Content Posted in 2024
Vulnerability and Discretion: Mental Health and Humanitarian and Compassionate Applications, Letty Condon
Vulnerability, Canadian Disaster Law, and the Beast, Jocelyn Stacey
Wage and Benefit Claims in Employer Insolvencies, Ronald Davis and Stephen Tatrallyay
Walking the Line: Canada's Response to Child Custody Law Reform Discourses, Susan B. Boyd
Wanton Destruction not Justified by Military Necessity, Allard School of Law at the University of British Columbia G. Stewart
War Crimes and Asylum in Canada: Reflections on the Ezokola Decision and the Barriers Courts Face in Protecting Refugees, Catherine Dauvergne
War Crimes Choices, Ian Townsend-Gault
Watching the Watchers: Conducting Ethnographic Research on Covert Police Investigation in the United Kingdom, Shane Mac Mac Giollabhuí, Benjamin J. Goold, and Bethan Loftus
Weak Currency Borrowings and the General Anti-Avoidance Rule in Canada: From Shell Canada to Canadian Pacific, David G. Duff
Wealth Tax Proposals: Distributional Impacts and Revenue Potential, James B. Davies and David G. Duff
Welcome Address, Darlene Johnston
'Welcoming the World to Vancouver': Temporary Foreign Workers on the Canada Line Construction Project, Janine Benedet
Western Development and Socio-Economic Change in China, Pitman B. Potter and Du Fachun
WGAD & Assange, Liora Lazarus
What Counts Cannot Be Counted, Stephen Wexler
What Does China Want From International Tax Reform?, Wei Cui
What do the Poets Know about Democracy: A Case Study in Law and Literature, Julen Etxabe
What Have We Learned? Lessons from Wrongful Convictions in Canada, Emma Cunliffe and Gary Edmond
What Is a 'Normal' Family>? C v. C (a Minor) (Custody: Appeal), Susan B. Boyd
What Meaning in a Right to Strike? Medreleaf and the Future of the Agricultural Employees Protection Act, Bethany Hastie and Alex Farrant
What Moves Us: Dance and Neuroscience Implications for Conflict Approaches, Emily Beausoleil and Michelle LeBaron
What People Want, What They Get and the Administrative State, Cristie Ford
What Should We Talk About When Talking About Tax Incentives and FDI?, Wei Cui
What's Sex Got to Do With It? Tax and the Family in Canada, Claire Young
When Is It Fair to Break Promises? Illuminating Promissory Estoppel's Inequity Requirement, Marcus Moore
When Race Matters in Sentencing: R. v. Ramsay and R. v. Hamilton, Daniel Song and Christine Boyle
When Should Publicly Owned Land Be Considered Private in Homeless Encampment Cases? A Critique of Recent Developments, Stepan Wood
Where the Sidewalk Ends: The Governance of Waterfront Toronto's Sidewalk Labs Deal, Alexandra Flynn and Mariana Valverde
Whither Choice of Law? A Look at Canada and Australia, Joost Blom
W(h)ither Feminism? The Department of Justice Public Discussion Paper on Custody and Access, Susan B. Boyd
Whither the Body? Form, Flexibility and Fairness in Conflict Intervention, Michelle LeBaron
Who Are the Important Actors in Shaping the Good Governance, Transparency, and Accountability Principles?, Sarah Biddulph and Ljiljana Biuković
Who Influences Family Law Reform? Discourses on Motherhood and Fatherhood in Legislative Reform Debates in Canada, Susan B. Boyd and Claire Young
Who is Afraid of the Digital Services Tax?, Wei Cui
Who Makes Decisions over Aboriginal Title Lands?, Gordon Christie
Who Owns Santa's Workshop: A Second Contestant Enters the 'Race for the Arctic', Ian Townsend-Gault and Clive Schofield
Why Legal Transplants?, Toby S. Goldbach
Why Restrain Alienation of Indigenous Lands
Why Rights Now? Law and Desperation, Margot Young
Why Sinclair ignores the realities of police interrogation, Goold, Ben
Why the Foreign Matters in Foreign Affairs: Cultural Understanding in Policy Processes, Michelle LeBaron and Jarle Crocker
