Theses/Dissertations from 2009
Re-examining the hostile takeover, Ke Ren
New directions for environmental impairment liability insurance in Canada, Larry A. Reynolds
Building open cultures : the Commons in a digitally networked environment, Lutz Riede
Performance under pressure: the impact of coercive authority upon consent to treatment for sex offenders, Jeremy Rigg
The ’dangerousness’ provisions of the criminal justice act 1991: a risk discourse?, Keith Liam Hamilton Robinson
Rape of the world: an ecofeminist critique of international environmental law, Annie Rochette
Forfeiting legal fees with proceeds of crime: the ability of accused persons to pay ’reasonable legal fees’ out of alleged proceeds of crime, Gregory John Rose
Exclusive distribution agreements and competition law : an analysis, Raffaella Russi
Popular trials/criminal fictions/celebrity feminism and the Bernardo/Homolka case, Mehera Rose San Roque
Application of the right of reproduction to the internet : should browsing be considered copyright infringement?, Marta Catherine Sawicki
The trouble with islands, Clive Howard Schofield
The protection of the online consumer through online dispute resolution and other models of redress, Ulrich Schulze Suedhoff
Jurisdictional review: an error of jurisdiction or jurisprudence?, Naomi Elizabeth Sidebotham
Exotic others : gender and refugee law in Canada, Australia and the United States, Gabrielle Anne Simm
Chinese migrant children and Canadian migration law, Banafsheh Sokhansanj
Contested rights in cyberspace, Longmei Song
Internet and human rights, Miriam Starkl-Moser
The Metis aboriginal rights revolution, Mark L. Stevenson
An effective reparations regime for the international criminal court, Fenner L. Stewart
Economics and the equitable utilization of transboundary freshwater, Katherine Jane Stoeckel
The enforcement of foreign judgments and foreign public law, Felix D. Strebel
Developing countries and the international copyright regime : the neglected issue of cultural survival, Mira T. Sundara Rajan
The recognition and scope of indigenous fishing, hunting and gathering rights at commom law in Australia, Desmond Sweeney
Insuring against future climate change : the use of mandatory catastrophe risk insurance and microinsurance to promote mitigation and adaptation, Anastasia M. Telesetsky
Neural networks for legal quantum prediction, Andrew J. Terrett
The new Canada-U.S. tax treaty and the limitation on benefits provision: a justifiable compromise?, Tom Theodorakis
Nabbing the devil : practical considerations in the use of armed force in the apprehension and arrest of persons indicted for war crimes, Gordon Thomson
Criminalizing pleasure: cannabis prohibition in Canada, Kierk I. Tousaw
The general anti-avoidance rule: has it changed the face of tax avoidance?, Janie Tremblay
A comparison of minority shareholders’ remedies in British Columbia and Bhutan, Norbu Tshering
Climate change plan for Canada : tax policy and the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions, Erin McEachern Tully
Appropriating the tools of research : patent law and biotechnology, William Victor Tuomi
Opening the club - a liberal approach to private participation in the World Trade Organization's dispute settlement system, Dierk Ullrich
Who guards the borders of ’gay’? : an examination of the implications of the extension of ’spousal’ status to queer people who experience multiple oppression, Wayne Van der Meide
Restorative principles in the criminal justice system: alternatives for satisfying justice?, Jobine Van't Westeinde
Combating international terrorism : a study of whether the responses by the UK and US to the events of 9/11 are compatible with respect for fundamental human rights, Paul M.A. Walewski
Bringing water to the land : re-cognize-ing indigenous oral traditions and the laws embodied within them, Ardith Alison Walkem
Admissibility of novel scientific opinion : unusual bedfellows and interdisciplinary stories, Albert Samuel Wallrap
E-commerce in China, Chunyan Wang
Reforming the Chinese state-owned enterprise a law and economics perspective, Feihong Wang
International patent rights under the TRIPs Agreement : the road to a more equitable international regime of patent rights, Benjamin Charles Warren
The drug court : A miracle or the healer's hand?, Suzanne Nicola Webb
NAFTA, Mexico & Metalclad : subtitle understanding the normative framework of international trade law, Suzanne M. Wilkinson
