Janis P. Sarra

Administrative Tribunal of Rouen, Decision No. 702737, December 27, 2007 (Maori Head Case), Editorial Notes, Robert K. Paterson

Claiming Material Culture: Human Rights, Property Rights and Crimes Against Humanity, Robert K. Paterson

Report on Cultural Heritage Law, Robert K. Paterson

Contract Law, Pitman B. Potter

Globalization and Business Regulation in Local Context, Pitman B. Potter

Taxation of Individuals, Pitman B. Potter

Annual Review of Insolvency Law 2007, Janis Sarra

Canada, Janis Sarra

Corporate Group Insolvencies: Seeing the Forest and the Trees, Janis Sarra

Employee and Pension Claims During Company Insolvency: A Comparative Study of 62 Jurisdictions, Janis Sarra

Introduction, Janis Sarra

Maidum's Challenge, Legal and Governance Issues in Dealing With Cross-Border Business Enterprise Group Insolvencies, Janis Sarra

Risk Allocation and Efficient Administration: System Design and Adherence to First Principles in Treatment of Securities Claims in Insolvency Proceedings, Janis Sarra

Widening the Insolvency Lens: The Treatment of Employee Claims, Janis Sarra

Selecting the Judicial Tool to get the Job Done: An Examination of Statutory Interpretation, Discretionary Power and Inherent Jurisdiction in Insolvency Matters, Janis Sarra and Georgina R. Jackson


Credit Derivatives Market Design, Creating Fairness and Sustainability, Janis P. Sarra


Proportionate Securities Regulation: The Potential for Scaled Treatment of Junior Issuers, Janis P. Sarra


Mandatory Retirement: Termination at 65 is Ended, But Exceptions Linger on, Anthony F. Sheppard

Fixture Postponed: The Iran Stand-down, Ian Townsend-Gault

Fixture Postponed: The Iran Stand-down, Ian Townsend-Gault

"Jolly Roger" No Longer - The Menace of Modern Piracy, Ian Townsend-Gault

R2P and Burma: If Not Now, When?, Ian Townsend-Gault

War Crimes Choices, Ian Townsend-Gault

2010 Olympics: Aiming for Sustainable Development, Joseph Weiler and Arun Mohan

The Collaborative Tales: Exploring the Role of Public Engagement in Achieving Sustainable Development within the Olympic Movement, Joseph Weiler and Arun Mohan

Submissions from 2007

Canadian Cases in Private International Law in 2006-7 / Jurisprudence canadienne en matière de droit international privéen 2006-7, Joost Blom

Collaborating on Family Law Reform, Susan B. Boyd

Contradictions and Challenges in Canadian Family Law, Susan B. Boyd


Gendering Legal Parenthood: Bio-Genetic Ties, Intentionality and Responsibility, Susan B. Boyd

UBC Law Faculty News: Celebrating the 10th Anniversary of the UBC Centre for Feminist Legal Studies, Susan B. Boyd

Editorial, Susan B. Boyd and Kim Brooks

Special Issue, Susan B. Boyd and Kim Brooks

Feminism, Fathers' Rights, and Family Catastrophes: Parliamentary Discourse on Post-Separation Parenting, 1966-2003, Susan B. Boyd and Claire Young

A Principled Approach to Relevance: The Cheshire Cat in Canada, Christine Boyle

The Basic Concepts of the Law of Evidence, Christine Boyle

Feminism, Law, and Social Change: An Overview, Dorothy E. Chunn, Susan B. Boyd, and Hester Hester Lessard

Reaction and Resistance: Feminism, Law, and Social Change, Dorothy E. Chunn, Susan B. Boyd, and Hester Hester Lessard

Protecting the Pension Fund, Ronald Davis

The Way Forward: Policy Implications of the Supreme Court Decision in TCT Logistics, Ronald Davis

Conflict of Laws in Estate Administration, Elizabeth Edinger and Peter Ramsay

The Rule of Law in Canada, R.M. Elliot


Safeguarding Provincial Autonomy from the Supreme Court's New Federal Paramountcy Doctrine: A Constructive Role for the Intention to Cover the Field Test?, Robin Elliot

Labour Dispute Resolution and Freedom of Association in Canada Today, M.A. Hickling

The 2008 Annotated Bankruptcy and Insolvency Act, Lloyd W. Houlden, Geoffrey B. Morawetz, and Janis Sarra

Welcome Address, Darlene Johnston

Credit Derivatives in Canadian Insolvency Proceedings: 'The Devil Will Be in the Details', Elizabeth Murphy, Janis Sarra, and Michael Creber


Totems and Teapots: The Royal British Columbia Museum Corporation, Robert K. Paterson

China and the International Legal System: Challenges of Participation, Pitman B. Potter

History in the Making: The Dalai Lama Dialogues in Vancouver 2004, Pitman B. Potter

Jingji Guanli Guifan De Xuanzexing Shiyong: Dangdi Yujing Xia De Touming Zhidu He Zizhiquan Yuanze (Selective Adaptation of Economic Governance Norms: Transparency and Autonomy in Local Context), Pitman B. Potter

Selective Adaptation and Institutional Capacity: Approaches to Understanding Reception of International Law under Conditions of Globalization,, Pitman B. Potter

Theoretical and Conceptual Perspectives on the Periphery in Contemporary China, Pitman B. Potter

An Investigation into Employee Wage and Pension Claims in Insolvency Proceedings across Multiple Jurisdictions: Preliminary Observations, Janis Sarra

Annual Review of Insolvency Law 2006, Janis Sarra

Are Licences or Rights Derived from Licences Personal Property Realizable in Bankruptcy?, Janis Sarra

Brazil Modernizes Its Insolvency Law, Janis Sarra

Calpine Energy Ltd., Janis Sarra

Crossing the Finish Line: the Potential Impact on Business Rescue of Adoption of new Cross-Border Insolvency Provisions, Janis Sarra

Delaware Supreme Court Finds that Directors Owe No Fiduciary Duty to Creditors on Insolvency, Janis Sarra

Disclosure as a Public Policy Instrument in Global Capital Markets (part of International Academy of Commercial and Consumer Law: Changing Law for Changing Times, 13th Biennial Meeting), Janis Sarra

From Subordination to Parity: An International Comparison of Equity Securities Law Claims in Insolvency Proceedings, Janis Sarra

Growing Old Gracefully: An Empirical Investigation into Elderly Bankrupt Canadians, Janis Sarra

Introduction, Janis Sarra

Judicial Discretion, Janis Sarra

Judicial Discretion, Janis Sarra

North American Catholic & Educational Programming Foundation Inc., Janis Sarra

Northern Lights, Canada's Version of the UNCITRAL Model Law on Cross-Border Insolvency, Janis Sarra

Rescue!: The Companies' Creditors Arrangement Act, Janis Sarra

Analysis of Factors Leading to Insolvency and Restructuring and Their Effects on Pension Plan Wind-ups and Closures, Janis Sarra and Ronald Davis


The Supreme Court of Canada Crumbles Mr. Christie's Cookie, Anthony F. Sheppard

Balkanization Complete? Kosovo and Statehood, Ian Townsend-Gault

Not a Carve-up: Canada, Sovereignty, and the Arctic Ocean, Ian Townsend-Gault

Pundits Ten a Penny: When Can We Trust International Commentators?, Ian Townsend-Gault

How Did Aristotle Get It Wrong About Women and Slaves?, Stephen Wexler

Legal Proof and Tort Law, Stephen Wexler

Some Further Reflections on Poor People and Law, Stephen Wexler