Canadian Journal of Family Law
First Page
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This article details the profound challenges experienced by victims of family violence seeking to access child support. Survivors face physical, mental, and financial barriers to obtaining support. Despite its recognition as the “right of the child,” many survivors forego an application for support altogether. For those victims who bravely attempt to make a claim, they generally confront further abuse and disempowerment within the adversarial litigation process. They often face an overwhelming power imbalance in negotiation, undermining their psychological and financial well-being. If survivors obtain an agreement or order for child support, child support regularly goes unpaid. Given the flaws in this process, the article considers alternative approaches to the payment of child support. A transformation of child support is required to advance substantive equality and children’s best interests.
Recommended Citation
Joanna Radbord,
"Worthless? Victims of Family Violence and the (Non)Payment of Child Support"
Can J Fam L