A policy analysis of waste management legislation in Canada and Germany with a focus on the polluter pays principle, Christel Willenbrock
Court mediation in China : time for reform, Jianhong Xin
Regulating hate propaganda in Japan : Canadian hate regulation and Japanese minorities, Yōko Yamamoto
The reorganization of insolvent business : a functional comparison of the Canadian and American models, Keith D. Yamauchi
The law with two faces, Bonny F. Yang
Securities regulation in China : a study of its path to market economy, Xusheng Yang
Awakening sleeping beauty : reviving lost memories and discourses to revoke corporate charters, Gil Yaron
Internationalization of Chinese patent law and practice, Linan Yu
Homoerotica & homophobia : hatred, pornography, and the politics of speech regulation, Aleardo Zanghellini
Antidumping and competition : the case of China, Hang Zeng
Foreign-related commercial disputes resolution in China after WTO, Jida Zhang
International arbitral jurisdiction, Yulin Zhang
Trade and environmental protection within the World Trade Organization framework, Yun Zhu
Plea bargaining : a comparative study of Austrian and Canadian law, Vera Ziegelwanger
Theses/Dissertations from 2008
All I’m asking for is a little respect: equality rights and same-sex spousal benefits, Nancy K. Banks
Liberal environmentalism and the international law of hazardous chemicals, Paula Barrios
International trade and legal modernization: effects of Mexico’s membership in the North American Free Trade Agreement, Armando F. Beteta
Prolegomena to a postmodern theory of law, Murray J. Braithwaite
Thailand and international law, Wayne Douglas Burns
Control of land-based marine pollution in Southeast Asia : a legal perspective, Tong Cai
Prometheus unbound : towards the more precise proscription of the socially undesirable market conduct associated with dominance, Craig Grierson Colvin
Norm evolution without the state : an examination of the unique nature of commercial law, Bryan Howard Druzin
The legal fact as a work of art : artificial intelligence and the pragmatics of legal interpretation, Richard Charles Edwards
Pollution control, administrative discretion and science: a journey through the maze of environmental law, Caroline K.H. Findlay
Regulations and their review in the People’s Republic of China, Anke Frankenberger
Hate crime law & social contention : a comparison of nongovernmental knowledge practices in Canada & the United States, Bernard P. Haggerty
Legal, economic, and industrial relations considerations in workforce integrations following corporate mergers, Fraser Douglas Hodge
Sexual assault: public debate and criminal law reform, Jessie J. Horner
The diversity and evolution of competition : an ideal proposed for regulatory design, Michael Peter Ilg
The legality of the new industrial relations, Eugene Christopher Jamieson
Transforming law's family: the legal recognition of planned lesbian families, Fiona Jane Kelly
"Environmental law" or "development law"? : deconstructing liberal guilt, Geoffrey W.G. Leane
Comparative studies on the financial holding company laws and practices in the U.S. and Taiwan, Hsiang Hsiang - Hui Emily Lee
Women workers in export processing zones in Asia : a political economy perspective, Miyako Nakamura
Sexist implications of law’s fidelity to science and reason, Christopher J. Nowlin
The European communities and African, Caribbean and Pacific (ACP) countries : political, economic and legal effects of the single European act 1986 on post-1992 economic relations, Adesuwa Nore Omonuwa
Legal controls of corporate management in Japan : comparisons with common law jurisdictions, Kuniko Oyama
The role of a board of directors in responding to an unsolicited takeover bid, Mark W.J. Rankin
Inter-American human rights protection: how methods and rules of interpretation are framed, Florian Reindel
Penalizing corporations for environmental offences : a comparative study of the Canadian experience and the Finnish law proposal, Marja Kristiina Riihijärvi
Coming out of hibernation : the Canadian public trust doctrine, Kate Penelope Smallwood
Crown-aboriginal fiduciary relationships : false optimism or realistic expectations?, Patrick Walker
The Role of law and policy in the offshore petroleum development of China, Kelei Xin
A Non-market economy’s admission to the General Agreement of Tariffs and Trade: China’s unique situation, Yibing Yan
A Comparative study of the contract remedy systems between Anglo-American law and Chinese law, Li Yin