Most Recent Additions*
Testing Our Faith: Why It Is Important to Study the Complexity of Client Experiences in Family Dispute Resolution
Heather Heavin, Brea Lowenberger, and Michaela Keet
Intersecting Abuse of People and Animals in Practice: Implications of the Connection Between Intimate Partner Violence and Animal Abuse for Family Justice Professionals
Amy Fitzgerald, Valerie Monckton, Kerri Thomson, and Kendra Coulter
Confronting Modern Disaster? British Columbia’s New Emergency and Disaster Management Act
Jocelyn Stacey
Three Stages of Criminal Justice Remedies
Terry Skolnik
Aboriginal Title Claims to Private Lands in Quebec
Ghislain Otis
The Long Unwind: British Columbia Court of Appeal Litigation Activity 1995–2022
Donald J. Netolitzky
The Two Faces of Canadian Diplomacy: A Case Study and a Legal Analysis
Charlotte Connolly and Charis Kamphuis
Myths, Stereotypes, and the Problem of Probative Value: Revisiting the Admissibility of Criminal Record Evidence
Michelle Biddulph
The Future of Warfare: National Positions on the Governance of Lethal Autonomous Weapons Systems
Benjamin Perrin and Masoud Zamani
Right to health and infectious diseases : the role of a constitutional right to health in Bangladesh, Ireland, and South Africa
Ahmed Ragib Chowdhury
Rethinking the Antarctic governance and legal framework through the creation of an international legal framework for mining operations in Antarctica
Samuel B. Adeniji
Volumetric Subdivision and the Architectures of Property
Douglas C. Harris
*Updated as of 03/13/25.