Why the right to counsel should extend to interrogations, Benjamin J. Goold
Widening the Insolvency Lens: The Treatment of Employee Claims, Janis Sarra
Willis, 'Theology,' and the Rule of Law, Mary Liston
Will new global tax co-operation benefit the world?, Wei Cui
Will Partnership Law Be Worth It?, Wei Cui
Will Partnership Law Be Worth It?, Wei Cui
Windows on Diversity: Lawyers, Culture, and Mediation Practice, Michelle LeBaron and Zena D. Zumeta
Wind Power in Canada, David G. Duff and Andrew J. Green
Wise People, Fiduciary Obligation and Reviewable Transactions; Directors' Liability to Creditors, Janis Sarra
With Great(er) Power Comes Great(er) Responsibility: Indigenous Rights and Municipal Autonomy, Alexandra Flynn
Without Fear or Favour? Trends and Possibilities in the Canadian Approach to Expert Human Behaviour Evidence, Emma Cunliffe
Women and Child Homicide: Exploring the Role of Stereotypes about Gender, Race, and Poverty in Contemporary Canadian Cases, Emma Cunliffe
Women and Wrongful Convictions: Concepts and Challenges, Debra Parkes and Emma Cunliffe
Women Awake: Gender and Commemoration in Contemporary Ireland, Michelle LeBaron
Women Awake. Gender and Commemoration in Contemporary Ireland, Michelle LeBaron
Women in BC: Human Rights Under Attack: Submission of The Poverty And Human Rights Centre to the United Nations Committee on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights on the Occasion of the Consideration of Canada's Fourth and Fifth Reports on the Implementati, Margot Young and Shelagh Day
Women's Civil and Political Rights in Canada 2005: Submission of The Canadian Feminist Alliance for International Action to the United Nations Human Rights Committee on the Occasion of its Review of Canada's 5th Report on Compliance with the International, Shelagh Day, Margot Young, and Lisa Phillips
Women's Inequality in Canada: Submission of the Canadian Feminist Alliance for International Action to the United Nations Committee on the Elimination of Discrimination Against Women on the Occasion of the Committee's Review of Canada's 6th and 7th Report, Shelagh Day, Margot Young, and Aileen Smith
Women's Work and a Guaranteed Income, Margot Young
Workers and Competition Law in India Workers' Associations Are Mostly Not Cartels, Supriya Routh
Workers and the Global Informal Economy: Interdisciplinary Perspectives, Supriya Routh
Workplace Sexual Harassment and the "Unwelcome" Requirement: An Analysis of BC Human Rights Tribunal Decisions from 2010 to 2016, Bethany Hastie
Writing a Cultural History of Law in Antiquity, Julen Etxabe
Wrong Attitude toward Drunk Driving - Insurance Corporation of British Columbia v. Casey, Stephen Wexler
WSÃNEĆ Legal Theory and the Fuel Spill at SELEKTEL (Goldstream River), Robert Clifford YELKATŦE
Youth Protection Bill and Freedom of Expression, Shigenori Matsui
Zionist Settlers and the English Private Trust in Mandate Palestine, Adam S. Hofri-Winogradow
Zionist Settlers and the English Private Trust in Mandate Palestine, Adam S. Hofri-Winogradow
Zoning Law and Administration in the United States of America and the Republic of South Africa, Dennis Pavlich
Zoning Law and Administration in the United States of America and the Republic of South Africa, Dennis Pavlich
Zoning Law and Administration in the United States of America and the Republic of South Africa, Dennis Pavlich
Zoning Law and Administration in the United States of America and the Republic of South Africa, Dennis Pavlich
《国际税收协定面临的新谜题》,《税务与经济》, Wei Cui
《数字服务税:一种概念上的辩护》, Wei Cui
《数字服务税:对于向地域性特殊租征收的一种税》, Wei Cui
行将实施的数字服务税 The Digital Services Tax on the Verge of Implementation, Wei Cui, Qichao Liu, and Chang Xiao
论数字服务税相比于“显著数字存在”提案的优势, Wei Cui