Includes works of current faculty, emeritus faculty, in memoriam faculty and faculty on leave of the Peter A. Allard School of Law.


Submissions from 2011

Canadian Cases in Private International Law in 2011 / Jurisprudence canadienne en matière de droit international privé en 2011, Joost Blom

Challenge of Jurisdiction: Van Breda v. Village Resorts Ltd. and Black v. Breeden, Joost Blom

Star Wars Storm Troopers, the Next Episode: Lucasfilm in the United Kingdom Supreme Court, Joost Blom

Report on Proposals for Unfair Contracts Relief, Joost Blom and et al.

Motherhood and Autonomy in a Shared Parenting Climate, Susan B. Boyd


No Presumptions! Joint Custody in the British Columbia Court of Appeal, Susan B. Boyd

Relocation, Indeterminacy, and Burden of Proof: Lessons from Canada, Susan B. Boyd


Spaces and Challenges: Feminism in Legal Academia, Susan B. Boyd

Out in the Cold: Schreyer v Schreyer's Call for Law Reform, Susan B. Boyd and Janis Sarra

A Human Right to Group Self-Identification? Reflections on Nixon v. Vancouver Rape Relief, Christine Boyle and et al.


Indigeneity and Sovereignty in Canada's Far North: The Arctic and Inuit Sovereignty, Gordon Christie


China: A New (Furtive) Approach to Taxing International Transportation Income, Wei Cui


Fiscal Federalism in Chinese Taxation, Wei Cui

Learning to Keep the Consumption Tax Base Broad: Australian and Chinese VAT Design for the Housing Sector, Wei Cui

The Rule of Law in Chinese Tax Administration, Wei Cui


Two Paths for Developing Anti-Avoidance Rules, Wei Cui


What is the 'Law' in Chinese Tax Administration?, Wei Cui


The Tax Consequences of Corporate Reorganisations in China, Wei Cui and Richard Krever

Murder, Medicine and Motherhood, Emma Cunliffe

Illegal Migration and Sovereign Resistance, Catherine Dauvergne

Balancing Competence and Representation: Trustees and Fiduciaries in the Era of Financial Engineering, Ronald Davis

Commentary: Two Comments on Re Indalex Limited, Ronald Davis

Time to Pay the Piper: Pension Risk Sharing, Intergenerational Equity and Dissonance with the Conceptual Paradigm of Insolvency Law in Canada, Ronald Davis


Is Your Defined-Benefit Pension Guaranteed?: Funding Rules, Insolvency Law and Pension Insurance, Ronald B. Davis

Canada: Tax Treaty Interpretation and the Residence of a Hybrid Entity, David G. Duff

SCC gets opportunity to clarify GAAR, David G. Duff

Is Duke v. Andler Still Good Law in Common Law Canada?, Elizabeth Edinger

Problem of Parallel Actions: The Softer Alternative, Elizabeth Edinger

The Recent Evolution of Equitable Collection Remedies, Elizabeth Edinger

Back to Basics: A Critical Look at the Irwin Toy Framework for Freedom of Expression, Robin Elliot

Quebec (Attorney General) v. Lacombe and Quebec (Attorney General) v. C.O.P.A.: Ancillary Powers, Interjurisdictional Immunity and 'The Local Interest in Land Use Planning against the National Interest in a Unified System of Aviation Navigat, Robin Elliot

Tragic Incommensurability and Legal Judgment, Julen Etxabe

What do the Poets Know about Democracy: A Case Study in Law and Literature, Julen Etxabe


Macro- and Micro-Level Effects on Responsive Financial Regulation, Cristie Ford


Responsive Regulation in Context, Circa 2011, Cristie Ford and Natasha Affolder


Introduction to 'New Governance and the Business Organization', Cristie Ford and Mary Condon


Corporate Monitorships and New Governance Regulation: In Theory, in Practice, and in Context, Cristie Ford and David Hess

Corporate Monitorships and New Governance Regulation: In Theory, in Practice, and in Context, Cristie Ford and David Hess

Comparative Hate Speech Law: Memorandum (Research Prepared for the Legal Resources Centre, South Africa), Sandra Fredman, Liora Lazarus, Chris McConnachie, and et al.


Sentencing Circles, Clashing Worldviews, and the Case of Christopher Pauchay, Toby S. Goldbach


The Prosecution of Non-Disclosure of HIV in Canada: Time to Rethink Cuerrier, Isabel Grant

Book Review of Rights of Passage: Sidewalks and the Regulation of Public Flow, Douglas C. Harris

Condominium and the City: The Rise of Property in Vancouver, Douglas C. Harris

The Acceleration of Israeli Legal Pluralism: The Rise of the New Religious-Zionist Halachic Private Law Courts, Adam S. Hofri-Winogradow

The 2012 Annotated Bankruptcy and Insolvency Act, Lloyd W. Houlden, Geoffrey B. Morawetz, and Janis Sarra

Supplementary Comparative Research on the Use of Secret Evidence in the United States (Research Paper Prepared for the Joint Committee on Human Rights), Alecia Johns, Hayley Hooper, and Liora Lazarus

The Growing Culture of Exclusion: Trends in Canadian Refugee Exclusions, Asha Kaushal and Catherine Dauvergne

Towards a Civic Republican Theory of Canadian Constitutional Law, Hoi Kong

The Composition of the UK Bill of Rights Commission, Liora Lazarus

Reconciling Domestic Superior Courts with the ECHR and the ECtHR: A Comparative Perspective (Submission to the Commission on a Bill of Rights), Liora Lazarus and et al.

The Evolution of Fundamental Rights Charters and Case Law: A Comparison of the United Nations, Council of Europe and European Union Systems of Human Rights Protection, Liora Lazarus and et al.

The Use of Secret Evidence in Judicial Proceedings: A Comparative Survey, Liora Lazarus and et al.

Foreword: Eureka! Discovering Gold in a Leaden World, Michelle LeBaron


Corporate Governance Reform for the 21st Century: A Critical Reassessment of the Shareholder Primacy Model, Carol Liao


We are the (National) Champions: Understanding the Mechanisms of State Capitalism in China, Li-Wen Lin and Curtis J. Milhaupt


The Direct Voice in Legal Discussions on Equality: An Essay, Bruce MacDougall


Constitutional Precedents in Japan: A Comment on the Role of Precedent, Shigenori Matsui

Justice for the Accused or Justice for Victims?: The Protection of Victims' Rights in Japan, Shigenori Matsui


Why is the Japanese Supreme Court so Conservative?, Shigenori Matsui

The Justice System, Debra Parkes

The Rand Formula Revisited: Union Security in the Charter Era, Debra Parkes


Political Protest, Mass Arrests, and Mass Detention: Fundamental Freedoms and (Un)Common Criminals, Debra Parkes and Meaghan Daniel

Impacting Public Policy, Benjamin Perrin

Invisible Chains: Canada's Underground World of Human Trafficking, Benjamin Perrin


Migrant Smuggling: Canada's Response to a Global Criminal Enterprise: With an Assessment of the Preventing Human Smugglers from Abusing Canada's Immigration System Act (Bill C-4), Benjamin Perrin

Trafficking in Persons and Transit Countries: A Canada-U.S. Case Study in Global Perspective, Benjamin Perrin

Written Submission on the Safe Streets and Communities Act (Bill C-10 - The Safe Streets and Communities Act): Brief to the House of Commons Standing Committee on Justice and Human Rights (October 13, 2011), Benjamin Perrin

Planning for Housing Requirements, Ngai Pindell

4 June and Charter 08: Approaches to Remonstrance, Pitman B. Potter

Comment: People's Republic of China Provisional Regulations on Art Import and Export Administration, Pitman B. Potter

Coordinating Corporate Governance and Corporate Social Responsibility, Pitman B. Potter

Introduction: Selective Adaptation, Institutional Capacity, and the Reception of International Law under Conditions, Pitman B. Potter

Selective Adaptation of Economic Governance Norms in China: Transparency and Autonomy in Local Context, Pitman B. Potter


Introduction: Changing Dimensions of the Canada-China Relations, Pitman B. Potter and Thomas Adams

Globalization and Local Adaptation in International Trade Law, Pitman B. Potter and Ljiljana Biuković


Protecting Information Privacy, Charles D. Raab and Benjamin J. Goold

Building Informal Workers Agenda: Imagining 'Informal Employment' in Conceptual Resolution of 'Informality', Supriya Routh

Experimental Learning through Community Lawyering: A Proposal for Indian Legal Education, Supriya Routh

The Judiciary and (Labour) Law in the Development Discourse in India, Supriya Routh


A Cooperative Conundrum? The NAALC and Mexican Migrant Workers in the United States, Robert Russo


Temporarily Unchained: The Drive to Unionize Foreign Seasonal Agricultural Workers in Canada – A Comment on Greenway Farms and UFCW, Robert Russo

Annual Review of Insolvency Law 2010, Janis Sarra

A Voice for Many: Margaret Philp, Journalist, Janis Sarra

Financing Insolvency Restructurings in the Wake of the Financial Crisis: Stalking Horses, Rogue White Knights and Circling Vultures, Janis Sarra

Manoeuvring through the Insolvency Maze - Shifting Stakeholder Identities and Implications for CCAA Restructurings, Janis Sarra

New Governance, Old Norms, and the Potential for Corporate Governance Reform, Janis Sarra

Southward Bound: Preliminary Evidence on Experience with Chapter 15 of the U.S. Bankruptcy Code, Janis Sarra

The Evolution of the Companies' Creditors Arrangement Act in Light of Recent Developments, Janis Sarra

Assuring the Future: Reform of the Insolvency Framework for Insurance Companies and other Financial Institutions under the Canadian Winding-up and Restructuring Act, Janis Sarra and Gordon Dunning


At What Cost? Access to Consumer Credit in a Post-Financial Crisis Canada, Janis P. Sarra


Prudential, Pragmatic and Prescient, Reform of Bank Resolution Schemes, Janis P. Sarra


Risk Management, Responsive Regulation, and Oversight of Structured Financial Product Markets, Janis P. Sarra

Of Parallels and Meridians: Implications of Barents Sea Dispute Resolution for the Beaufort Sea, Clive Schofield and Ian Townsend-Gault

Multiculturalism, Colonialism, and Racialization: Conceptual Starting Points, Jennifer S. Simpson,; Carl E. James; and Johnny Mack

A Tainted Trade? Moral Ambivalence and Legitimation Work in the Private Security Industry, Angélica Thumala, Benjamin J. Goold, and Ian Loader

Terrorist Asset-Freezing: Continuing Flaws in the Current Scheme, Adam Tomkins, Helen Fenwick, and Liora Lazarus

Vancouver Green Capital: Branding the Host City of the Olympic Games, Joseph Weiler and Patrick Weiler

Looking At Things Differently Changes What You See, Stephen Wexler

Aristotle, Anomaly and Legal Theory, Stephen Wexler Wexler


Four Varieties of Social Responsibility: Making Sense of the 'Sphere of Influence' and 'Leverage' Debate Via the Case of ISO 26000, Stepan Wood